The Stars Beyond

Chapter 53: The Last Glory of the Old Arts

Chapter 53: The Last Glory of the Old Arts

Old Chen moved with astonishing speed, leaving behind a lingering shadow as he effortlessly leaped over ten meters with each bound. The spectators were stunned by his remarkable agility, unable to follow his movements. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

The withered middle-aged man, undoubtedly an unrivaled expert, was able to strike swiftly despite Old Chen’s speed. A red haze swept across his hand, aiming for Old Chen’s neck. The haze rose like a round of red sun before exploding, ready to engulf his opponent.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Old Chen countered the attack with a palm strike. The resulting boom echoed like thunder, shaking the ground and sending sand swirling through the air. The crowd’s hearts raced, wondering if Old Chen could summon a real thunderbolt if he kept up with the attacks. Such mastery of the Old Arts would be considered legendary, even by the standards of ancient times.

With a deafening ring, reminiscent of heavenly thunder striking a demonic being, the red haze shattered into pieces. These pieces then turned into a crimson blood light, scattering in every direction before bursting. A shower of red light fell upon the frozen ground, while others struck the distinct brown rocks of the Pamir Plateau, either leaving behind holes or completely destroying them.

The crowd's faces paled, realizing the immense power contained in those seemingly harmless droplets of light rain. It was no wonder the withered middle-aged man had been so confident and dismissive of other Old Arts experts, excluding Old Chen. His performance was undeniably impressive.

Old Chen, undeterred by the display of power, continued his assault. His palm dispersed the eye-piercing red haze. In a flash, he closed the distance between himself and his opponent.

The withered middle-aged man’s pupils contracted and his hair stood on end. He could not forget how Old Chen had effortlessly sent a three-meter tall man with super body flying more than ten meters away, causing him to explode in mid-air. It was truly terrifying. If he were struck, he would likely be reduced to a heap of blood-stained bone fragments.

At the critical moment, the withered middle-aged man took a deep breath, activating a secret power within him. His pores stretched and the blood in his body boiled as he prepared to play his trump card against Old Chen.

Old Chen could feel the life force in his body being pulled away from his body by what seemed like a mysterious force. He now understood why the old man, who practiced the Old Arts, had suddenly withered away earlier and became motionless. His life force had been drained, leaving his body devoid of life.

Fortunately, Old Chen was no ordinary individual. The five major viscera in his body vibrated and rumbled loudly. His blood and chi remained contained, and surged like a mighty river instead, infusing him with incredible vitality and causing his blood to radiate a luminous glow.

A thunderous explosion erupted as a faint white light shot out from Old Chen’s five viscera, colliding with the withered middle-aged man’s body. The impact was devastating, tearing his opponent apart.

The crowd gasped in shock, uncertain if Old Chen’s level of mastery in the Old Arts had transcended its limits. It had been many years since the Old Era had come to an end, and experts of this caliber were no longer seen. Yet, today, Old Chen had effortlessly destroyed a New Arts expert using the Five Viscera Thunder Light Technique.

Everyone recognized the immense power possessed by the withered middle-aged man, and there were only a few who could stand up against him. Yet, he was swiftly annihilated by Chen Yongjie with just a single palm strike and a faint lightning that came from his chest!

Everyone, including those on opposing sides, could not help but marvel at the terrifying power of this silver-masked Old Arts expert. He could soar through the sky and effortlessly slice through a new type of powerful mecha with a single swing of his sword. After landing, he swiftly defeated a few formidable New Arts experts with just a few moves.

Old Chen’s arms moved so fast that they left phantom-like trajectories and palm prints suspended in mid-air. The deafening explosions reverberated through the surroundings, causing discomfort in the eardrums of the spectators. Everyone was stunned by the incredible speed and overwhelming power displayed by Old Chen.

Stones, approximately the size of a teacup, that were scattered on the ground suddenly began to spin and fly around the two men like a chaotic whirlwind. The man with Six-Armed Bodhisattva Super Body emitted a soft, hazy white light, as if it was connecting with a realm beyond.

An unexplainable force field materialized, posing a threat to Old Chen, as it seemed capable of tearing him apart. However, the most terrifying aspect was the continuous collision of their palms, creating thunderous echoes that resonated throughout the plateau.

The fist-sized rocks that were sent flying around shattered upon contact with the two men’s bodies, proving their immense strength. The two men’s palms clashed and collided for about a hundred or two hundred times as they fought relentlessly.

Finally, the rocks and gravel that had been swirling around them fell to the ground. The man with Six-Armed Bodhisattva Super Body staggered backward, blood dripping from his mouth. To everyone’s shock, his six arms broke off one by one, crashing to the ground or bursting open with a sickening sound.

“The man with Six-Armed Bodhisattva Super Body is someone who has attained the Grandmaster Realm,” someone from the New Arts faction exclaimed, feeling a chilling fear as they witnessed the terrifying strength of Old Chen. It was at this moment that many finally understood what had happened. Old Chen had crippled a grandmaster!

The man with Six-Armed Bodhisattva Super Body stumbled backward. After the loss of his six arms, he eventually collapsed to the ground with blood gushing from his mouth and nose. A group of people rushed over to carry him away, knowing that even if he survived, he would be crippled.

Old Chen, still wearing the icy silver mask, advanced towards the New Arts faction. A hush descended upon the Pamir Plateau, as everyone was left in a state of utter astonishment by Old Chen’s overwhelming strength.


In the sky, aboard a powerful battleship, a prominent grandmaster from the field of the New Arts was conversing with the deputy head of a relevant department from the Old Earth.

“This battle will mark the end of the last glory of the Old Arts. After today, Chen Yongjie will be completely crippled, even if he manages to survive. In his youth, he had foolishly delved into a secret technique in a scripture from the Taoist Ancestral Court, resulting in a near-fatal incident. Despite being saved by the Four Elders of the Old Arts, he was left with lingering health issues. While it didn’t hinder his progress, he has been relatively inactive for many years as he can no longer fight like he used to. It seems unlikely that we will see any more significant actions from Chen Yongjie after today.”

“Old Chen is the last expert in the field of the Old Arts. Once he falls, the Old Arts will be considered a dead art. The others are too far behind, incapable of adequately supporting the Adventurer’s Guild. As the followers of the New Arts, we are willing to cooperate and take over Old Chen’s position. I believe our collaboration will be more harmonious,” the supreme grandmaster of the New Arts remarked calmly.

The Adventurer’s Guild had been involved in the excavation of the Immortal Cave, the incident with the female practitioner, and even had a “mysterious contact” that had caught the attention of the megacorporations. Because of this, someone sought to seize control and take over the guild.

Wu Yin’s words were not only comprehensive but also valid. The conflict between the Old and New Arts extended beyond mere ideology; it encompassed various aspects of interest.

“It seems a bit audacious for you to approach us at this time, don’t you think? We have been working quite well with Old Chen,” the deputy head of a relevant department from the Old Earth responded flatly.

“I’m sure our cooperation would be even more fruitful. We would be completely at your command. I’ve heard that the project at the underground facility in the Greater Khingan Range has been temporarily halted. We can help resolve the issues there and ensure its continuation. Additionally, we have acquired something from the deep space that can extend a person’s lifespan by a few years...”

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