The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 766: Surprise; Suggestions!

Chapter 766: Surprise; Suggestions!

Surprise; Suggestions! . . .

- Bang! Bang! Bang... -

The battle intensified as the snakes, perched in the trees, launched their attacks from above. Cha Eun Xiao, now even more concerned, observed the chaotic scene unfolding before him. Defending against both ground and aerial assaults was stretching the men of the Cold Moon Palace to their limits. The situation was becoming increasingly dire, and the possibility of failure loomed large.

Xiao Mufei's commanding voice cut through the tumult, directing thirty men to leap into action. Their swords radiated with an eerie glow as they expertly countered the snake attacks from the sky. Meanwhile, dozens of other disciples remained vigilant, swiftly dealing with the serpents on the ground. The united effort of these two groups created a strong defensive line, a necessity in such a perilous battle.

Cha Eun Xiao couldn't help but worry. While the first hundred and twenty of the three hundred and sixty men remained unharmed, he knew that casualties were inevitable if the fight continued. He was aware of the snakes' vulnerability but struggled to find a way to communicate this critical information to his comrades.

In the midst of the battle, Cha Eun Xiao felt a subtle movement on his chest. He glanced down and saw Erhuo, his feline companion, in a state of excitement. No longer displaying fear, the cat seemed to have a plan.

Understanding the unspoken communication, Cha Eun Xiao reached out and took hold of a snake's neck. Despite its gruesome injuries, the snake remained alive, attempting to twist and strike.

Erhuo, unhesitatingly, casually approached the snake. With a deft claw, the cat rolled the snake over. The wounded serpent hissed menacingly, its gaze locking onto Erhuo.

The cat was unimpressed by the snake's hostility. [You insignificant, dying snake. How dare you glare at me?]

With a swift, decisive motion, Erhuo clamped its jaws around the snake's head and, with a satisfying - Crack! - severed it. The snake's head was devoured without hesitation.

Cha Eun Xiao was taken aback. "You foolish cat! It's a poisonous snake!"

Erhuo rolled its eyes, utterly indifferent to Cha Eun Xiao's panic.

[You think I'm ignorant? I know it's poisonous. Would I eat it if I were afraid of its venom?]

Licking its lips, Erhuo pondered the taste of the snake.

[My master, you truly are an ignorant fool. If you don't want me to be poisoned, then don't let me fight with these snakes in the first place.]

As it continued to lick its lips, Erhuo's ears stood up, and its eyes lit up with a newfound fascination.

[This is a revelation!]

[That... is indeed a surprise!]

[This snake... is packed with nutrients!]

[It may look eerie, but it's surprisingly delectable.]

As Cha Eun Xiao looked around at the vast horde of snakes, a glint of excitement filled his eyes, and a thin trail of saliva formed at the corners of his mouth. The sight of so many snakes seemed to have awakened his feline companion's primal instincts.

"A Silver-scaled Golden-caruncle Snake, one of the most poisonous creatures in Qing-Yun Realm. They can only be found here in the Dark Pine Forest," a deep voice intoned, and it belonged to Xiao Mufei.

Xiao Mufei continued to speak, his eyes fixed on the serpentine swarm.

"Among the beasts of Qing-Yun Realm, this snake may not be a top-tier adversary. In fact, it's considered below average in terms of raw power. However, it's the sheer lethality of its venom that makes it a part of the upper echelon of poisonous creatures."

"Anyone bitten by this snake is doomed, their fate sealed by its deadly toxin. Even Dao Origin Stage cultivators wouldn't stand a chance against its venom. The snake itself is only a third-level beast, which means it's inherently weak," Xiao Mufei explained as he kept a watchful eye on the snakes.

As Xiao Mufei's words mingled with the sounds of battle, the disciples fought on, all ears to his wisdom.

"Perhaps you're not the most exceptional cultivators, but each of you has achieved at least Dream Origin Stage. Handling a level six beast should be a walk in the park for you."

Despite the gravity of the situation, Xiao Mufei's tone took on an encouraging note. He was motivating his comrades to rise to the challenge.

"Currently, we number over three hundred strong. While we face an overwhelming one hundred thousand snakes, each of you only needs to vanquish around three thousand [1]."

Xiao Mufei continued, "We've been taking turns to hold back the snakes, affording ourselves moments of respite. We've dedicated our lives to cultivation. These are just ordinary snakes; surely, we can deal with them."

The disciples, rejuvenated by their leader's words, felt their spirits lift.

[He's right! There might be a lot of snakes, but I only have to slay three thousand of them. That's merely swinging my sword three thousand times. We practice more than that every day!]

A newfound determination coursed through them. Their swords gleamed even brighter as they struck faster and more precisely. In a matter of moments, they'd expanded their defensive line by a hundred meters.

Cheers erupted among the disciples. It seemed that the tide was turning in their favor.

Cha Eun Xiao, however, harbored concerns. He approached Xiao Mufei and spoke in hushed tones, "Elder Xiao, I fear something is amiss. I don't believe these snakes are as easy to handle as we think. I've been observing them and even managed to grab one. When dealing with just a single snake, it's manageable, even for someone like me. The key is to avoid getting poisoned. But these snakes possess remarkably tough scales. Continuously cutting through them will drain our energy swiftly. Even with the rotations, we may still find ourselves unable to subdue them. What's more, the strain on our weapons will be considerable. Dying due to weapon failure would be a dishonorable end."

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