The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 638: Eternal Legend!

Chapter 638: Eternal Legend!

Eternal Legend! . . .

In the heart of the serene bamboo forest, which had long been the dwelling place of Master Bai, an unusual assembly unfolded. Hundreds of men, their spirits marked by reverence and loyalty, knelt in unison. Their eyes were cast upward towards the heavens. Despite the passage of time and the vanishing of the rainbows that had once adorned the sky, these men remained in their prostrated position with unwavering devotion. It was as if they were paying homage to a deity and accompanying their revered Master on his celestial journey back to the realm of gods.

These were no ordinary individuals; they were the elite cultivators who had pledged their allegiance to the House of the Chaotic Storms. For a protracted duration, a deep silence enveloped them. Then, hesitantly, one among them broke the stillness with somber words, "Master is gone."

His companions nodded in agreement, a shared sense of loss clouding their expressions. One of them spoke with a hint of desolation, "Indeed, he has departed, and it is unlikely that he shall return."

Each of these loyal disciples bore a ring upon their finger. Within these unassuming rings lay an astonishing fortune: vast sums of wealth, manuals of secret cultivation techniques, and a trove of invaluable treasures. Any one of these rings contained wealth enough to bestow opulence upon a man and his descendants. Indeed, the riches of these men eclipsed the wildest aspirations of individuals like Wan Zhenghao or Cha Eun Xiao.

Master Bai, in his characteristic wisdom, had made meticulous provisions for his steadfast adherents. Yet, the question that gnawed at their souls remained, haunting their thoughts: What should they do next? Hundreds of Sky Origin Stage cultivators, the apex of martial prowess, found themselves adrift and purposeless, like bewildered children in the absence of their guiding light.

"I shall seek a secluded sanctuary to immerse myself in cultivation," declared a robust man with a wild beard. He remained on his knees, his gaze fixated upon the ground as he spoke with a solemn mien. His voice carried a touch of melancholy as he continued, "I shall dedicate my life to the pursuit of self-betterment, endeavoring to ascend to the higher realms. It is my aspiration to stand at Master's side once more in that distant world among the gods. Even if I should fall short of my goal, the journey will bring me nearer to him."

Others nodded in agreement, their eyes reflecting similar determination. "Indeed," one affirmed, "Master's words were clear: 'Reunion in Human Realm Upon Heavens, and rebuild the House of the Chaotic Storms.' He has invested his hope in us. We are to enter the very world from which he hails and join him in reestablishing the House of the Chaotic Storms there."

Amidst the voices of resolve, a more prudent suggestion arose: "Master mentioned that if we ever feel lost, we may journey to Ling-Bao Hall and pledge allegiance to Feng Monarch. Feng Zhiling is the recognized adversary of Master, and such a path could expedite our ascent to that realm, in service of Feng Monarch."

The suggestion fell upon an attentive audience, who considered its merits in contemplative silence. The wisdom of this proposal was undeniable. Yet, they hesitated, recognizing the ethical dilemma it posed: "True, Feng Monarch is an exceptional figure. But after having served Master, to whom else can we render our loyalty with sincerity? Not to a king, not even to Feng Monarch."

Another spoke in agreement, pondering the implications of their choices, "Indeed, it presents a conundrum. While following Feng Monarch would expedite our return to Master, it would inevitably tether us to his service. How would Master perceive us, having pledged our loyalty to another?"

Amid the debates and soul-searching, one conclusion emerged with a clarity that resonated among them all: "Loyal men serve but one master. We can never serve two. Let us chart our own path of self-cultivation."

With that, they rose as a collective, their gazes lingering upon the mountain, the bamboo forest, and the houses. An emotional tumult coursed through their beings, and tears welled in their eyes. This departure was one of profound sorrow. Their glances back at their sacred abode were marked by deep longing.

Upon emerging from the bamboo forest, as they ventured into the world, the pangs of anguish and separation pierced their hearts. Grief overcame them, prompting them to turn back and kneel, their voices resonating with tears as they called out, "Master... You must... Wait for us… Reunion in Human Realm Upon Heavens, and rebuild the House of the Chaotic Storm!"

These dedicated individuals embarked on a journey, but they did so without pledging their allegiance to any outside forces. Their destinations remained shrouded in mystery, unknown to all. Their existence vanished from the world, leaving no trace behind.

In the aftermath, the Land of Han-Yang witnessed a surge of martial artists striving to ascend to higher realms.


And in the aftermath, only remnants of the past remained: the mountain, the bamboo forest, and the houses. They stood there in profound silence, bearing witness to the passage of time and the evolving tides of history.

This place endured as a forbidden sanctuary, impenetrable to outsiders. Concealed from prying eyes, its enigmatic nature remained undisturbed. The bamboo forest, shrouded in an aura of mystique, remained in a perpetual state of undisturbed serenity. It defied the natural order, for no leaves fell, and time itself seemed to have stilled within its confines.

In the Land of Han-Yang, this realm became an enigmatic legend, reminiscent of the tales of the House of the Chaotic Storms and their enigmatic leader, Master Bai. It was a story that transcended time, becoming an eternal legend in the annals of history.


The departure of Master Bai marked the end of an era. Cha Eun Xiao, standing amidst the tranquil bamboo grove, experienced a peculiar sense of emptiness. An unfamiliar emotion had settled within his heart, clouding his thoughts, and he found himself unable to identify it precisely.

Moments ago, Master Bai had imparted words of significance, triggering a sigh from Cha Eun Xiao. His rival had spoken the truth. Ever since Cha Eun Xiao's rebirth into this world and the revelation of the House of the Chaotic Storms' existence, Master Bai had persistently occupied the role of his primary adversary. Every endeavor, ambition, and aspiration had revolved around the sole objective of outwitting Master Bai and dismantling the House of the Chaotic Storms.

It was a formidable task, nearly insurmountable, but Cha Eun Xiao had invested his unwavering determination into this pursuit. And now, that very goal had dissipated into thin air.

Master Bai's departure bore a profound and melancholic realization. To have contended with such a formidable rival for an extended period meant that Cha Eun Xiao had difficulty attributing exceptional merit to anyone else in this world. The concept of invincibility came hand in hand with isolation.

Invincible individuals navigated a lonely existence. It was impossible for others to challenge them, and as a consequence, these unparalleled beings were bereft of peers who could engage them on equal footing.

Paradoxically, the thrill of conquering the summit was accompanied by profound solitude, and there was a poignant contrast between the sense of achievement and the desolation that engulfed one's soul.

Feng Monarch knew this truth all too well. A hero's triumph could yield triumphs, but it also bore a weighty price – the burden of solitude. With Master Bai's departure, Cha Eun Xiao had come face to face with this stark reality.

He admitted to Bing-Er, who had been privy to the knowledge of his dual identities, "No, it's not an illness. I just... I feel a sense of desolation. I am no longer challenged, and my life feels stagnant. I am profoundly bored, no matter what I engage in."

Bing-Er, having witnessed his multifaceted existence as both Cha Eun Xiao and Feng Zhiling, understood his sentiments deeply. In her eyes, his admission was not one of arrogance but of vulnerability. She recognized the loneliness that afflicted him deep within his heart, a sentiment born of his exceptional abilities and the absence of a rival who could truly contend with him.

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