Chapter 637: Farewell!

Farewell! . . .

The king's gaze remained riveted upon the sword of old, a weapon that had accompanied him in countless battles. Yet, despite its familiar form, it felt inexplicably transformed, touched by the artistry of Master Bai.

In the brief period that the sword had rested in the hands of Master Bai, it had undergone a metamorphosis. Its previous elegance was elevated to new heights, and the remnants of its former identity had been supplanted by two simple, yet profoundly significant words—'Holy Providence.'

King Chen Xuantian could hardly contain his astonishment as his eyes fixed upon those characters. A tumultuous surge of emotions welled up within him. Did this newly inscribed name signify a gift in response to the sincerity of his words? Did 'Holy Providence' suggest a recognition of his royal status, an acknowledgment of his destined fate?

His thoughts raced as he heard Master Bai's sonorous proclamation, a declaration that resounded like thunder. The sword, henceforth known as 'Holy Providence,' was ordained as the Representative Sword of the Kingdom, the Land, and the Fate. Only the most peerless of kings, ruler of the entire world, could lay claim to this esteemed blade, thereby holding dominion over the fate of all lands.

Inhaling deeply, the king quivered with emotion. He had not anticipated such a magnificent reward for his heartfelt expression. The granting of this sword, 'Holy Providence,' stood as a testament to the extraordinary recognition he had garnered from two of the most formidable figures in the world—the long-extended life granted by Feng Monarch and now, the bestowal of 'Holy Providence' from Master Bai.

The question lingered in his mind: did this confluence of acknowledgments imply that he was the sole true king in the world?

As Master Bai's resounding voice filled the heavens, declaring that the sword held the fate of the world, the entire Land of Han-Yang bore witness to this historic moment. The Master's next words carried a more intimate, less conspicuous tone. He looked to the sky and spoke softly, "Feng Monarch, I'll await your arrival."

In the House of Cha, Cha Eun Xiao's gaze remained fixed on Master Bai, who stood resolutely upon the rainbows. A myriad of emotions welled up within him as if they communicated through thought alone. "Don't worry," he silently reassured the departing Master Bai, "I won't keep you waiting for long."

It was almost as though their minds were linked, sharing unspoken sentiments. The final moment arrived as Master Bai exclaimed, "Now, let the chaotic storms unfurl within the Human Realm Upon Heavens!"

With these words, he propelled himself from the rainbows, soaring heavenward like a serpentine dragon ascending the sky. In this ascent, the vibrant rainbow pathways erupted into a radiant spectacle, enveloping his form in an iridescent shroud. Accompanying him were Wan of the Clouds and Xiu of the Heavens, their figures ethereal, hair and garments fluttering in the ephemeral winds.

"The time has come," Master Bai declared, the reverberations of his voice encompassing the land beneath. He announced their departure with a vow, "The sword, Holy Providence, encompasses the fate of the world. To lay hands upon it is to claim dominion over all!"

The denizens of the entire Land of Han-Yang hung on his every word. They witnessed an unprecedented feat as Master Bai, his hands aglow with resplendent, multicolored light, cleaved apart the very fabric of the sky.

The sound that followed was unmistakable—a crisp and crystalline 'crack.' As if the heavens were but fragile glass in the hands of a master glassblower, Master Bai split the sky itself, revealing a chasm within the firmament, leading to an infinite void adorned with countless celestial stars.

Without hesitation, Master Bai, Wan of the Clouds, Xiu of the Heavens, and the king himself embarked upon the journey into the heart of the starry expanse.

A figure resembling a streak of lightning hurtled upwards, and in an instant, it was shoulder-to-shoulder with Master Bai, both soaring towards the heavens.

The multitudes on the earth below stood in rapt silence, their eyes unblinking, for they knew that they were bearing witness to the most extraordinary event of their lifetimes. Every minute detail held profound significance, and to miss any part of this spectacle would be an enduring source of remorse.

And then, Master Bai proclaimed, "With one hand, I part the heavens; with the other, I bear the sword that ensures liberty. Let us reconvene in the Human Realm Upon Heavens and resurrect the House of the Chaotic Storms!"

With these words, he extended both his hands and slowly parted the heavens.

In that very instant, his hands radiated with a kaleidoscope of splendid, iridescent hues.


As if shattering a fragile glass vessel, a strange rift materialized in the sky, sundering the firmament itself. In an apparent defiance of reality, space was cleft apart as if it were but a flimsy piece of parchment in his hands. Within this chasm, a vast and profound expanse unfolded, replete with the sparkling brilliance of countless stars.

Master Bai, unflinching and unwavering, strode into this brilliant starlight, and the others followed in his footsteps.

In this monumental departure, the world bore witness to the vanishing House of Chaotic Storms, the enigmatic Master Bai, and all that they had shaped within the Land of Han-Yang. Master Bai embarked on a journey from which he would never return to the realm of Han-Yang.

The tales of Master Bai, Wan of the Clouds, and Xiu of the Heavens ceased to be mere chronicles and instead evolved into epic sagas, transcending the boundaries of history and reality to become the stuff of myths. They birthed the enduring legend—the Myth of Han-Yang.

The message resounding across the land was clear and unwavering: even if one were to ascend to the most exalted position in the world, they would pale in comparison to the preeminent white-clad cultivator. This recognition became ingrained in the collective consciousness of humanity. The highest mortal authority could never hope to eclipse the splendor of Master Bai, for he possessed the unparalleled ability to sweep aside all that stood before him, rewriting the annals of time itself.

The portrayal was grand and resplendent: "On the left stood Wan of the Clouds; on the right stood Xiu of the Heavens. With a wave of his hand, he could summon winds and clouds; by extending his arms, he could grasp the very universe." The words echoed with vitality, elegance, and peerlessness, resonating with the epic qualities of myth and legend.

Indeed, it was Master Bai, Wan of the Clouds, and Xiu of the Heavens. They were beings of beauty and grace who existed beyond the mundane realm, dwelling upon the ethereal clouds, gracing the heavens with their presence. Their arrival was an unrepeatable spectacle, a moment of breathtaking splendor that transcended the ordinary human experience.

The awe and reverence commanded by this trio were absolute. The seas bowed with profound humility, empires appeared as mere trifles, and the magnitude of their influence was embodied in the very essence of the House of the Chaotic Storm. This was the embodiment of an enduring legend, the apex of mythic storytelling—a narrative that would forever stand inviolate, unforgettable, and irreplaceable.

Nevertheless, one enigma lingered in the collective consciousness of the populace—the cryptic farewell delivered by Master Bai prior to his departure: "Feng Monarch, I will wait for you." It was a riddle that evoked bewilderment and curiosity among the masses.

Amid the ensuing discourse, the identity of 'Feng Monarch' was readily deciphered; he was none other than Feng Zhiling, the Monarch of Ling-Bao Hall. The prevailing puzzlement centered around the phrase "I will wait for you." It gave rise to speculation that Feng Monarch, as a recognized adversary of Master Bai, stood on an equal footing with the formidable figure. This interpretation gave birth to an intriguing dimension of their relationship.

In addition to Feng Monarch's enigmatic title, another mystery took center stage: the arrival of a figure garbed in cyan attire, a character hitherto unseen by any. The spectacle of this individual flying alongside Master Bai in the final moments of their departure perplexed the onlookers. Speculation swirled, suggesting that this enigmatic figure might be a guard, as he appeared to share an equal footing with Master Bai during their ascent.

Thus, the people found themselves grappling with a fundamental revelation: that in their midst, gods walked the mortal realm. This startling realization presented a paradigm shift, reshaping their understanding of the world.

Hidden in the midst of their conjecture and wonder, Ling Wuxie, who had gone unnoticed by the world, had his own reaction. To be regarded as a nameless guard was a disheartening revelation, particularly for someone of his stature. Ling Wuxie's inner monologue, a blend of frustration and incredulity, unveiled his true identity and emotions.

However, circumstances left him with no opportunity to rectify this misperception. He was left to muse, "Damn it! A nameless guard now? What have the heavens conspired to do to me? Am I destined to be a minor figure in comparison to Bai Chen in the Human Realm Upon Heavens? A mere shade less in power! Such is the fate of Ling Wuxie!" Despite his inner turmoil, the world had its perception firmly in place.

Ling Wuxie resigned himself to the inescapable public sentiment, acknowledging the limitations of his ability to set the record straight.

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