The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 131: The King His Majesty

Chapter 131: The King His Majesty

The King His Majesty . . .

The once dignified generals, who had appeared composed just moments ago, now found themselves in a different state altogether. They shed their decorum, unbuttoning their collars and discarding their shirts, revealing sweat-slicked, muscular torsos. Their voices boomed with a mixture of alcohol-induced bravado and camaraderie, their necks flushed with excitement.

Politeness had given way to unabashed vulgarity. Profanities flowed freely from their mouths, subjecting their ancestors and parents to a verbal barrage that would have left the most seasoned of soldiers blushing. It seemed they shouted derogatory words at anyone within earshot, only to lift their bottles and down the fiery liquor without a care.

And then, as if on cue, one of them might interject, "Nice!"

"Nice your idiotic rear end!"

Another would retort, sparking a fresh round of creative insults. Afterward, they'd share another raucous round of drinks before seeking out new targets. With so many participants, it was easy to pick a quarrel and start anew.

Their conversations meandered through the entirety of human experience, traversing seas and lands, north and south, heaven and earth. They reminisced about past adventures and current relationships, weaving tales of the bizarre and recounting encounters with eccentric individuals. It seemed there was no subject off-limits in their spirited discussions.

Many among them had faced the very enemy they were about to confront in the upcoming battle, and they took this opportunity to regale their comrades with war stories. As one spoke, the others listened with rapt attention, fully aware that these discussions were no time for drunkenness.

The speaker shared his experiences with meticulous precision, and the listeners absorbed every detail with the diligence of scholars. These tales were not just stories but a legacy of hard-earned knowledge, passed from one brother-in-arms to another, forged in the crucible of battle.

"Listen up. Sooner or later, you'll cross paths with Zhao Hei-Hu on the battlefield. That guy is a force to be reckoned with. It's as if he enjoys toying with his opponents. Don't underestimate him; he can end you in seconds!"

"Nonsense! If he's that formidable, tell me his weaknesses..."

"Well, let me tell you about Zhao Hei-Hu..."

"I see now. So he reduced you to tears. I've got it. I'm not afraid of him at all. You'll see how I'll take him down and reduce him to a sobbing mess!"

"Hmm, we'll see how you fare when you're desperately trying to escape the battlefield and crying like a baby in front of me. You'll understand his strength when you face him..."

"No tears from me, my friend. I won't be like you!"

"Dammit... You're asking for trouble. Zhao Hei-Hu will make sure of that!"

"What if I defeat him?"

"If you defeat him, I'll call you my grandpa!"

"Deal! Just wait and watch, you little rascal! When I return with his head in my hand, you'll have to address me as grandpa. No, scratch that. I'll bring him back alive and execute him right before your eyes. I want to see you eat your words!"

"Listen to you boasting! According to you, even cows can fly! I doubt you can pull that off!"

In the bustling tavern, Cha-Eun Xiao, formerly known as Cha Eun Xiao, couldn't contain his fiery spirit as he engaged in a lively conversation with his companion. His voice carried through the smoky air, drawing the attention of fellow patrons.

"Damn it… How dare you… Zhao Hei-Hu is going to kill you for sure!" Cha-Eun Xiao exclaimed, his eyes ablaze with determination.

His companion, clearly unfazed, retorted, "What if I kill him?"

A mischievous grin crossed Cha-Eun Xiao's face as he countered, "If you kill him, I will call you my grandfather!"

"Great! Deal!" His companion eagerly agreed, savoring the challenge. "Wait and see you little prick! When I come back with his head in my hand, you better call me grandpa! Hmm, no. I will come back with him captured alive and kill him in front of you. I want to see you convinced!"

"Look how you brag! Even the cows could fly according to you! I bet you can never do that!" Cha-Eun Xiao teased, his laughter filling the tavern.

"Bullshit! Do we have a deal? I kill him or capture him, and you call me your grandpa?" His companion reaffirmed.

"Deal!" Cha-Eun Xiao sealed the pact with a firm handshake. "Deal is a deal!"

"If you can do that, I will not only call you grandpa, I will also give you the best liquor I have saved for decades!" His companion promised.

"Great! Hahahahaha… I am going to win this…" Cha-Eun Xiao's voice trailed off as the two friends continued to banter.

As the night wore on, Cha-Eun Xiao's spirits remained high. He suddenly rose from his seat and climbed onto a nearby table. His actions drew the attention of the entire tavern, and his pretty face, now flushed with alcohol, exhibited a mix of excitement and merriment.

"Men of the northern army, stand up! Let's make some challenge to the men of the Hua-Yang army!" Cha-Eun Xiao declared boldly, his arms waving to emphasize his point.

"Alright!" Those from the northern army, emboldened by Cha-Eun Xiao's enthusiasm, rose to their feet and shouted in unison, "Who dares to take the challenge?"

Prince Hua-Yang's men, not to be outdone, responded immediately with determination, "Damn! They actually dare to challenge us in our own place! Brothers, take your bottles and go get them! Make them drunk! Make them puke!"

In the midst of raucous cheers and challenges, Cha-Eun Xiao's presence had ignited a spirited rivalry that would resonate throughout the night, leaving an indelible mark on the tavern's patrons.

Amidst the revelry and clamor of the lively gathering, the atmosphere in the tavern was charged with excitement and camaraderie. Laughter and cheers filled the air as Cha-Eun Xiao, formerly known as Cha Eun Xiao, and his companions savored the spirited night.

On the opposite side of the room, Lan Lang-Lang couldn't contain his enthusiasm as he boldly declared, "I am challenging you all by myself…" His words were barely out of his mouth when he found himself surrounded by several burly individuals. They seized his hands and shoulders, forcing his mouth open and pouring not one, but two bottles' worth of liquor down his throat.

As the potent spirits coursed through his veins, Lan Lang-Lang's world began to spin. He swayed unsteadily and eventually found refuge beneath a nearby table.

It was evident that Lan Lang-Lang had underestimated the challenge. While Cha Eun Xiao had a team of supporters, Lan Lang-Lang had foolishly attempted to challenge the entire gathering single-handedly. His current intoxicated state served as a stark reminder of his naivety.

"You little fool. You really don't know the immensity of heaven and earth, do you? You actually wanted to challenge us all… We won't be taking it easy. We pick our opponents too… Hahahaha…" Some experienced soldiers chuckled as they glanced at Lan Lang-Lang, who remained hidden under the table, thoroughly inebriated.

Prince Hua-Yang, meanwhile, continued to revel in the merriment of the night. He weaved through the crowd with a cup in hand, indulging in the festivities.

Suddenly, he grabbed Cha-Eun Xiao by the collar, causing him to almost topple onto the table. With the unmistakable scent of alcohol on his breath, Prince Hua-Yang issued a rather unconventional directive, "Listen, kiddo! Listen carefully now! During my absence, you must take good care of my daughter. If she ever feels unhappy about you, I don't care who your father is, I will cut your penis and send you to the royal palace to be a eunuch!"

The generals burst into laughter, their voices echoing throughout the tavern, "Wow wow… Woooo… The father-in-law is going to cut the son-in-law's penis off. Hahahahaha…"

Cha-Eun Xiao blushed in embarrassment but managed to respond, "Please don't worry."

"Humph!" Prince Hua-Yang released his grip on Cha-Eun Xiao and emphatically placed his bottle on the table, demanding attention, "Silence! I have something to say!"

The entire tavern abruptly fell into hushed anticipation as all eyes turned to the esteemed War God of The Kingdom.

"There is one thing that I can't tolerate! Those bastards from those insipid countries keep meddling with us, attempting to seize our territory! When they do so, I lead my men and give them a thorough thrashing!"

Prince Hua-Yang's voice resounded powerfully, "But there is something even more intolerable! While we are fighting battles, our families are vulnerable here in our hometown!"

"My brothers fight in the war, shedding their blood. They are true heroes, real men, and warriors! Anyone who dares to harm their families, I will personally ensure they suffer a fate worse than death!"

Prince Hua-Yang's gaze turned icy as he scanned the side halls, his voice unwavering, "I don't care who he is, be it of royal blood, a noble clan, or a lord. No matter his stature, even if he is the king himself, should he dare to harm my brothers' families, I will end him! I will obliterate his entire lineage! I swear on my life!"

A palpable aura of unyielding resolve emanated from him, leaving everyone in no doubt that these were not empty words.

"Prince Hua-Yang, the mighty!" The generals roared in unison, their loyalty unwavering.

However, a new voice, tinged with amusement, disrupted the solemnity of the moment, "What's all this fervor about... I need a drink too. Hmm. Brother Su, you certainly know how to make an entrance with those words. Obliterate his lineage… that's always been my catchphrase. Hahaha…"

As the voice reverberated, a middle-aged man dressed in yellow attire entered the scene. Behind him, a contingent of soldiers followed, their expressions seemingly resigned.

Prince Hua-Yang, upon seeing the man, was visibly shocked, and the entire assembly followed suit. In a unanimous display of respect and loyalty, they knelt before the newcomer and declared, "Long live the king!"

The sudden interruption in the boisterous tavern came from none other than the ruler of the Kingdom of Chen himself—Chen Xuan-Tian. This marked Cha-Eun Xiao's first encounter with the king, a moment he would not soon forget.

Chen Xuan-Tian, at approximately forty years old, possessed an imposing presence. His sharp eyes and square face bore a resemblance to the crown prince, yet he exuded a distinguished vigor that the crown prince had yet to attain.

The king strode into the hall with a confidence that spoke of sovereignty. His majestic presence set him far apart from the crown prince, who seemed insignificant by comparison.

Within the hall, every individual, including Prince Hua-Yang, promptly knelt in deference to their monarch. However, Cha-Eun Xiao remained standing on the table, an unconventional figure amidst the genuflecting crowd, akin to a large frog in a small pond.

Of course, Lan Lang-Lang couldn't kneel either, courtesy of the alcohol that had rendered him inebriated. He sprawled on the floor in a rather undignified manner.

Observing Cha-Eun Xiao's peculiar demeanor, the king couldn't help but express his surprise and amusement, "Who is this…"

Prince Hua-Yang, his patience wearing thin, forcefully kicked Cha-Eun Xiao off the table, causing him to land on the floor with a thud. Annoyance etched across his face, Prince Hua-Yang admonished, "You bastard! Do you want your property to be confiscated…"

Turning towards the king, he continued, "This little fool is the son of Cha Nan-Tian… Cha-Eun Xiao!"

The king, taken aback by this revelation, broke into a half-closed-eyed smile and remarked, "Oh, I see. So it is you. He was the 'midnight snack' we are talking about."

Laughter erupted throughout the hall, signaling that Cha-Eun Xiao's antics had become the talk of the town.

Embarrassed but compelled by decorum, Cha-Eun Xiao approached the king and offered a respectful greeting, "Greetings, your highness."

The king, in a gracious gesture, extended his hand and pulled Cha-Eun Xiao to his feet, dismissing his usual royal title, "Oh. There is no highness here tonight. There is only an old general here coming to join the feast with his brother and share the farewell dinner with all the warriors!"

Surveying the room, he urged, "Get up now, all of you."

"Thank you, your highness."

While everyone rose to their feet, a palpable restraint settled upon them. The once-heated atmosphere had cooled considerably. Regardless of the king's words, he remained the sovereign to all, and none dared to utter anything untoward in his presence.

Indeed, whoever dared to speak out of turn while the king was present must have surely lost their mind!

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