The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 748: Polar Ice River!

Chapter 748: Polar Ice River!

Polar Ice River! . . .

After Cha Eun Xiao vanished, a profound change overcame the surroundings. Dark clouds descended lower, and lightning bolts struck the earth with relentless fury. Under this tempestuous electrical onslaught, Ning Biluo and the two companions found themselves enveloped in blinding luminance before they too were spirited away.


On the opposite side of the mountain, where Cha Eun Xiao and the other three adventurers had braved the lightning ordeal, there lay another towering peak. Atop this mountain stood an enigmatic figure cloaked in flowing white attire, their visage obscured by a delicate silk mask. The figure gazed intently in Cha Eun Xiao's direction.

"Are you leaving now?" the figure murmured. "I understand that the Land of Han-Yang holds no place in your heart, but I had not anticipated your departure so swiftly. The tunnel's closure is yet a distant event, yet you depart without a trace of hesitation."

Wenren Chuchu sighed softly. "Astute."


"Xiao Xiao is gone. It's time for us to depart," Cha Nantian observed, his heart suddenly heavy as he watched his son vanish from the mountaintop.

The sole reason he had remained in this world was his son. With Cha Eun Xiao's journey to the Qing-Yun Realm, Cha Nantian no longer harbored a desire to linger in this realm.

Song Jue agreed, "Indeed. I've spent enough time here. My lingering was due to my own frailty; otherwise, I would have departed long ago."

Cha Nantian chuckled, "You're the same old Song Jue. So, is it your home or mine that you're returning to?"

Song Jue paused briefly, then replied, "I'll go back to my abode first and assess the situation. If it's no longer tenable, I'll come to yours. You know me, I've never been fond of your home."

Cha Nantian patted Song Jue's shoulder, emitting a deep sigh, knowing that words were unnecessary. As Song Jue had said, they understood each other implicitly, obviating the need for extensive dialogue.

The two of them ascended into the skies and abruptly disappeared from the mountaintop.

Cha Nantian was never seen again in the Land of Han-Yang.

The War God of Chen, the War God of Han-Yang, had become a legend, spoken of but never sighted again.


All that remained in this realm, apart from his fame, was a letter left on the desk in his tent. This letter was addressed to the King of the Kingdom of Chen.

"My connection to this world has reached its conclusion, and thus I must depart. During my decade in the Land of Han-Yang, I journeyed across the globe, forging camaraderie within my heart and bearing the weight of blood on my hands... Now, the world enjoys tranquility. The era of warfare has ended. The Kingdom of Chen is encircled by peace on all fronts. It is time for my departure... This letter is far too brief to encapsulate my sorrow in parting. I believe it is best that we do not meet, to prevent these bonds from binding me further. Your Majesty, take care."

Upon reading the letter, the king wept openly, shedding tears for an extended duration. His longstanding apprehensions had finally materialized. He had foreseen this inevitability, yet it didn't alleviate the profound grief he now experienced.

Cha Nantian, Song Jue, and Cha Eun Xiao had all departed.

The military might of the Kingdom of Chen had significantly waned.

Fortuitously, the neighboring kingdoms were ill-prepared to wage war again. If any of them were to initiate an assault, the Kingdom of Chen would crumble into dust.

"We have Feng Monarch and Ling-Bao Hall... thankfully..."

This was the only solace the king could find. Feng Monarch remained a pillar of strength for the Kingdom of Chen.

At least the thought of provoking conflict with the Kingdom of Chen would give potential aggressors pause.

Cha Nantian had grown weary of battle, longing for respite from the tumultuous past.

Cha Eun Xiao had recently made a singular contribution, though it was not his fervent desire to aid the Kingdom of Chen. He had no yearning for the recognition it might bestow upon him. Instead, he was content to let Lan Langlang and Zuo Wuji receive the accolades.


In the grand scheme of things, neither Cha Eun Xiao nor Cha Nantian harbored concerns about whether the Kingdom of Chen could ultimately extend its dominion over the entire Land of Han-Yang.


The story in the Land of Han-Yang had at last concluded, and what lay ahead was the enigmatic Qing-Yun Realm. Cha Eun Xiao was filled with anticipation.

"[Qing-Yun Realm, oh Qing-Yun Realm.]"

"[I, Cha Eun Xiao, Xiao Monarch, now stand here once more!]"


It felt as though an entire century had elapsed, yet it was as fleeting as an instant. Cha Eun Xiao found himself transported to a mysterious realm following the lightning trial. He experienced a peculiar sensation, as though his soul was adrift, and an overwhelming sense of unreality shrouded his very being.

This sensation disconcerted him. As a seasoned cultivation master embarking on a second life, he had never encountered such a phenomenon. In this, he was no different from Ning Biluo and the others; he was an apprentice in this particular domain.

Though he found the feeling uncomfortable, he understood that there was no inherent danger. He had no choice but to endure it, wishing only for its swift conclusion.

Fortunately, it did not linger.

After some time, his vision brightened, and he was no longer ensnared within that baffling space. Once more, he beheld the sky and the earth, and his feet finally touched solid ground. The disconcerting sensation of floating had dissipated.

However, his relief was short-lived, for even though he believed he had set foot on solid ground, it did not signify that he was truly on stable terrain.

As the world came into focus, it swiftly blurred before he could fully comprehend his surroundings.

[What is happening?]

The reason was rather simple. Upon ceasing to float and touching what he believed was firm ground, Cha Eun Xiao involuntarily channeled energy to his feet. Regrettably, the surface beneath him was not as sturdy as he had assumed. A resounding crack echoed as he plummeted unceremoniously.

The turn of events had taken him by surprise. He was unprepared for this abrupt fall and had no opportunity to react. Moreover, it was a self-inflicted mishap, as his own energy caused the very ground he stood on to give way, plunging the illustrious Xiao Monarch into the abyss.

In the next instant, he was engulfed by intense cold.

"Holy heavens and hell!" he exclaimed, employing his qi to extricate himself immediately. His voice trembled as he continued, "Bloody heavens and hell. My first experience in this place is falling into an ice river! What an unbelievably unfortunate start!"

His landing had deposited him on the icy expanse of a river, approximately thirty meters in width. The river's surface was frozen, with the ice measuring about a meter in thickness. Cha Eun Xiao had inadvertently struck the ice upon his landing, causing it to crack.

As he set about harnessing his qi and energy to dry his clothes, he surveyed his unfamiliar surroundings. His intent was to ascertain his location, yet all he could discern was an extensive ice river stretching between the heavens and the earth, akin to a glistening ribbon. He could not ascertain its origin or its destination.

"Hmm. Is this the Polar Ice River?" Cha Eun Xiao queried, realizing where he was. This was none other than the renowned Polar Ice River of the Qing-Yun Realm. His bewilderment grew. [Why did I land directly in the Polar Ice River?]

[What could possibly have gone wrong?]

Amid his contemplation, he detected voices in the vicinity. Someone was shouting, "There! Seize him! Swiftly!"

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