The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 747: Ascension Day!

Chapter 747: Ascension Day!

Ascension Day! . . .

Cha Nantian had emphasized a critical truth - each cultivator who had successfully transcended to the Qing-Yun Realm had once been the paramount force in their respective worlds. Regardless of their experience and poise, they had grown accustomed to their positions of power and superiority, making them prone to arrogance and hubris when dealing with others. Thus, when they ventured into this unfamiliar realm, they were utterly unprepared for the boundless unpredictability it held, tending to maintain their pre-established behavior.

However, in Qing-Yun Realm, the natives who had long adapted to their environment had no patience for the insufferable arrogance of newcomers. Most of those who had recently arrived found themselves on the precipice of disaster.

For example, one could consider the hypothetical son of a township's leader, accustomed to the deference he received from everyone around him. This led him to perceive everyone and everything as beneath his notice. However, if he were to carry this attitude with him to Beijing, a day would come when he'd have to reassess his stance.

Cha Eun Xiao had another revelation to share, "Furthermore, even though we will successfully navigate the trial and simultaneously enter the Qing-Yun Realm, we must understand that we will not find ourselves in the same location upon our arrival. It appears to be some quirk of fate, as if the heavens conspire to keep us apart. We will be separated, and each of us will have to navigate this new world on our own. A single mistake may result in permanent separation. Only by surviving individually in that realm will we earn the opportunity to reunite."

"In the Land of Han-Yang, we were revered as exceptional figures, traversing the world with confidence. However, in the Qing-Yun Realm, we are insignificant, mere mortals among the more powerful beings. We must learn how to survive in a world with a stronger presence. Regardless of the challenges that arise, our primary objective is to stay alive, awaiting the day when we can be together again."

Turning to the matters of martial arts and cultivation, he advised, "When you arrive there, commence your training in the martial arts that I have imparted to you. They are well-suited to the laws of the Qing-Yun Realm. Remember, the most crucial aspect is to stay alive and await the day of reunion. When I see you again, my hope is that you have established your presence in that unforgiving world."

The dark clouds in the sky loomed ominously lower, signaling the impending trial. Howling winds shook the trees, old and wise, bending their sturdy trunks to the elements. Branches cracked and spiraled into the sky, only to disappear from view.

Standing together, the four of them were a symbol of solemnity in the face of the approaching trial. Cha Eun Xiao continued, "Let me share a piece of good news. While we refer to it as the Ascension Trial in our world, the Qing-Yun Realm dubs it Body Refinement, also known as 'Mortal Separation.' This process essentially refines our physical bodies, allowing us to withstand the constraints of time and space in the Qing-Yun Realm. Thus, it is more than just a trial; it represents an opportunity."

He warned, "Nevertheless, even after we pass the trial and experience personal growth, we must remain vigilant. It signifies the beginning, not an instantaneous ascent to power. Always remember this."

As Cha Eun Xiao's voice gently washed over them, his three companions clung to his words, eager to etch them into their memories. The lowering clouds almost felt within reach.

Time pressed forward relentlessly.

He took the chance to address his friends personally:

"Ning Biluo, those you cherish are well cared for. You needn't worry."

"Zhao Pingtian, hold onto the spatial ring I provided earlier. It contains the necessities for Rou-Er. Even if you cannot locate me, it should sustain her for a century."

"Liu Changjun, if your intention is to follow my path, you must continue cultivating with unrelenting devotion."

"Let's reconvene in the Qing-Yun Realm. I hope that we won't disappoint one another when we meet there."

As he concluded, a fierce light cyan lightning bolt tore through the dark clouds, crashing down toward the four of them.

Beneath the mountain, Cha Nantian's emotions were visibly stirred. "This is it!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with unease.

However, he spoke with a raspy voice, taking a step forward, as if driven by an unspoken urgency.

—Boom!— The lightning bolt exploded beyond the place where Cha Eun Xiao had been standing.

Having harnessed the profound frigid energy emanating from Cosmic Hades, activated through the five hundred spiritual jades, Cha Eun Xiao's strength had surged dramatically. He now stood as the most potent among the quartet, an ascendant force as the first trial lightning bolt homed in on him.

With unwavering determination, he opted not to evade the impending strike but, instead, invited it to converge upon his forehead.

In that critical moment, Cha Eun Xiao's companions, Ning Biluo and the other two, stood awestruck. They beheld a remarkable transformation unfolding before their eyes as Cha Eun Xiao's body turned translucent. His very essence laid bare, as bones, veins, Jing, and Mai materialized within his form.

As the lightning coursed through him, his long hair bristled with electric sparks, a spectacle both astounding and breathtaking. What set him apart was his unwavering calm and steadfast resolve, undeterred by the electrifying assault.

Another lightning bolt descended, illuminating the terrain with its searing radiance, akin to the sun's brilliance for a brief instant. Two bolts simultaneously bore down upon him, converging in a dazzling display of power.

Yet, Cha Eun Xiao remained unyielding. Anchored like an unassailable mountain, his two legs rooted firmly to the ground, he closed his eyes, basking in the brilliant light as the lightning enshrouded him.

Undeniably, the lightning unleashed its frenzy upon him, one fierce bolt after another. The climax arrived with the ninth and final strike—a vibrant purple bolt of unparalleled ferocity, threatening to cleave the firmament itself with its ear-splitting thunder.

Cha Eun Xiao released a resounding cry, "I am leaving first. Guys, we will reunite in the Qing-Yun Realm!"

The nine lightnings coalesced into a radiant mass, resembling a sun suddenly manifesting atop the mountain. The intensity of this brilliant phenomenon rendered it impossible for onlookers to maintain eye contact.

Fortunately, the dazzling light swiftly dissipated, taking Cha Eun Xiao along with it. This chain of events unfolded with such rapidity that it seemed almost illusory, as though it had never transpired.

In the aftermath, the grass beneath the vanished Cha Eun Xiao remained undisturbed, a stark testament to the surreal nature of his departure.

Gazing skyward, Cha Nantian appeared consumed by worry and unease. In his moment of disquiet, Song Jue endeavored to console him, "Brother, please, rest your apprehensions. Cha Eun Xiao is known for his prudent nature, and he will adapt seamlessly to life in the Qing-Yun Realm. Perhaps he will even rise to prominence there."

Despite the attempt at solace, Cha Nantian was incapable of finding the right words to articulate his anxieties.

Upon leaving the Land of Han-Yang, Cha Eun Xiao experienced a complex amalgamation of emotions. It was a mixture of desolation, reluctance, and an unexpected lack of despair. His unwavering belief in the resilience of his friends provided solace, reinforcing his peace of mind.

In a moment of reflection, Cha Eun Xiao muttered to himself, "This existence has been nothing more than a chapter in my life's journey. Since the day I arrived in this realm, it was but a stopover. Deep down, I always knew it."

And then, he disappeared into the luminous cascade of lightning.

"I shall not glance back. The Land of Han-Yang was but a stopover in my life's journey. My true purpose awaits me in the Qing-Yun Realm, to complete the unfinished tale," he vowed as he embarked on this new chapter of his life.

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