The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 767: Golden Caruncle, the Weak Point!

Chapter 767: Golden Caruncle, the Weak Point!

Golden Caruncle, the Weak Point! . . .

Xiao Mufei possessed a wealth of experience and was astute enough to discern Cha Eun Xiao's unspoken concerns. However, the pressing situation demanded an uplifting speech to boost the morale of his men, so he refrained from elaborating on the issue at hand. Nevertheless, Cha Eun Xiao's words had sparked a glimmer of hope in Xiao Mufei's eyes.

"Do you have any ideas, then?" he inquired, leaning closer to Cha Eun Xiao.

Cha Eun Xiao nodded thoughtfully. "I've examined the snake before. Like many serpents, its jugular is a vulnerable point, but not a fatal one," he explained.

Xiao Mufei concurred, "Indeed, targeting its jugular won't lead to its demise."

Cha Eun Xiao continued, "I may be new to this world, but I've learned one thing. Every living creature harbors a fatal weakness. If we can identify this vulnerability, it will significantly ease our task. The Silver-scaled Golden-caruncle Snake must have such a weakness; we need to uncover it as soon as possible. Regrettably, I don't know where it might be."

He proposed a solution, saying, "Perhaps we could instruct our men to test various parts of the snake's body, attacking their necks, tails, heads, and other areas. By doing so, we may pinpoint this critical weak point."

Cha Eun Xiao had articulated his idea concisely, and Xiao Mufei grasped the essence of it. This snake was known to be extremely toxic, but detailed information about it was scarce. Now, with numerous specimens at hand, it was indeed feasible to experiment on them. Although these snakes were perilous, they weren't overwhelmingly formidable. If they could unveil the precise location for a swift, lethal strike, they could drastically expedite their survival by a factor of ten.

Xiao Mufei recognized the wisdom in Cha Eun Xiao's words and promptly issued the order, "Try attacking the snakes on different parts, such as the neck, tail, head, and elsewhere."

Several level eight Dream Origin Stage cultivators acknowledged the command and engaged the snakes. Their blades glinted with icy resolve as they attempted to dissect the serpents. A few snakes were dispatched. However, Cha Eun Xiao urged, "Elder Xiao, I fear time is of the essence. Encourage them to work more swiftly."

Xiao Mufei shared Cha Eun Xiao's apprehension.

The snakes appeared more imposing than their earlier counterparts. These newcomers were twice the size, weighing around four to five kilograms. Their scales were denser and more resilient, making it a herculean task to sever them. As a result, the disciples found themselves retreating.

Then, a disconcerting crack echoed. A man's sword struck a snake, causing it intense pain and propelling it away, though it remained alive. More worrisome, the sword snapped into two pieces.

The man reacted swiftly, exiting the battle, while another stepped into his place. Yet, with the transition came a series of cries. Seven men were bitten by the snakes and perished. Xiao Mufei watched, crestfallen, as his disciples continued to contend with the snakes.

Beside him, Cha Eun Xiao monitored the situation and fervently hoped that someone would discover the secret concealed within the caruncle of the snakes. However, although hundreds of serpents fell victim to their blades in a matter of moments, none of the men dared to test the caruncle.

On one hand, the snakes diligently safeguarded their caruncles, and on the other, none of the men had yet considered that to be the crucial target.

Drenched in sweat, Xiao Mufei grappled with the grim reality that his men were both physically and mentally fatigued. The loss of several of their comrades only intensified the pall of fear hanging over the surviving disciples. The situation was increasingly dire, and their lives hung in the balance.

Amid this sense of helplessness, Cha Eun Xiao's muttering words reached Xiao Mufei's ears. With a thoughtful frown, Cha Eun Xiao pondered aloud, "That's impossible. We tried every part of the snake. They must have a fatal weak point, right? Is Silver-scaled Golden-caruncle Snake a perfect creature? Silver scales protect the body. Golden caruncle… Wait… If there is any part of it we haven't tried to attack yet, it must be the caruncle…"

Xiao Mufei's eyes ignited with newfound hope as he grasped the implications of Cha Eun Xiao's words. He shouted urgently, "Hit the caruncle! The caruncle! That's the weak point!"

His call echoed throughout the forest, and a few Dream Origin Stage cultivators swiftly sprang into action, their long swords gleaming with icy resolve. - Shoot, shoot, shoot… -

In a matter of moments, dozens of snakes that had been soaring through the air were struck directly on their caruncles, plummeting to the ground. Greenish liquid oozed from their damaged caruncles as life swiftly abandoned them. They lay motionless, their threat vanquished.

"The caruncle!"

"Hit the caruncle!"

The excited rallying cry spread among the disciples, and their strategy shifted. No longer did they engage the snakes in fierce combat; instead, they sidestepped the serpents' assaults and targeted their caruncles. Before long, a mound of deceased snakes littered the forest floor, each with its caruncle brutally severed.

The slain snakes accumulated, forming a one-meter high pile of serpentine bodies. As more and more snakes fell victim to their blades, the gruesome pile grew larger, a testament to their newfound tactic.

Now that they had pinpointed the fatal weak point of the snakes, the tide of battle had decidedly turned in their favor. The disciples, all seasoned practitioners beyond the Dream Origin Stage, dispatched the snakes as if mowing down tall grass.

Xiao Mufei breathed a sigh of relief, encouraging his disciples with renewed vigor. After the battle had subsided, he took it upon himself to clear away the deceased serpents.

The snakes, though lifeless, still harbored venom within their bodies. Any inadvertent contact with the venom would spell certain death. As the disciples were engrossed in combat, they had neglected to address the corpses. With the battle now safely on their side, Xiao Mufei assumed the task of ridding their environment of the noxious remains.

Meanwhile, Erhuo, Cha Eun Xiao's feline companion, darted between his legs with evident excitement, eagerly anticipating the spoils of their hard-won victory.

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