Chapter 132: What A King

What A King . . .

Distrust of the royal family ran deep among the people, a sentiment so profound that they would sooner believe in the existence of ghosts than the words that emanated from the lips of royalty. It was a wisdom etched into the collective consciousness.

With an amiable smile, the king, Chen Xuan-Tian, addressed the crowd, acknowledging the potential restraint his presence might impose. "Fine. With my presence, you will very likely feel restrained. Fine. I will leave after several drinks. I don't want to be the uninvited guest."

His tone shifted, and a hint of melancholy colored his voice as he continued, "Brothers who have fought with me side by side in battle now seem distant to me… Oh. What a shame…"

The king's finger singled out an individual in the gathering, and he spoke with a playful grin, "Meng Lao-Wu, don't hide behind others! You shared a tent with me. I remember a midnight when you suffered from loose bowels and soiled your pants right in front of my bed. Don't you recall that embarrassing moment? You kept lamenting your disgrace, but did you truly consider yourself any better before it… Now, you've even stopped talking to me. Perhaps your bald head is more disgraceful than your unfortunate mishap…"

Meng Lao-Wu, a burly man with a bald head adorned with scars, rubbed his smooth pate and muttered, "Your highness, how could you say that… If you hadn't secretly given me a laxative, how could I have experienced that humiliating episode… And now, you've seen how embarrassed I was…"

His words triggered uproarious laughter from the crowd.

Even the king joined in the mirth, stating, "And you… Han Lao-San, Song Lao-Qi, Bai Xiao-Jiu. And you, you… You rascals. We had an agreement to catch some fish, but when I jumped into the water completely unclothed, you absconded with my attire! I had to cover my modesty and endure the ordeal until nightfall. Upon my return to the barracks, you scoundrels lit up every torch and shouted. You exposed me naked under the unforgiving light, turning it into an unforgettable spectacle… I was mortified! Have you conveniently forgotten that?"

He stared at them with feigned anger, remarking, "You ungrateful rascals!"

The king regaled the assembly with old anecdotes, invoking a sense of nostalgia and camaraderie. Gradually, the jovial atmosphere from yesteryears began to resurface.

Some among the group chimed in, "Your highness, you can't hold that against us… You can't merely recount stories of your own nakedness. It was in the desolate north, and there wasn't even a female rabbit in sight. Yet, you secretly administered a laxative to us. We endured a frigid night in the water to recover. What we did in retaliation was a rather lenient response, all things considered…"

The king laughed heartily, "You indolent, shameless rascals. You dared to strip me of my clothes back then, yet now you quiver at the thought of sharing a drink with me. Are you truly such cowards?"

The king's anecdotes rekindled fond memories among the men, fostering a sense of warmth. They began to chant, "Come on then! Drink!"

In days of old, they might have challenged each other with a boastful, "Do you have the guts to drink it up then?"

But today, they dared not utter such audacious words in the presence of the king.

"Make it a bottle then! Forget the cups!" The king, in a heroic gesture, brandished a large bottle. "I'll either have you drink until you drop or until you vomit!"

However, Meng Lao-Wu, having regained his composure, intervened, "Wait, wait, wait… Your highness. As a precaution, I believe I must inspect your bottle. It could very well be filled with water. We all know your penchant for tricks while drinking. We may be simple men, but we are not fools. We can be deceived once, but never again. We have long memories…"

The crowd burst into laughter at Meng Lao-Wu's words, shouting in unison, "Well said! Check the bottle!"

Meng Lao-Wu examined the bottle and confirmed that it indeed contained water. He feigned shock, saying, "Your highness, after all these years, you persist in such antics. I must say, I am impressed…"

The king rubbed his nose, slightly embarrassed, and retorted, "You son of a witch. How dare you mock me like this. I won't forget this…"

"Penalty! Penalty! That's more than enough!" The people continued to shout in jest.

Behind the king, an old eunuch with a pallid face couldn't contain his laughter, clutching his belly as he gasped for air. He spoke with a feeble yet audacious voice, "Oh, your highness, the humor here is truly infectious. Your words have left me in stitches… I feel as though I've been rendered impotent immediately…"

The atmosphere in the gathering had shifted from a moment of heartfelt camaraderie to one of uproarious laughter, all thanks to the audacious remark from the old eunuch. The generals and the king, who had been sharing hearty laughs, suddenly fell into an amused silence, gazing at the eunuch with a mixture of astonishment and amusement. It was the king who, after a brief pause, couldn't contain his curiosity any longer.

"You… Got impotent?" The king's words, spoken with a playful glint in his eyes, drew hearty laughter from the crowd.

The generals, previously suppressing their amusement, now erupted into laughter that seemed to shake the heavens.

[A eunuch… actually said that he got impotent…

How brilliant!

Could it be that he still possesses that organ?]

This jest broke the lingering tension and embarrassment, bringing forth a renewed sense of camaraderie among the group. The king, thoroughly enjoying his time with his old comrades, laughed heartily. He rolled up his sleeves, indicating his readiness for more revelry, and proceeded to engage in heartfelt conversations and drinks with one old friend after another.

Cha-Eun Xiao, ever perceptive, noted the subtle gesture of the king tapping the old eunuch's shoulder.

[Is that a gesture of apology? Or perhaps something else…]

Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but feel a sense of respect for the king.

[This king is truly beyond my initial estimation.]

Regardless of the king's intentions behind the shoulder tap, it conveyed a sense of respect, and it was the king's initial gesture upon their first meeting that left a favorable impression on Cha-Eun Xiao.

The king had honored the promise to Cha Nan-Tian, allowing him to stay in this place for twenty years, even though he now had a son like Cha-Eun Xiao. However, it seemed that the events of this evening would strain the relationship between Cha-Eun Xiao and the king.

Observing the king, who ruled over the entire kingdom, lowering his royal stature to share stories and laughter with his old comrades, Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but admire the king's demeanor. While it might be part of a pre-battle celebration to win popular support, it was still a remarkable feat for a king to let loose and join in the revelry. Furthermore, Cha-Eun Xiao felt that the king's words carried sincerity. He didn't act as a king of higher standing among his old friends.

The jest about the eunuch, clearly a planned moment to ease the tension in the crowd, was evidence of the eunuch's significance. A eunuch who held such a position near the king was no ordinary servant. Despite officially being designated as a servant, even the queen and the crown prince dared not treat him as such. Such a person, willing to momentarily sacrifice his dignity to fulfill the king's desires, spoke volumes about the eunuch's loyalty.

In that moment, as the king tapped the eunuch's shoulder, Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but perceive the king as a fundamentally good person. The gesture was not just comfort but also praise, a testament to the king's character.

Witnessing the king's genuine camaraderie among the generals, Cha-Eun Xiao began to comprehend why individuals like Prince Hua-Yang, the War God of the Kingdom, would willingly serve under the king's banner. He also understood why his father, Cha Nan-Tian, an esteemed and heroic figure, had made the promise to stay for twenty years.

If a king could maintain such a demeanor, even if it was an act, it was more than sufficient. Such a king could inspire loyalty and admiration from all.

That was a lesson Cha-Eun Xiao could learn from this experience.

In contrast, he couldn't help but think of the crown prince, entangled in unsavory affairs. His only sentiment toward him was that of disdain—a tiger's son reduced to a lapdog.

"Cha-Eun Xiao! Cha-Eun Xiao!" The king's voice boomed, breaking through Cha-Eun Xiao's contemplation. "You little rascal, come over here! Since your father isn't here tonight, you're going to drink this entire bottle of liquor in his honor. I want to see what the 'alcoholic rice ball' looks like…"

Meng Lao-Wu, still nursing his earlier embarrassment, scratched his head and inquired, "Your highness, that Cha boy might end up vomiting. What's that got to do with rice balls?"

The king laughed heartily, "Don't you know he was the 'midnight snack'? A midnight snack soaked in liquor—what else could it be if not an alcoholic rice ball…"

Meng Lao-Wu, taking a moment to ponder the king's jest, finally chimed in with a bemused expression. "That's not a reasonable explanation. 'Midnight snack' isn't quite the same as 'rice glue balls (yuan xiao).' In any case, he's not destined to become an alcoholic rice ball!" His words carried a touch of humor as he attempted to clarify the distinction. [1]

The king, momentarily stunned, then adopted a mischievous demeanor. "Alright then. Let's say the midnight snack that night was indeed rice glue balls. How about that? We'll go with it!"

Meng Lao-Wu, keen to appease the king, nodded vigorously and offered a touch of flattery, "Your words are as precious as gold, your highness. What you say must certainly be the truth…"

However, the crowd around them erupted in playful jeers and banter.

In reality, the five generals of the northern army couldn't help but swell with pride at this moment.

[Even though our esteemed general isn't present, the king has not forgotten him! He remembers!]

Meanwhile, Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but smile wryly. He begrudgingly accepted the new moniker bestowed upon him by the king.

["Midnight Snack" is already my nickname, and now I'm acquiring another one, something like 'rice ball.' It seems I'm destined for some odd titles. This is just my luck.]

He made his way over to the king, acknowledging the jest, and without hesitation, he took a deep swig from the entire bottle of liquor in honor of his father.

In the side halls, officers observed the king's light-hearted antics in the main hall, their expressions a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

Back when the king was still a prince, he had concealed his royal identity and joined the ranks of the army. This fact was common knowledge among those present.

Yet, they had never anticipated the depth of the king's regard for these generals, a sentiment made evident by his willingness to participate in such jovial revelry.

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