The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 172: The Purple Qi Descended

Chapter 172: The Purple Qi Descended

The Purple Qi Descended . . .

As Cha-Eun Xiao had pointed out, choosing to end one's life willingly was a monumental decision, and the fear of death could become even more gripping after a failed attempt. The memory of Cha-Eun Xiao's enigmatic smile continued to send shivers down Liu Chang-Jun's spine.

Yet, Liu Chang-Jun was far from a coward. In a moment of enlightenment, he came to realize that this could be a turning point in his fate. He discerned that by submitting to Cha-Eun Xiao's will, he might just secure a brighter future, a thought that stemmed from his instincts rather than any calculated reasoning.

Without hesitation, Liu Chang-Jun had wholeheartedly accepted Cha-Eun Xiao's offer.

Cha-Eun Xiao's assessment of the situation had been astute. Liu Chang-Jun, however, remained unaware of the profound luck and instincts guiding his decision. To him, it was a step into the unknown, a gamble with destiny.

"Very well, I shall proceed with the necessary arrangements," Wan Zheng-Hao conceded, acknowledging Liu Chang-Jun's authority bestowed by the token. He then began to outline the intricate details of Feng Monarch's grand design.

For Wan Zheng-Hao, conversing intimately with an assassin was a novel experience. Prior to this, assassins had always ranked among the figures he feared most. While he was known for his competence and air of mystery, the looming specter of death had always managed to invoke an instinctual fear within him. It was a strange paradox: the powerful and enigmatic figure felt a genuine sense of terror when confronting an assassin, despite harboring little respect for them. In his mind, he saw no reason to hold any reverence for these individuals, often dismissing them as "poor trash." Nevertheless, a palpable fear still gnawed at him.

Having finally concluded the elaborate explanation of Feng Monarch's grand plan, Wan Zheng-Hao seemed to realize that the intricate vision Cha-Eun Xiao had described with a few sentences was a sprawling narrative that demanded much more discourse.

Liu Chang-Jun couldn't help but be astonished by what he had heard. He questioned, his voice tinged with disbelief, "You intend to govern the world of assassinations?"

Wan Zheng-Hao, perhaps not fully grasping the gravity of the transformation that lay ahead, failed to appreciate the weight of Liu Chang-Jun's inquiry. However, as a renowned assassin in the martial world, Liu Chang-Jun recognized the immense implications of their endeavor.

With such formidable resources and wealth funneled into the world of assassinations, their organization had the potential to upend the entire hierarchy. Any assassin, regardless of origin or reputation, would inevitably become a part of this clandestine assassination association. The implications were profound and, for Liu Chang-Jun, thrilling.

He couldn't help but marvel at the possibilities. "This could be a remarkable enterprise," he thought, "and it seems entirely feasible. I may not know much about the mysterious Cha-Eun Xiao, but standing before the enigmatic leader of Ling-Bao Hall, I see the potential for greatness. With Ling-Bao Hall's immense financial backing and cover as an establishment, it's only a matter of time before this association dominates the world."

With the audacious plan set forth by Cha-Eun Xiao, Liu Chang-Jun's thoughts raced with anticipation and ambition. He reveled in the notion that he would be among the pioneers of this clandestine organization, a founder whose name would resonate through the annals of the assassination world, a legend destined to become an enduring myth.

His excitement brimmed as he pondered the "Life And Death Board," the organization's enigmatic name, and its formidable objective of surpassing the formidable House of Chaotic Storms. This mission imbued him with an overwhelming sense of purpose, a rare opportunity to achieve the unthinkable.

Liu Chang-Jun marveled at the audacity of their goal. Who else dared set their sights on surpassing the mighty House of Chaotic Storms, one of the most powerful entities in their realm? The monumental risk only fueled his determination, for he knew that with great peril came even greater rewards. He longed to vie for glory, fully aware that the victor would rightfully claim the throne while the defeated would forever be deemed a thief.

As their shared aspiration bound them together, the group's discussions gained fervor. They delved into every facet of their enterprise, from its inception to its execution. Topics ranged from financial strategy to concealing their identities, pricing structures, marketing tactics, and building their reputation in the underworld.

What bewildered Wan Zheng-Hao, the esteemed leader of Ling-Bao Hall, was the surprisingly loquacious nature of the typically reserved assassin, Liu Chang-Jun. He marveled at Liu Chang-Jun's ceaseless chatter and couldn't help but compare it to his own relatively restrained demeanor. It was a stark contrast to the image he had held of the cold-hearted assassin.

Back at the Cha Clan's estate, Cha-Eun Xiao, who had played the role of an ailing patient in Liu Chang-Jun's departure, remained immersed in his thoughts. Sequestered in the boundless Space, he eagerly anticipated exploring the changes that had taken place within.

The arrival of the purple moon's flare had finally propelled his East-rising Purple Qi to the second level. As he ventured into the Space, he immediately sensed a profound transformation.

The atmosphere was charged with dense purple qi, making it challenging for him to discern even his own figure. The air was thick with the swirling essence of the purple qi, causing him to cough briefly upon inhalation. Although his body initially struggled to adjust to the newfound intensity, Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but revel in this luxurious experience.

Between coughs, he mused, "I mustn't become accustomed to those insipid foods. Now, I can taste such exquisite nourishment, yet my body struggles to adapt. It's a challenging endeavor."

As he navigated the nine Spaces, he observed that the Wood Space had flourished and was now teeming with vibrant vitality. The changes were also evident on the mysterious egg, hinting at further developments within the Space.

The peculiar egg that once possessed the power to slay a Grade of Daoyuan cultivator had undergone a remarkable transformation. It now resembled a watermelon in size, presenting a stark contrast to its previous form. The sheer novelty of an egg the size of a watermelon made it an eye-catching anomaly within the main space.

Approaching the colossal egg, Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't discern any signs of hatching within. It appeared that this enigmatic egg still required an extensive period before any further developments would occur.

In the center of the main space, a conspicuous table held two books. One bore the title 'Purple Qi Descends,' marking the second level of the East-rising Purple Qi. Its predecessor, 'Purple Qi First Arrives,' had given way to this more authoritative sequel, emphasizing the theme of descent in its title.

As Cha-Eun Xiao opened the book, he was immediately greeted by golden words that flooded his mind. The formula for the second level resonated with a distinct power, surpassing the previous level. Lost in the pursuit of cultivation, he became wholly absorbed, oblivious to everything around him, even the egg that was quietly absorbing the surrounding purple qi.

During this process, a profound transformation overcame Cha-Eun Xiao's physical body. While one might expect him to appear pale, his countenance took on a subtle radiance, resembling a fine jade exuding a silent brilliance.

Once his task was complete, Song Jue entered the room, only to be astounded by the sight before him. His shock was palpable, as he recognized this phenomenon as a sign of a cultivator achieving a significant level of success in their practice—the stage of the three flowers blooming and the five qi commencing. Typically, such an occurrence required a cultivator to reach the latter stages of the Grade of Lingyuan. Yet, Cha-Eun Xiao seemed to defy this convention.

As an experienced cultivator, Song Jue grasped the gravity of the moment and realized that any disruption could be detrimental. He issued a strict order, forbidding anyone from entering the room and decreeing a death sentence for those who defied this command. Taking up his post outside the room, he pondered the puzzling turn of events, wondering what had transpired within.

Meanwhile, within the Spaces, Cha-Eun Xiao gradually returned to awareness. He opened his eyes and let out a contemplative sigh. Rising to his feet, he inhaled deeply, taking in the newfound power coursing through him.

The first stage of the East-rising Purple Qi was associated with the aura of vitality, while the second stage marked the aura of dominance. It symbolized the purple qi descending as the sun rose—an indomitable force that would not waver or be easily halted.

With a sense of awe, Cha-Eun Xiao declared, "This is the East-rising Purple Qi." His gaze exuded a newfound intensity, reflecting his deep appreciation for this formidable power.

Cha-Eun Xiao's gaze shifted to the second book on the table, and he found himself intrigued by its title, 'Cultivation of Love.' Its opening lines drew him in as he began to read.

"The natural world has its rules, while humanity possesses love. A person with love can harmonize with the laws of nature, navigating the mortal realm with grace. The seven facets of love form the bedrock of human existence. To cultivate love is to embrace life itself…"

As Cha-Eun Xiao pondered these words, he felt a sense of both understanding and uncertainty wash over him. The concept of love, to him, was something both familiar and enigmatic.


Cultivating love—it sounded like a daunting task.

He let out a sigh, his voice carrying a hint of resignation. "I hope that my love doesn't require cultivation… because cultivation often demands sacrifices."

Cha-Eun Xiao, ever the astute individual, recognized that these teachings would fundamentally alter the trajectory of his cultivation journey. A realization settled within him, one that foretold a future filled with challenges and responsibilities. There would be no escaping the intricate and sometimes painful path of cultivation that lay ahead.

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