The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 233: Save A Life 2

Chapter 233: Save A Life 2

Save A Life 2 . . .

If Cha-Eun Xiao were to succeed in saving the mysterious lady, he needed to exert every ounce of his expertise to redirect the powerful force of her descent in a way that would minimize harm upon impact. His quick thinking and nimble reactions were now his greatest allies.

As he carefully analyzed the lady's trajectory, Cha-Eun Xiao recognized that he had no choice but to guide her fall into a more manageable direction. It was imperative to dissipate the overwhelming energy of her descent gradually. Drawing upon his wealth of experience, he extended his hands along the path she was hurtling towards. Slowly, methodically, he began the delicate process of diffusing the energy generated by her rapid descent.

However, the task was far from easy, and Cha-Eun Xiao's expertise was truly put to the test. It took several rounds of deftly maneuvering within the courtyard before he was able to successfully diminish the impact's intensity. Yet even with his skill, a distinct cracking sound reverberated through the air as the lady let out a pained moan, blood seeping from her lips before she collapsed.

Cha-Eun Xiao knew something was amiss, and the realization struck him like a bolt of lightning.

**[Oh no.]**

Despite his best efforts, he hadn't managed to avert all harm. The lady's frail waist had been unable to withstand the force of her abrupt halt, resulting in a severe fracture.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Cha-Eun Xiao knew that he had to proceed with utmost care. He cradled the lady carefully and proceeded to circle the courtyard several more times, ensuring that no residual impact remained. Once he was confident that the danger had passed, he shifted his focus to the mysterious lady.

As the adrenaline of the rescue began to subside, Cha-Eun Xiao suddenly realized the intimate nature of his current predicament. In his haste to save the lady, he had unwittingly touched some of the most private areas of a woman's body. While the lady remained unconscious and unaware, Cha-Eun Xiao, a virgin, found himself struggling with an overwhelming sense of embarrassment and awkwardness. His cheeks flushed with warmth.

Mumbling to himself, he muttered, "No wonder it felt so different..."

As he carried the injured lady to his room, a sense of urgency washed over him. The torrential rain outside showed no signs of abating, and it was apparent that the lady's condition was deteriorating. Any delay could prove fatal.

With great care, he placed her on his bed and initiated a meticulous examination. Despite his calm and resolute demeanor, Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but be taken aback by the extent of the lady's injuries. Her internal organs appeared to be severely damaged, resulting in profuse internal bleeding. Numerous bones throughout her body had fractured, and there were visible signs of head trauma.

He couldn't help but shake his head solemnly. "No wonder her waist broke..."

Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but feel a sense of relief mingled with surprise as he examined the injured young lady. He initially believed that his own misjudgment had led to her critical condition, but as he carefully assessed her, it became evident that her predicament had been dire even before her fall. Her waist had suffered severe damage during her plummet from the sky, and Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but marvel at how he had managed to save her from an even worse fate.

The lady, dressed in tattered black attire, lay before him. Her clothing bore the marks of her descent, torn in several places, revealing her fair skin. Her right arm, in particular, had been fully exposed, the fabric forcibly ripped away. As Cha-Eun Xiao observed her frail form on the bed, a sense of compassion welled up within him.

"She can't be more than eighteen, a young girl," he mused, his fingers lightly tracing her delicate features. "Perhaps around the same age as Su Ye-Yue... What a lovely young lady. It's a shame she's unconscious."

However, his reverie was short-lived, as the reality of the situation hit him like a bolt of lightning. Cha-Eun Xiao realized that this mysterious girl had fallen from the sky immediately after the intense aerial battle had ceased. Considering her rapid descent, she must have plummeted from an altitude of roughly 6,000 meters. The thought sent a shiver down his spine.

"Could it be that she was involved in that battle?" Cha-Eun Xiao contemplated aloud. "Is she a super grandmaster level cultivator?"

The possibility seemed increasingly likely as he delved deeper into the mystery. He reached out and gently touched the girl's wrist, employing his martial arts expertise to examine her meridians and vital energy pathways. However, his findings left him perplexed.

"This doesn't make sense," he muttered, his brow furrowing. "Her dantian is empty, devoid of any inner breath. Her meridians are severely obstructed, and her musculature appears inadequate for martial arts... She seems like an ordinary girl with no cultivation capabilities whatsoever."

The revelation shocked Cha-Eun Xiao. As a skilled martial artist, he possessed the ability to discern whether someone had received martial arts training. Yet, despite his thorough examination, this enigmatic girl appeared to be entirely devoid of any martial prowess.

He couldn't help but swear to the heavens in his astonishment.

Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but ponder the peculiar circumstances surrounding the young lady's fall from the sky. He reasoned that if the intense battle had unfolded at an altitude of approximately 20 kilometers, her rapid descent suggested she had fallen from no higher than 6 kilometers. It was unlikely, then, that she had been directly involved in the aerial confrontation.

Yet, this raised a new set of troubling questions in Cha-Eun Xiao's mind. He couldn't fathom who could harbor such malice towards such a beautiful and seemingly defenseless young lady. The extent of her injuries was disturbing, and it appeared as though she had been subjected to brutal torment.

"Why would someone be so cruel?" Cha-Eun Xiao wondered aloud, his voice filled with sympathy. "To inflict such suffering upon her... It's truly heartless. Who would take her into the sky and release her, seemingly with the intent to ensure her demise? The person responsible for this is unbelievably ruthless, deranged, and wicked."

A sudden surge of compassion washed over him as he gazed at the pitiable girl. "Saving a life is an act of boundless benevolence," he thought, his resolve firm. "And she is a beautiful and vulnerable young lady."

Despite his reputation as a cold-blooded individual, Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't bear to watch this delicate girl perish before his eyes. Determined to save her, he gently clasped her hand and began to transfer pure qi into her body. His primary goal was to sustain her life while he considered how to facilitate her recovery.

The urgency of the situation was clear: the girl was on the brink of death.

Next, he retrieved a Supreme Pei-Yuan Dan bead and attempted to place it in the girl's mouth. However, he discovered that she was clenching her teeth tightly, preventing him from doing so. Cha-Eun Xiao hesitated to force the bead into her mouth, aware that such an action could be fatal. After brief contemplation, he devised an alternative plan.

With the dan bead resting on his tongue, he skillfully maneuvered it into the girl's mouth. Inwardly, he reassured himself, "I'm not taking advantage of you; I'm only trying to save you. It's the only option I have. Besides, when you awaken, you won't have the strength to reproach me."

Cha-Eun Xiao carefully loosened the girl's teeth with his tongue, allowing the dan bead to slide into her mouth. However, as soon as he did, a torrent of blood surged from her mouth, leaving him coughing and gagging. He quickly averted his gaze.

"Pah! Pah! Pah..." He spat repeatedly, grimacing. "People always say that young girls' breath should smell like flowers," he muttered. "Now I know that even a stunning girl can have quite an unpleasant mouth odor when blood is involved."

The Supreme Dan bead instantly dissolved upon entering the girl's mouth, transforming into a warm, coursing energy that permeated her body. Yet, Cha-Eun Xiao was taken aback when he realized that the dan's effects were not as pronounced as he had anticipated.

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