The Stars Beyond

Chapter 50: Rare Divine Artifact

Chapter 50: Rare Divine Artifact

The day of departure had finally arrived. Wang Xuan arrived early at the familiar mansion on the outskirts of An City. Once everyone gathered, they would set out from here.

"Do you want to wear a synthetic human-skin mask?" Qing Mu asked him.

Wang Xuan nodded. At this stage, he still could not fully withstand the firepower of energy weapons and specially made bullets. He knew that it was in his best interest to have a low profile and keep his identity hidden.

"It's not the old days anymore. Everyone's movements leave a trace. If someone really wants to investigate an individual, sooner or later, they will be able to find the clues," Qing Mu said.

He informed Wang Xuan that even with utmost caution, one's true identity could not remain concealed forever. It was only a matter of time before it got exposed. Wang Xuan naturally understood this. However, he simply needed this buffer period. Once he practiced the Golden Body Technique to the seventh or eighth layer, he would gain more confidence. By then, conventional firearms would likely not be able to harm him.

"Where's the location this time?" Wang Xuan inquired.

"It was originally supposed to be on the moon or Mars. But considering their unfriendly approach to the Old Arts this time, it’s safer to choose the Old World."

After all, venturing deep into space posed risks. In case of any unforeseen events, it was hard to predict the outcome. Moreover, those with powerful mechs would clearly have a significant advantage. In the end, the chosen location was the Pamir Plateau area of the Old World. Old Chen then arrived. His short, densely packed silver hair shimmered brilliantly, and his demeanor had changed entirely. His eyes were sharp as a blade, and piercing like needles.

Wang Xuan almost did not recognize Old Chen when he spoke. Compared to the calm demeanor he was used to seeing on Old Chen's face every day, it was as if he was looking at a completely different person. And when Old Chen put on that icy silver mask, any semblance of familiarity vanished. No trace of the gentle colleague Wang Xuan once knew could be glimpsed behind that metallic visage. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

Old Chen gave a slight nod of acknowledgment to Qing Mu and Wang Xuan but refrained from speaking. He moved to a quiet room to rest. He was silent and still, just like a mountain that could not be moved.

As for Wang Xuan, the realistic synthetic human-skin mask he had chosen for himself depicted the face of a young Eastern man who was vibrant and full of youthful zest. Qing Mu mentioned that their adversaries comprised various ethnicities, representing different organizations and alliances. This prompted Wang Xuan to purposely pick the mask he now wore.

"It's time to leave," Qing Mu, standing by the floor-to-ceiling window, said as he watched a silver-gray large spaceship emerge from the horizon. It slowed down, gradually descending to the large landing pad at the back of the estate. It appeared the Wu family had arrived. Influential figures from the family were there to accompany Old Chen to the Pamir Plateau, presumably to witness a fierce showdown. Regardless of the uncertainties and potential risks they faced, the Wu family's decision to come and personally escort Old Chen spoke volumes of their sincerity.

Wang Xuan was puzzled. It seemed that the Wu family was in some sort of trouble, and only those who practiced the Old Arts could offer any help.

"Is it just the three of us?" Wang Xuan asked in surprise. He realized that aside from himself, Old Chen, and Qing Mu, no one else would be joining them on the journey.

"Three of us from our side is enough. My master will be the one to take the center stage," Qing Mu replied, his voice heavy. Gazing at his master's retreating figure, uncertainty filled him. He elaborated that other experts in the Old Arts would also head to the Pamir Plateau, where they would rendezvous. Additionally, the official departments of the old land would also be present to provide support and deterrence.

Wu Chenglin personally greeted Old Chen with considerable respect.

Walking beside him was Wu Yin. She was dressed appropriately, her curvaceous figure complimenting her attire. A gentle yet slightly sweet smile played on her beautiful pale face. After paying her respects to Old Chen, she warmly greeted both Qing Mu and Wang Xuan. The latter was taken aback. He had never seen this side of Wu Yin before. From his prior encounters with her, she always had a fierce temperament.

Wang Xuan was well aware of the current contention. Some wished to take the Suihou Pearl, while others aimed to prevent its removal. The meeting at Pamir Plateau was set to find a resolution.

Old Chen had mentioned in private that this pearl was supposedly obtained by a Ear Taoist magician after slaying a dragon. Legend has it that intricate scriptures are etched upon it, making it an incredibly rare and divine object. However, he wasn't entirely certain about the authenticity of this particular Suihou Pearl. Over the centuries, several alleged "real" pearls had been unearthed, only to be found to be counterfeits. Carrying a delicate fragrance, Wu Yin stood beside Wang Xuan, both having disembarked from the airship to gaze upon the expansive mountain range.

Upon Old Chen's descent, a group immediately approached him. Whether they were adversaries or old friends reuniting after years, they held him in high regard, not treating him lightly. Of course, this wasn't universal. Some maintained a chilly demeanor, and were staying a distance away from him.

"Mr. Chen!" someone loudly called out. The voice belonged to a man, encased in a compact humanoid mech suit, nearly three meters tall. With each forceful step on the ground, the mech exuded an imposing aura.

"I grew up on Mr. Chen's tales and have always admired him. However, it's been years since Mr. Chen last showcased his skills. Now, approaching sixty, can he still step into battle? Those who practice the ancient arts often start to decline at this age, with their vitality slowly withering. For safety's sake, I suggest I first test the condition of old Mr. Chen's abilities. This might prevent any unforeseen mishaps that could lead to bloodshed when he truly enters the field."

In an instant, the entire open space fell silent. Many were caught off guard, never expecting such a scene to play out. Qing Mu was immediately incensed. This meeting was, after all, infiltrated with ill-intent. They'd barely left the airship when this relatively unknown mech warrior started with his provocations. Who was he trying to impress?

Who wouldn't understand the underlying message here? The challenger's intentions were clear – to purposefully ruffle Old Chen and irritate those who practiced the ancient arts. The antagonist was well aware his actions were far from wise and were, in fact, quite lowly. Yet, he still proceeded in this crude manner. The blatant provocation was squarely aimed at Old Chen.

To Qing Mu, it was also an affront to his master. Old Chen's reputation was significant, and for someone to so casually challenge and disrespect him like this was utterly unacceptable.

In fact, even those who weren't aligned with Old Chen or belonged to opposing factions found the challenge hard to stomach. Many wore deep frowns, feeling that a line had been crossed.

Voices from various factions—mech warriors, genetically enhanced combat forms, and New Arts martial artists—raised in condemnation. A chorus of disapproval echoed, indicating that many felt this provocation was too much.

Old Chen gestured for Qing Mu to step back, taking it upon himself to address the challenge. He walked forward, saying straightforwardly, "Alright then, come and test my condition."

The mech warrior responded, "Out of respect for the elderly, I'll refrain from using firearms." With a resonant clang, he drew a nearly two-meter-long broadsword. Charging forward, the ground trembled under his weight. As he approached, he swung the sword with great force, casting a brilliant gleam that was as blinding as lightning.

Initially, Old Chen remained still, waiting for the warrior to come closer. Only when the blade was almost upon him did he deftly sidestep. Then, with lightning speed, he lunged forward and, with a loud thud, slapped the mech warrior squarely on the chest.


A horrifying sound echoed. The mech's external shell flickered with sparks and rapidly formed a dense network of cracks. Then, with a loud bang, it shattered into countless pieces, scattering across the ground.

A man, who looked to be in his thirties and of mixed heritage, tumbled out from the wreckage, his mouth frothing with blood. He collapsed onto the ground, motionless.

Wang Xuan's eyes widened in disbelief. "This..." He was lost for words. Old Chen had just demolished a mech suit with his bare hands—a feat that surpassed any of his expectations! The entire scene fell into eerie silence, the pupils of many attendees constricting in shock.

"After a decade without showing my skills, many seem to have forgotten who I am," Old Chen stated coldly. With his thick silver hair and a matching icy silver mask, he surveyed the crowd. Wherever his gaze landed, many found it difficult to maintain eye contact.

Footnote: [1] Wang Xiao: 王霄, and 小王. A word play due to how both words were pronounced in a similar fashion.

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