Chapter 232: Save A Life

Save A Life . . .

Xuan Bing fought against the encroaching weakness, determined not to display any vulnerability in front of her adversary. Her every movement was a testament to her indomitable will, but it was a battle she would ultimately lose.

As Xue Dan-Ru turned her attention away, a sense of finality descended upon Xuan Bing. Slowly, like a withering leaf carried by the wind, she descended from the heavens.

The blood that flowed from her lips tainted not only her black attire but also the celestial canvas above. Thousands of meters separated her from the earth below, and within that descent, a glimmer of clarity returned to her beleaguered mind. She marshaled the remnants of her energy, striving for stability in the face of an undeniable truth—she was powerless to halt her fall.

A wave of helplessness washed over her. Despite her status as a super grandmaster-level cultivator, the ability to hover in mid-air eluded her grasp. She understood that a gruesome demise awaited her if she continued plummeting uncontrollably.

"I've lived a life of grace and beauty," she reflected, "and now, to meet my end in such a undignified manner..."

In her desperation, she repeatedly activated the qi in her dantian, expending every last ounce of her energy to steady her descent. But her efforts were futile, as she alternated between moments of temporary suspension and rapid plummeting. It was a torturous cycle that repeated itself countless times during her inexorable fall.

Her long hair billowed around her, and she eventually closed her eyes, ruminating on the irony of her fate. "I've held dominion over the world," she mused, "yet here I am, destined to perish in this lowly realm. My successor... I've not even spoken to her about what comes after my demise."

Such thoughts occupied her mind as the rush of wind filled her ears, and the ground drew nearer with each passing second. She was on the precipice of her life's conclusion, hurtling towards the inescapable.

The world-shattering battle that had unfolded in the heavens now reached its somber denouement. Those who had been entangled in its maelstrom were left either dead or grievously wounded.

In the aftermath, the knowledge of this epic clash remained a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few. Among them was Cha-Eun Xiao, for the mortals below were left bewildered by the unprecedented deluge that accompanied the celestial conflict, unaware of the cataclysmic events that had transpired above.

The torrential rain showed no signs of relenting, resembling a celestial deluge as though a heavenly dam had ruptured, sending water cascading uncontrollably from above. If this deluge persisted for even a few more days, the entire Land of Han-Yang would succumb to the ruthless fury of the rising waters. Already, the low-lying regions of the land lay submerged beneath the relentless floods, beset by a calamity of biblical proportions.

Fortuitously, those responsible for this deluge had finally ceased their actions, marking the conclusion of the colossal battle that had raged in the heavens. The strange rainfall, an eerie aftermath of that battle, would soon abate, restoring tranquility to the land.

Yet, ignorance prevailed among the populace, and panic still gripped the hearts of the people below.

In this turbulent sea of uncertainty, there was but one individual who bore the knowledge of the truth, and he was currently preoccupied.

Cha-Eun Xiao found himself fully immersed in the endeavor of absorbing the water vapor. The rain continued unabated, though the thunderous clashes had ceased. The disappearance of the two titanic surges of energy above bore testament to one undeniable fact—the cataclysmic battle that had raged in the celestial realm had concluded.

With this cessation of hostilities, the rain too would subside in due course.

In essence, Cha-Eun Xiao found himself in a race against time, compelled to extract as much water vapor as possible. Standing resolute amidst the drenching downpour, he concentrated his efforts on absorbing this abundant source of water energy.

His focus was unwavering, and the walls of his Water Space within the Boundless Space had already become adorned with water droplets that glistened like sapphires.

Then, with a gentle musical note, a solitary droplet fell to the floor. Yet, within the confines of the Water Space, the floor itself was already saturated, and the essence of this pure water element did not shatter upon impact. Instead, it meandered across the moist surface, resembling a precious blue gem.

Another melodious note followed as yet another droplet descended.

And another.

And another.

Each note sounded a tiny victory—an incremental success in Cha-Eun Xiao's relentless quest to harness the boundless energies of the heavens.

A continuous cascade of water essences descended from the walls, each droplet falling to the floor with a harmonious note that echoed in Cha-Eun Xiao's ears like celestial music. With every drop that added to the delicate symphony, an overwhelming sense of joy welled up within him.

Within each of these azure droplets, Cha-Eun Xiao sensed a profound reservoir of life energy, akin to the very essence of life itself. It was as though he stood in the presence of the fabled waters of life, nurturing and life-giving, capable of revitalizing all living things.

Upon reaching the floor, however, these water essences retained their individuality, refusing to merge into a unified body. Thousands of discrete droplets clustered together, each one retaining its distinct form—a sea of glistening blue pearls adorning the expanse of the Water Space. It was a sight that defied the laws of normalcy, a testament to the boundless wonders of the universe.

As Cha-Eun Xiao marveled at this extraordinary spectacle, his senses were abruptly drawn upward. A faint yet distinct sound reached his ears—the sound of something descending from above. He snapped out of his reverie and cast his gaze upward, only to be greeted by an astonishing sight.

Descending towards him was a figure cloaked in shadow, a woman by all appearances. She plummeted earthward with her eyes firmly shut, her form marred by ghastly stains of blood.

Instinctively recognizing her, Cha-Eun Xiao's thoughts raced.

**[This... Is this a woman?]** he wondered incredulously. His keen eyes left no room for doubt; indeed, it was a lady. She descended from the heavens, unconscious and grievously wounded.

**[A severely injured woman, on the brink of collapse. But how did she come to plummet from the skies in such a manner? What is happening?]**

Cha-Eun Xiao found himself confronted with a mystery, one that defied explanation.

Though the unfolding events were as abrupt as a lightning strike, Cha-Eun Xiao possessed the reflexes and compassion to react swiftly. He could not bear to stand idly by and witness a life lost without making an effort to intervene. As the lady descended rapidly from the heavens, he moved with determination. With a forceful motion, he pushed his hands beneath her, attempting to redirect her plummeting trajectory.

However, it was a move that would prove to be more challenging than he had anticipated. The lady was in freefall, her descent characterized by sheer velocity. Despite Cha-Eun Xiao's efforts to manipulate her trajectory with the utmost care, the force of her descent was nothing short of staggering. He strained to harness his full strength, but the exertion caused an agonizing sensation of his hands nearly giving way, the bones within threatening to dislocate.

A jolt of fear coursed through him.

**[If she's falling due to unconsciousness, why is this descent so perilous?]**

Nonetheless, Cha-Eun Xiao found solace in the realization that his initial decision to push her away had likely spared him from injury. Had he attempted to grasp her directly, not only might he have been unable to save her, but his own hands could have suffered grievous harm. He couldn't afford to dwell on these thoughts for long, however; the situation demanded his immediate attention.

Pressing forward with unwavering determination, he maneuvered beneath the falling lady, his hands positioned to cradle her descending form. Yet the sheer force of her fall was unrelenting. Regardless of where Cha-Eun Xiao touched her body, it was apparent that any contact could prove fatal in an instant.

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