The Stars Beyond

Chapter 49: A Lantern That Attracts Moths

Chapter 49: A Lantern That Attracts Moths

Wang Xuan looked at Old Chen with newfound respect. It seemed that Old Chen was stepping up, willing to pave a way for the Old Arts in these challenging times. The current atmosphere was tense. The Old Arts had been formally discarded, and many believed that the New Arts represented the future. Those practicing the Old Arts were seen as having no path forward. If this trend continued, the practice of the Old Arts would vanish, and this once-vibrant path would be completely forgotten.

"Three years ago, Old Zheng passed away. Old Miao left us the autumn before last. Old Sun departed last winter, and Old Zhong in the spring of this year. All lived past a century, yet none could break through that particular boundary, unable to cross that threshold. What a loss," Qing Mu lamented, his tone heavy with sorrow. "With the passing of the four elders of the Old Arts in quick succession, it feels like the end of an era."

He didn't vocalize certain thoughts. Precisely because these influential figures in the Old Arts had died over the past few years, the future seemed even more uncertain. After all, during their lifetimes, these figures had great reputations, forging relationships with major powers. Decades ago, when their personal strengths were at their peak, they had collaborated closely with many organizations and had connections everywhere. But with their recent departures, the Old Arts' relationships with these powers had dwindled.

"Am I not still here? In the realm of Old Arts, wouldn't you say I'm one of the elders?" Old Chen interjected.

Qing Mu's face turned somber. "That's precisely why you shouldn't act. If you were to fall, the legacy of the Old Arts would dim even further. The era that your generation upheld would definitively close. To many, the Old Arts would be viewed as having reached its end." Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

Wang Xuan was genuinely surprised. Is Old Chen really that powerful? He looks to be in his sixties, yet his reputation matches those who are over a hundred years old? Those revered as the elders of the Old Arts?

Qing Mu seemed to discern Wang Xuan's thoughts and spoke, "My master's reputation has been built upon genuine combat achievements. While he may not be as old as the four elders or hold the same level of fame, his strength is well-known among all circles."

Wang Xuan's heart raced. It seemed he had underestimated Old Chen's capabilities. No wonder Old Chen had mentioned that Sun Chengkun, of the same age, would naturally defer to him in terms of seniority.

"Take care, Old Chen. Qing Mu seems pessimistic about all of this. Don't push yourself too hard," Wang Xuan voiced his genuine concern, seeking clarity on the situation.

"There's nothing new under the sun. The Old Arts, mechanized armors, gene-enhanced beings, coupled with the current New Arts - power struggles resurface from time to time. An artifact, legendary in historical tales, has been unearthed from the Old Lands. Various factions are converging to stake their claims. Some wish to suppress the Old Arts, ensuring we never rise again. Hence, after all these years, I find myself compelled to act," Old Chen explained, his tone casual.

Yet, Wang Xuan immediately grasped the gravity and peril of the situation. This impending confrontation seemed to harbor ill intentions towards the Old Arts.

"Someone has to step forward," Old Chen stated calmly, his unwavering conviction evident.

Qing Mu naturally understood the intricacies at play. If Old Chen didn't step up, and other powerful practitioners in the Old Arts realm couldn't withstand the onslaught of mechanized armors, New Arts, and gene-enhanced beings, the Old Arts would inevitably fade into obscurity.

Unable to hold back, Wang Xuan asked, "Old Chen, can you further enhance your strength in the short term? What do you need?"

He genuinely feared for Old Chen's life. At his age, it would be heart-wrenching to see him risk his life for a cause still burning brightly in his heart. He hoped Old Chen wouldn't pay the ultimate price.

Wang Xuan let out a sigh, "That's classic Old Chen, always curious. I once was so engrossed by the tales of the Four Elders of Old Arts that I volunteered information about the five-page golden book. Now, I'm beginning to think Old Chen had a hidden agenda all along."

"She didn't leave me with anything. When I find something new, I'll send it your way," Wang Xuan said with casual frankness.

Old Chen jumped in surprise. He knew all too well: whenever Little Wang offered something new, trouble was sure to follow! Unable to contain his curiosity any longer, he pressed on, "What's your deal, anyway? You've got connections to the female practitioner and even managed to bring out an elder monk. Don't tell me you have something else hidden up your sleeve..."

Old Chen seemed rather unsettled and on edge, feeling very wary. He seriously doubted what was lurking around Wang Xuan; he just couldn't quite see through him.

"Nothing else for now. When the time comes, I'll send them over," Wang Xuan said, flashing a toothy grin.

At this moment, Old Chen felt a chill run down his spine, and Qing Mu was outright horrified. "Again? What's up with Wang? Is he some sort of spirit magnet?"

"I think, perhaps, the ancient immortals favor me. From the heavenly nymph to the old monk, it seems they've all indirectly proven this point. So, Old Chen, don't fret. I'll keep sending gifts your way in due time!"

Qing Mu was itching to make his exit, thinking, 'He claims not to attract spirits?!'

Old Chen felt a cold shiver down his back, thinking this youngster was truly bizarre. Who could handle someone who keeps sending troublesome spirits their way? He'd personally experienced it twice: the incident with the female practitioner and even the elder monk's appearance, both times after Wang Xuan's intervention.

If Wang Xuan were to sneakily introduce a few more "holy figures," Old Chen felt he might lose his sanity. Not wanting to dwell on the matter further, Old Chen looked at Wang Xuan and said, "Rest and recharge over the next few days. We'll be attending a gathering in four days, and you might get a chance to play your part."

"Alright!" Wang Xuan nodded in agreement.

Then, Old Chen brought up the matter of going to the New World. "It's pretty straightforward. We don’t need to do much on our own. We'll let the Wu family handle it. They’re quite proactive and have firmly decided to collaborate with us."

"Old Chen, did you sell me out?" Wang Xuan looked at him questioningly.

"Not at all," Old Chen replied, shaking his head. He then curiously asked, "Did something happen between you and the young lady from the Wu family? I didn’t sell you out, but it seems she's keen on getting you on her side. She’s been inquiring about you in Ancheng, possibly trying to recruit you for her family's expedition team. Impressive, young Wang. Be careful with whatever's going on between you two. You wouldn’t want Mr. Wu to catch wind of it."

"What are you implying? As for... Miss Wu, she clearly wants to keep her friends close and enemies closer. She’s so petty, which contrasts starkly with her physique," Wang Xuan retorted.

Wang Xuan then asked Qing Mu to keep an eye out for him, to make sure Wu Yin wouldn't cause any unwarranted trouble.

Over the next few days, Wang Xuan lived in relative peace. He conditioned his body to its peak and his spirit was exceptionally vibrant. He was just waiting for Old Chen to signal their departure.

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