The Stars Beyond

Chapter 46: Chance Encounter

Chapter 46: Chance Encounter

Back then, a wealthy corporation funded the restoration of the ancient temple. During the process, they negotiated discreetly with the temple and local authorities, offering a substantial compensation, intending to relocate the temple to the New Star. Ultimately, after compromises and approvals from all parties involved, the entire temple was relocated in its entirety. From each brick and tile, the old roots of the Bodhi tree, to the Buddha statues, everything was transported away. And in its original location, an even more magnificent temple emerged, grander than its predecessor, with thriving incense offerings. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

From a distance, it looked solemn and divine. Wang Xuan pondered, understanding that such feats were not merely a matter of money. It highlighted the influence wielded by the corporations.

"No wonder I couldn't find the Ascension Stone here. There’s nothing left..." He sighed softly, realizing the original temple had long been moved away.

Does it mean that even the Buddha had been relocated to space?

Soon, Wang Xuan thought about the situation back home, in the Taoist temple inside Black Mountain... Not only were the tiles gone, but even the foundation had disappeared. He suspected it was the work of those from the New World. Not only had they excavated the old land below; they also moved temples and Taoist monasteries with rich mythical legends from the surface.

Wang Xuan was speechless. The Old World had truly been emptied. The items he sought were almost all gone. This meant he seriously needed to consider making a trip to the New World.

From the ancient bamboo slips of the Early Qin period, to millennia-old temples, to the ancestral homes of various religions, and various relics related to the Ascension, all were relocated, almost disappearing from the Old World.

What Wang Xuan yearned for was now in the New World.

"I’ve got to get prepared," he murmured to himself. With no other options, he had to set out.

Wang Xuan turned and left the temple. Looking back at the grand temple bathed in the morning glow, it seemed to have lost its divine brilliance. He sighed, realizing that first impressions heavily influence one's judgments. As Wang Xuan continued on his way, he thought about the old monk with bleeding eyes, gradually understanding what he was seeking.

"All the Ascension artifacts have been moved into space along with the temple. Is that why he wants to follow?"

However, in the blurry visions the old monk demonstrated in the dead of night, there were clear images of Bodhisattvas soaring into the sky, Arhats rising, and the Bodhi tree uprooting. All of them had been brought into space.

Why was he left behind? Was it because the old monk had made mistakes in the past and was locked into the stone wall? Or was it because the residual spiritual energy of the former Buddhist Transcendents scattered everywhere? Is the monk just a fragment of them? Having been revived, he too wanted to go to the Taoist temple in the New World.

Regardless, everything seemed to be related to the New World.

"Old Chen, get a good night's sleep. You've had it tough lately. The capable are indeed burdened with more tasks," Wang Xuan muttered to himself, a smile spreading across his face.

He felt that since he was considering going to the New World, he should soon have a serious talk with Qing Mu. However, he needed to either calm down Old Chen or send him away. Old Chen had too many thoughts and was quite difficult to handle.

"Old Chen, you've really outdone yourself this time, actually trying to plot against me!"

Wang Xuan felt that since Old Chen couldn't get anything from the female Daoist, he would probably resort to any means to scheme against him. If not for the accidental disruption and Qing Mu’s timely intervention, he would have been left completely unprepared.

"But I'm a generous man. Aren't you the tenacious type who can endure to the end? Since you are so desperate to learn about the Ascension Techniques, I'll give you another chance!" On his way back, Wang Xuan chuckled to himself.

It was Sunday, a day off from work. After returning to An City, there was still plenty of time, so Wang Xuan took a leisurely stroll. Having lived in this city for over four years, he held a certain fondness for it. Knowing he might leave soon, he walked through some familiar places, taking in the sights.

Wang Xuan had no intention of causing trouble, but he could not stand by and watch these men act recklessly. If he confronted them directly, it would surely turn into a chaotic scene. Instead, he thought of addressing the issue from its root. Guiding the little girl with him, he made his way to the lakeside where Wu Yin was.

"You guys are way out of line! What era do you think this is? Acting like you're escorting royalty? The days of kings are long over!" Wang Xuan shouted.

His intention was clear – he wanted Wu Yin to intervene, hoping that she would reprimand the celebrity she obviously knew. He believed that it would be more effective to address the issue at its source, ensuring such incidents would never happen again in the future.

Wang Xuan noticed that Wu Yin was not too keen on all the attention. She had gestured dismissively at the star, probably wishing she could just melt into the background and disappear.

But as he nudged through the crowd to approach her, he saw her already frosty demeanor go a few degrees colder. Spotting him, she quickly crossed her arms, her body language screaming "stay away."

He rolled his eyes internally. Really? Is this necessary? He suspected she was still peeved at him. After all, their last encounter did not end on the best of terms. He had provided some rather blunt medical advice, which were uncalled for.

Wu Yin shot him an icy glare and deliberately turned away, making it abundantly clear she had no desire to exchange pleasantries with him.

"Hey... Wu Yin!" Wang Xuan nearly blurted out a different, less flattering nickname. He remembered too well that aside from her fiery temper, his most vivid impression of her was her more “ample” attributes. He had to bite his tongue to avoid a slip of the tongue.

Wu Yin was sharp. She immediately caught onto what Wang Xuan had almost called her from just the first syllable. Fire seemed to shoot from her eyes.

"Look, don't get the wrong idea," he quickly said, trying to defuse the situation. "I saw you signaling to that actress. You two clearly know each other. Maybe you could get her entourage to tone it down a bit? They nearly pushed me into the lake."

Wu Yin did, in fact, intend to call over the actress and ask her to leave. But seeing Wang Xuan getting closer gave her the impression that he was purposely drawing attention to them. She huffed in annoyance, choosing to give him the cold shoulder. Turning her back on him, she made it crystal clear that she was not interested in a chat.

The looming bodyguards, in their dark suits, approached with clear hostility, clearly thinking Wang Xuan was looking for trouble.

"Keep your hands to yourself!" Wu Yin warned sharply.

But Wang Xuan did not budge. He was now standing right by the lake's edge. With a doctor's sense of duty and a wish to teach everyone involved a lesson, he adeptly sent each bodyguard into the water with a well-placed kick.

This sparked the hornet's nest. The swarm of dark-clad bodyguards charged forward.

Clutching the little girl, Wang Xuan cast a desperate look towards Wu Yin, silently pleading for her to intervene before they both ended up in the lake. Wu Yin, however, was having none of it. She tried to sidestep the chaos, shooting Wang Xuan an icy glare.

Noting her ongoing defensive posture, Wang Xuan figured he might as well set everyone straight. As the bodyguards neared, he swerved to protect the little girl. While he didn't lay a hand on Wu Yin, he wasn’t exactly polite either, cheekily sending her tumbling with a swift kick to her rear.

As for the bodyguards, any who dared approach found themselves on the receiving end of Wang Xuan's powerful kicks. In no time, the area was cleared, much to the delight of the onlooking crowd who had grown tired of the overbearing entourage.

Before long, the actress herself was pushed forward by the crowd. Wang Xuan was quite surprised to find her ending up in the water as well.

"I'd like to note that I didn’t kick her in," Wang Xuan announced to the gathered audience.

"Uncle, it kind of looked like you did," the honest little girl whispered to him.

Laughter erupted from the crowd.

Shaking his head, Wang Xuan dialed an old contact. "Hey, Old Chen. Fine, I’ll share some of my secrets with you. But first, I need some help cleaning up a small mess."

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