The Stars Beyond

Chapter 47: An Heiress As His Chauffeur

Chapter 47: An Heiress As His Chauffeur

Wu Yin's eyes flared with fury. She was thoroughly enraged. With her status, she rarely found herself in compromising situations. She did not even trouble Wang Xuan today, but the audacity he had to raise his hand, or rather, his leg against her was unforgivable. It made her seethe with anger.

Moreover, a throbbing pain lingered in her buttocks, testament to the intensity of that kick. It had been so forceful that she almost let out a yelp at the moment of impact. By nature, she was quick-tempered. As she simmered in her anger, her chest heaved rapidly. She was itching to immediately swim to the shore and settle scores with the man responsible.

Yet, she dared not move. Her long skirt was completely soaked, clinging tightly to her body. Given her striking silhouette, stepping ashore would undeniably make her the center of attention. Using her long hair to shield her face out of fear of being photographed, she felt the cold creep in, amplified by the late autumn season. Between the cold and her indignation, she could only clench her teeth in frustration.

Elsewhere, the actress was far less composed. Upon landing in the lake, she let out a piercing scream. This experience was nothing short of a nightmare for her. This caused her to gulp down water in panic. Fortunately, the bodyguards who had fallen into the lake with her were dedicated to her safety. Among the group, a few female bodyguards swiftly swam towards her, ensuring she didn’t drown. However, her makeup was completely ruined.

Witnessing the scene, Wu Yin's assistant refrained from acting rashly, fearing she too would be kicked into the water. Instead, she quickly dialed a number, seeking assistance from the shore. A bodyguard tried to climb ashore, but the onlookers jeered and kicked him back into the water. Seeing this, the other bodyguards stayed away from the shore as well.

"Everyone, step back! We need to rescue those in the water. They might catch a cold if they stay in there,” Wang Xuan called out, not wanting the situation to escalate. He felt it would be best to let them climb out first.

One after another, the black-clad bodyguards made their way to the shore, noticeably more subdued and not pushing around the onlookers anymore, instead assisting their comrades out of the water.

"Da Wu, let me help you up!" Wang Xuan shouted to Wu Yin. Acting in the spirit of kindness and believing that it's better to reconcile than feud, he reached out, offering to help Wu Yin up.

Thoughtfully, he avoided using her full name, knowing her background as part of a prominent family, and thus a sensitive topic. Wu Yin remained unmoved. After hearing him address her with the prefix 'Da'[1], her eyes ignited even more fiercely. She felt no warmth or care from his attempt at assistance. On the contrary, she believed that he was deliberately mocking her, probably in retaliation for her previous overreactions.

Noticing her lack of response and how she hung her head low, using strands of hair to shield her face - reminiscent of an ostrich burying its head - Wang Xuan decided not to bother further. After all, they were mere acquaintances. Wu Yin, sensing his gaze, felt he was doing it intentionally with the intention of witnessing the embarrassing sight of her drenched skirt clinging to her figure.

A woman in her thirties hurriedly approached the young girl beside Wang Xuan. Tears stained her face as she spoke with a shaky voice, "Lei Lei!"

"Mommy!" the little girl exclaimed joyfully.

The crowd had been so dense earlier, and the chaos caused by the bodyguards resulted in the mother and daughter being separated. Seeing this, Wang Xuan promptly handed the little girl over to the woman. The mother, voice quivering with relief and gratitude, tightly embraced her daughter.

Just then, a man in his fifties approached, flanked by several individuals. Wang Xuan immediately grew wary, for the people accompanying the older man were no ordinary individuals.

"Little Yin, what happened to you?" he asked.

"Uncle, I was pushed into the water," Wu Yin informed him, her gaze shifting to Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan sighed internally. Old Chen is a bit slow. Why isn't he here yet? He had not thought of leaving earlier, and with things as they were, he would not leave. Instead, he calmly stepped forward. Portraying himself as a concerned bystander, he took the initiative to explain to the middle-aged man. "That actress caused a scene. She was blocking the way of the pedestrians here. Her bodyguards even nearly pushed onlookers into the lake."

"It's absolutely disgraceful!" Wang Xuan shook his head, adding, "Even after causing such a scene, the actress had the audacity to whisper that she knew one of the victims in the lake. It's simply..." Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

The middle-aged man in his fifties was named Wu Chenglin, and he was indeed Wu Yin's uncle. Being an astute individual, he instantly grasped that this young man, Wang Xuan, might be telling a somewhat embellished version of events.

"Do the two of them really know each other?" Wang Xuan asked, pointing at Wu Yin in the water, the so-called "victim", and then gesturing toward the actress not far away.

"No, they don’t!" Wu Chenglin immediately replied. Swiftly, he removed his coat and handed it to Wu Yin who was now by the edge of the lake, helping her up. It was natural for him to deny any acquaintance. Their modus operandi was to maintain a low profile, staying behind the scenes, away from the limelight. They didn't want to be the center of attention or the subject of public scrutiny. Moreover, the images from today would undoubtedly make for negative press if they were to appear in the news.

Not far away, the actress and her assistant appeared discontented. They wanted to voice their grievances, but a mere glance from Wu Chenglin silenced them. Addressing the onlookers, he said, "There's nothing more to see here. Everyone, please move along."

Old Chen chuckled, "Where did that come from? The celestial herb mission is scheduled for later; it's not the immediate concern. The current operation is relatively safe. You have my personal guarantee."

Staring at him, Wang Xuan thought, if he ever truly trusted this so-called senior colleague, hell would freeze over!

Old Chen said, "Think about it: the young Miss Wu from the Wu family is all in, serving as your pilot for that mini spaceship. Trust me, she's more than competent. If she's in it, how risky could it be?"

Wang Xuan gave him a sidelong glance, feeling that Old Chen's words were overflowing with implausibility, and he was acting a tad too flippant for the moment. "Let's talk business, Old Chen. And just so we're clear, don't entertain the idea of selling me off to the Wu family. Because if you do, even if I introduce you to the 'Immortal Ascension Technique', you're bound to face consequences."

Old Chen, eyes shining at the mention of the 'Immortal Ascension Technique', chimed in, "Look, Wang, don't dismiss my words so readily. This time, they genuinely approached us. In the realm of ancient practices, my voice carries weight, making me a worthy invitee. Now, they're even more aware that some issues can only be sorted out by those skilled in the Old Arts."

Intrigued, Wang Xuan asked, "Judging by your confidence, Old Chen, just how advanced are you in these ancient practices?"

With a hint of pride and a smirk, Old Chen explained, "Here's a perspective: Sun Chengkun, whom you clashed with at Dark Mountain - before his prime was disrupted, despite our similar age, always greeted me with 'Master Chen' in reverence."

Suspicion! Wang Xuan's eyes narrowed. "Is this some truth or just some theatrical exaggeration? Is Old Chen that much of a powerhouse?"

By now, they had ventured to the back of the design institute, into the derelict machinery yard where Old Chen often went fishing.

"See that? Those abandoned steel contraptions, the huge cogs, and crushers? I used to hit them with my bare hands frequently during my younger days, using them as part of my training regimen." He gestured towards a sprawling mass of rusted machines, their combined weight unimaginable.

Pausing briefly, he then went on, lightly tapping a thick slab of discarded steel, "I haven't flexed my muscles in quite some time."

He then nudged Wang Xuan, suggesting it was time to disclose the secrets of the "Immortal Ascension Technique". Wang Xuan did not plan to be cursory. He intended to genuinely show Old Chen the technique passed down from the ancient monk. As he demonstrated, he began explaining the first move. However, he couldn’t unleash the true essence of the punch since it required the synchronization of internal organs for power, a technique quite challenging for beginners. At this stage, he could only articulate it verbally.

Old Chen, being well-versed, was astounded. He remarked, “It's impressive. It has hints of the Vajra Fist but is distinctly unique. For someone like me, mastering it will be a formidable challenge, but it's worth the effort.”

Wang Xuan only taught him one move, suggesting that Old Chen could head home and that the remaining moves would be shared the next day. “All right, no rush. I'll come by again tomorrow,” Old Chen responded, nodding. He seemed eager to practice and left in a hurry.

Wang Xuan mused to himself, thinking that the old monk, with his bleeding eyes, would likely visit Old Chen that night. By the end of their pleasant evening, Old Chen would probably have grasped everything. After Old Chen left, Wang Xuan patted the same thick steel plate. To his astonishment, the spot Old Chen had touched earlier crumbled into fine fragments. He gasped in disbelief. Is Old Chen really that formidable?

Reflecting on the moment, Wang Xuan realized Old Chen hadn’t exerted much force, just a light tap, and the outcome was both astonishing and eerie. “I need to be more respectful towards Old Chen in the future. Having such an alarmingly capable old colleague keep an eye on you is unnerving,” Wang Xuan sighed. That evening, upon returning home, Wang Xuan began murmuring to the old monk, suggesting he might visit Old Chen’s bedside since Old Chen frequently visited the new star and might help fulfill his desires.

The next morning, Old Chen sought out Wang Xuan with eyes as red as a rabbit's. He confronted Wang Xuan, "Little Wang, you've done it again! First, you sent a female practitioner my way, and now a ghostly monk is haunting me. What's your intention? I just got rid of one of them, and now I have to deal with another problem!"

Wang Xuan was surprised and asked, "Didn't he teach you the technique?"

Old Chen grumbled in frustration, "Teach!? He sat at the foot of my bed, staring at me all night. Every time I tried to fall asleep, he'd lean in closer, his ashen eyes being truly unsettling. The heavenly fairy from before was at least better; she maintained her distance, and her true form was exceptionally beautiful. Unlike this one, all dark and exuding a rotting smell. He didn't say anything, just loomed over me the entire night!"

Considering Old Chen's abilities, Wang Xuan decided to genuinely teach him the technique to avoid any potential outburst from Old Chen. He went on to recount his experiences in detail.

The following day, Old Chen appeared even more exhausted and aggrieved. He came to Wang Xuan and exclaimed, "Little Wang, you've played me!"

"No, I did not! I told you everything in detail!" Wang Xuan genuinely felt wronged.

"I followed your experience and aimed a punch at his head. But then, he chased me all night long within my mental domain!" Old Chen said, exasperated.


[1]Da: 大, the word "big". Here he was hinting at her big... Chest

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