The Stars Beyond

Chapter 54: Grandmasters

Chapter 54: Grandmasters

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The Pamir Plateau, situated at an altitude of 4,500 meters above sea level, was known for its harsh climate. The soil appeared grayish-brown, transforming into frozen ground as autumn approached.

In the sky, a massive super battleship loomed, its icy exterior reflecting the unforgiving cold. Inside the cabin, the deputy head of a relevant department sat calmly, tapping his fingers gently on the table. He remained silent, deep in thought.

“Old scriptures, ascension, Inner Landscape... It seems like you are constantly digging and seeking understanding of these concepts. Your sole motivation for reaching out to us is personal gain.” The deputy spoke calmly, his gaze cold as he addressed the grandmaster of the New Arts. “We have collaborated with Old Chen for many years, and we will not participate in any actions that betray the trust of our people.”

The supreme grandmaster of the New Arts, dressed in pristine white attire, possessed an otherworldly aura despite his middle-aged appearance. He nodded, acknowledging the statement.

The deputy head’s response did not come as a surprise to him. After all, it was unthinkable for someone in his position to take any actions that would betray the trust of his people at this time. However, the supreme grandmaster was confident that he would eventually collaborate with the Old Earth and fully take control of the Adventurer’s Guild. This endeavor involved the interests of multiple parties and no one could stop him once the momentum was built.

Others within the battleship observed this exchange with furrowed brows or in silence. They understood that the head of the relevant department was not young and sought to prolong his life.

In the end, someone stepped forward to voice their concerns, cautioning against the excessive reach of the New Arts faction. Their intention was to issue a warning and establish boundaries before granting permission for any further advancements.

After all, everything needed to be done gradually and with careful consideration.


Today, numerous battleships from different organizations arrived at the Pamir Plateau. Among them were some important figures from various megacorporations.

Renowned figures from the field of the New Arts personally paid visits to some of the super battleships and engaged in secret talks with the representatives from the megacorporations. Meanwhile, various forces also gathered on an interstellar ship to discuss matters together.

“Old Chen was the last beacon of hope in the Old Arts. With his fall, there is no one left to carry on this path. The so-called Old Art experts are far too inferior and lack the ability to rise again. The old arts have met their demise!”

"I believe the resources should now be directed towards the New Arts. From the perspective of growth and sustainability, the Old Arts simply cannot compare. It is a lost cause.”

“In the past, it was believed that the so-called immortals had the ability to observe everything from above. However, the path to becoming a Bodhisattva or an immortal is now inaccessible and impossible. It is likely that the immortals themselves had perished in ancient times. We are currently living in a time of great change, where new techniques are emerging and gaining support. These advancements offer tangible short-term benefits, as everyone fears aging and death. The new techniques have the potential to prolong life!”

“Supporting the New Arts in the short term is inevitable, but we must not forget the significance of the Old Arts in the long run!”


This secret negotiation began with a cordial atmosphere, but as it unfolded, intense bargaining took over. Certain powerful forces could not let go of their long-held beliefs, even if short-term benefits were evident.

Unfortunately, none of the representatives from the Old Arts were present at the negotiations. Old Chen, the only qualified individual, was on the brink of death.

One by one, more than a dozen experts emerged from the New Arts faction, only to be swiftly eliminated by Old Chen’s sword. They were either chopped up or beheaded. Some were even blown apart by Old Chen’s unstoppable palm strikes.

Wang Xuan marveled at Old Chen’s performance from afar. It was not that those people were not strong enough; some of them were incredibly skilled practitioners of the New Arts. Yet, Old Chen’s skills were unmatched, effortlessly defeating each and everyone of them.

Wang Xuan felt a lot more relieved and turned to Qing Mu. “Old Qing, your pessimism was proven wrong today. Your master is truly formidable.”

Qing Mu glared at him, unsure if he should feel offended by Wang Xuan’s remark.

Wang Xuan marveled, “Old Chen is truly formidable. He defeated everyone in the mecha, super body, and the New Arts faction. No other powerful grandmasters emerged to challenge him. Old Chen will go down in history as God, leaving future generations in awe and admiration. Everyone would wish that they had sons like Old Ch...”

“You can stop right there!” Qing Mu thought that Wang Xuan’s initial statement was decent, but the later part kind of spoiled it.

From the look of things, Wang Xuan believed that he had no opportunity to fight. Old Chen had single-handedly destroyed the confidence of other factions, as well as those who were foolish enough to challenge him.

“Let’s call it a day, Old Chen. That’s enough for today.” Chang Heng, the man in traditional clothing, sighed.

“Fine.” Old Chen had no objection to the suggestion. He sheathed his sword and turned around, ready to leave.

“Hold it right there!” A voice came from the valley. A middle-aged man in pristine, white clothes stepped forward. He seemed to be an amateur in the field of the New Arts, yet he exuded an inexplicable Taoist aura. Simultaneously, a woman in alloy armor approached, her cold metal battle suit accentuating her well-built body.

As the two approached from different directions, an unseen force stirred up a terrifying wind, causing stones on the ground to float, shatter, and explode. Everyone’s heart raced in their chest, as they sensed an overwhelming pressure. The presence of these two people seemed to expand and fill the atmosphere.

They were both... grandmasters! Not only that, they were exceptionally formidable. Their presence was even more intimidating than the man with Six Armed Bodhisattva Super Body! How could anyone possibly survive a fight with two grandmasters at once!

Old Chen sighed, realizing that the other party was aware of his weakened state and intended to exploit it. They were determined to push his failing organs to their breaking point and get rid of him for good!

Qing Mu’s face turned pale, wondering if his master could handle two grandmasters alone. At this point, he was still unaware of Old Chen’s deteriorating health.

Wang Xuan sensed the danger in the air and realized the situation was dire. The calmness of those two grandmasters indicated their absolute confidence in defeating Old Chen. He feared that Old Chen would find himself in a perilous situation.

“No more fighting, Old Chen. We’re leaving!” some of the old men who practiced the Old Arts shouted, rushing forward to stop the battle between the grandmasters. Though they were far weaker than Old Chen, they sensed the impending danger and felt compelled to intervene.

However, many people from the New Arts factions quickly stepped forward, blocking their path. Old Chen waved his hand, signaling them to stand down.

“It’s an honor to finally meet you and battle you today, Mr. Chen,” said the middle-aged man in pristine white clothes. It was the same man who had spoken to the deputy head of the relevant department from the Old Earth, expressing his desire to take over the Adventurer's Guild.

“I’ve been looking forward to sparring with you, Mr. Chen,” the female grandmaster in metal armor added. Though she appeared to be in her thirties, her true age exceeded fifty.

Those who knew the inside story understood that the two grandmasters had joined forces to prevent Old Chen from leaving. They were determined to push Old Chen to his limits, ensuring he would not leave this place alive. This plan was widely supported by some members of the New Art faction who believed that if Old Chen were to break through further, his health issues would be fully resolved.

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