The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 171: I Am Not Afraid Of Death!

Chapter 171: I Am Not Afraid Of Death!

I Am Not Afraid Of Death! . . .

Cha Eun Xiao's demeanor remained as icy as ever, his piercing gaze fixed on Liu Chang-Jun as he posed a seemingly simple question: "You don't know, huh? What does that mean?"

His voice, though calm and indifferent, sent shivers down Liu Chang-Jun's spine. The stark coldness in those words felt like an imminent threat, freezing him to the core. The weight of Cha Eun Xiao's expectations bore heavily on him, and he knew that a wrong answer could lead to unspeakable torment.

In a rush to provide an explanation that might appease his captor, Liu Chang-Jun nervously stammered, "I really have no idea. We all saw the assassination reward. That's it. We kill for money. We couldn't possibly decline such an enormous sum of money."

A seasoned assassin of great repute, Liu Chang-Jun had always maintained an unwavering resolve in the face of life and death. He cared not for his own life or that of his targets. However, standing before Cha Eun Xiao, a profound terror gripped him, an unfamiliar sensation that emanated from the depths of his being.

It was abundantly clear; Liu Chang-Jun felt that a swift, painless death would be a stroke of incredible luck.

Cha Eun Xiao, maintaining his air of authority, delved into contemplation for a moment before addressing Liu Chang-Jun once more, "Assassination reward. Your name is Liu Chang-Jun, correct?"

Liu Chang-Jun reluctantly acknowledged, "Yes."

Cha Eun Xiao continued, undeterred by Liu Chang-Jun's humiliation, "The 49th ranked assassin on the list of the Land of Han-Yang, known as the Instant Killer, Liu Chang-Jun?"

A flush of embarrassment crept across Liu Chang-Jun's cheeks. While he had previously taken great pride in his title and ranking, the circumstances now rendered them symbols of profound disgrace. He found himself a captive, and his sense of shame was overwhelming.

As Cha Eun Xiao paced deliberately around the room, his gaze never wavered from Liu Chang-Jun. He presented the assassin with an ultimatum, delivered with unwavering resolve, "Liu Chang-Jun, you have two choices: First, you follow my lead. Second, you die. Two choices, now choose."

Without a moment's hesitation, Liu Chang-Jun declared, "I'll follow you!"

In the abruptness of his response, both men were taken aback, and their mutual astonishment was palpable.

Cha Eun Xiao had not anticipated that an assassin renowned for his pride and arrogance would so readily pledge his allegiance. There had been no persuasive words or enticements offered—no promises of becoming an assassin king. It was an instantaneous agreement, a rapid acquiescence that left him perplexed.

Liu Chang-Jun, too, found himself wide-eyed with surprise, grappling to comprehend the swiftness of his own reply. The word 'yes' had simply spilled from his lips without thought.

Afterward, the shock of his own readiness to obey left him pondering, "Goodness. Why did I answer so swiftly? This is confounding. How could I have agreed so quickly? I don't understand. What possessed me to respond without hesitation?"

In the wake of his swift acquiescence to Cha-Eun Xiao's proposal, Liu Chang-Jun found himself mulling over the implications of his decision. His inner turmoil was evident, his expression contorted with a myriad of emotions.

Cha-Eun Xiao, acknowledging the swiftness of Liu Chang-Jun's agreement, decided to address the pressing matter at hand. He produced a dan bead and extended it towards the former assassin. His words were laced with a hint of skepticism, "First things first, you have to take this dan bead. You gave me your word, indeed, but trust is a rare commodity. While there may be certain actions we can forgo in the future, they are necessary in the present."

Liu Chang-Jun regarded the dan bead with a mix of trepidation and contemplation. He comprehended the gravity of accepting this gift—it would symbolize his transition from an independent assassin to a servile subordinate, bound by a sense of obligation and loyalty. An internal battle raged within him as he weighed the costs and benefits.

The struggle was visible; sweat began to bead on his forehead, and his countenance twisted as if plagued by sickness. After a prolonged internal debate, he posed a question fraught with desperation, "Can I refuse this offer?"

His voice carried a plea, a stark departure from the fierce and resolute demeanor he had once exhibited. The circumstance had reduced him to a state of vulnerability and reliance that he had never imagined himself experiencing.

Cha-Eun Xiao, maintaining his dispassionate demeanor, responded to Liu Chang-Jun's inquiry with a firm, "No."

Upon hearing this uncompromising response, Liu Chang-Jun inhaled deeply and closed his eyes momentarily. The weight of his decision pressed upon him heavily.

With a sigh, he reluctantly conceded, "Very well."


And so, Liu Chang-Jun departed, entrusted with Cha-Eun Xiao's jade token and a mission to seek out the Ling-Bao Hall. He was to relay the message that they were in the process of establishing an assassination group—an endeavor not merely spoken of but actively pursued.

In Cha-Eun Xiao's view, Liu Chang-Jun, though not a perfect candidate, represented an unexpected boon. The ideal choice would undoubtedly have been Ning Bi-Luo, but the proud and independent assassin would never bend his will to follow another.

As Liu Chang-Jun prepared to make his exit, he paused by the window, his gaze shifting back towards Cha-Eun Xiao. In a voice that carried a note of defiance and a hint of vulnerability, he remarked, "I may have agreed swiftly, but that doesn't mean I fear death."

Cha-Eun Xiao met his gaze with a knowing smile, affirming, "I understand. I know."

A nod from Liu Chang-Jun signaled an unspoken understanding. He contemplated sharing more but ultimately refrained, disappearing through the window like a shadowy figure blending into the darkened night.

"Not afraid of death..." Song Jue's lips curled into a disdainful sneer. "That's quite amusing."

Cha-Eun Xiao, however, regarded the situation with unwavering seriousness. "I can sense it. He truly does not fear death," he stated with conviction. He continued, his tone carrying a sense of gravity, "He possesses a resolute spirit—a remarkable gift, though he may not yet realize the full extent of its potential."

With profound sincerity, Cha-Eun Xiao concluded, "It is a gift beyond measure."

Song Jue regarded Cha-Eun Xiao with a perplexed expression, clearly struggling to grasp the rationale behind his recent actions.


"Well, I suppose that concludes our current predicament," Cha-Eun Xiao declared in an unassuming tone. "Our focus should now shift toward the development of our burgeoning force."

Song Jue couldn't contain his amazement at Cha-Eun Xiao's seemingly unfounded trust in Liu Chang-Jun. The former assassin had demonstrated a relentless determination and unwavering commitment to his goals, traits not typically associated with someone willing to submit to another's command. Song Jue's disbelief was palpable as he inquired, "You're just going to let it go? Do you genuinely trust him, all because of that dan bead?"

It was evident that Liu Chang-Jun's resolve to achieve his ambitions was far from feigned. If he chose to take his own life covertly, Cha-Eun Xiao's efforts would amount to naught.

Cha-Eun Xiao, unperturbed by Song Jue's skepticism, expounded on his perspective. "Dying is the hardest choice one can make. It's more than just a trite saying. When one experiences the brink of death and survives, the desire to live grows immeasurably stronger."

He nodded thoughtfully and continued, "I can't place absolute trust in him at this moment. However, I believe that in no more than half a year's time, even if I were to ask him to leave of his own accord, he wouldn't."

Song Jue remained incredulous. He considered Cha-Eun Xiao's optimism regarding Liu Chang-Jun to be utterly preposterous. In Song Jue's estimation, it was beyond improbable that a renowned assassin like Liu Chang-Jun would wholeheartedly commit to following another's lead.

After Cha-Eun Xiao began delving into concepts like "gifts" and "sensations," Song Jue dismissed these notions as fantastical and implausible. Such mystical ideas had no place in the real world, in Song Jue's estimation.

Cha-Eun Xiao, nonchalantly closing his eyes, remained unperturbed by Song Jue's skepticism. To him, Liu Chang-Jun was but a pawn whose fate rested upon the former assassin's own choices.

As he pondered the potential of Liu Chang-Jun becoming a loyal and capable member of their team, Cha-Eun Xiao saw the opportunity to mold him into a formidable assassin within the Qing-Yun Realm.

His assessment of the situation was clear: Liu Chang-Jun's loyalty depended on his own actions.

Yet, another issue weighed on Cha-Eun Xiao's mind—the risk of betrayal.

With a hint of cynicism in his thoughts, Cha-Eun Xiao concluded that Liu Chang-Jun had no capacity to betray him in his current predicament.

He allowed a sardonic inner chuckle to escape as he contemplated Liu Chang-Jun's position.

Before Song Jue took his leave, he couldn't help but voice a lingering question. "Why Ling-Bao Hall?"

Cha-Eun Xiao didn't arrange for Liu Chang-Jun to visit Ling-Bao Hall behind Song Jue's back. Instead, he opted for transparency, albeit with a dose of secrecy.

Turning to Song Jue, Cha-Eun Xiao wore a subtle smile as he confided, "Uncle Song, I have no wish to deceive you, but now is not the time to reveal everything. Sooner or later, you'll be privy to the full story. For now, I ask that you keep this secret. It may well become our last resort and our most potent source of support."

Song Jue, though puzzled, remained silent. He merely nodded before taking his leave.


Within the confines of Ling-Bao Hall, Wan Zheng-Hao observed Liu Chang-Jun with a mix of uncertainty and curiosity. Never had he expected Feng Monarch to swiftly dispatch an assassin, especially one of such renown.

The speed of these developments left him taken aback. Wan Zheng-Hao cleared his throat, breaking the silence that hung in the air. "What is your purpose here?" he inquired, his gaze focused on the substantial figure before him.

Liu Chang-Jun, a seasoned assassin from the Land of Han-Yang, felt a touch overwhelmed by the sight of Wan Zheng-Hao's imposing presence and the voluminous, meaty heap that dominated the room. To him, it was an unexpected encounter.

He responded, slightly taken aback, "I've been directed to this place by someone. Here is the token he provided, along with instructions for you to make suitable arrangements."

His gaze involuntarily returned to the corpulent figure in front of him, inwardly marveling at the man's sheer size.

Wan Zheng-Hao, the enigmatic figure who presided over Ling-Bao Hall, exuded an air of mystery that intrigued many. Liu Chang-Jun, despite his status as a renowned assassin, knew that he stood on relatively shaky ground in Wan Zheng-Hao's presence. It was only by virtue of the jade token from Feng Monarch that he found himself in this position.

"Is this individual... Feng Monarch?" Wan Zheng-Hao inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"All I know is this jade token," Liu Chang-Jun replied, choosing not to divulge Cha-Eun Xiao's true identity. His life and future prospects were inextricably tied to Cha-Eun Xiao, making the secret a vital safeguard.

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