The Stars Beyond

Chapter 59: Awakening The Will To Fight

Chapter 59: Awakening The Will To Fight

A brilliant light radiated from Old Chen. With his long sword in hand, he surveyed all his opponents. Not a single one dared to approach. Wherever his gaze landed, those caught in it felt their hearts race, and they involuntarily stepped back in fear.

Many came to the realization: Old Chen was likely on the brink of death.

No matter friend or foe, they could see that something was amiss. Thunderous bolts of electricity emanated from his chest, and from within came ominous, deep rumblings. Old Chen’s body trembled, looking as if he might collapse at any moment, but he stood his ground. With sword in hand, he looked to the horizon of the mountain range, his once sharp gaze gradually dimming.

The four elders of the Old Arts once commented that had Old Chen been born in ancient times, at the very least, he would have founded his own sect. If he'd reached his full potential, he might even have become an immortal level master in the realm of the Old Arts. Wang Xuan's nose tingled with emotion. He keenly sensed the diminishing life force within Old Chen. The old man’s life was coming to an end.

Leaping forward, Wang Xuan sent an expert flying with a single kick. His eyes burned with intensity as he rushed toward Old Chen. He never imagined that his old colleague might actually be facing death.

"Master!" Qing Mu's voice was a low growl, filled with despair and sorrow. In his eyes, Old Chen had always been an invincible and incredibly astute figure. How could he possibly die?

"Old Chen!" Many cried out, unable to accept the stark reality before them.

Just moments ago, Old Chen was a force to be reckoned with, seemingly possessed by a war deity, single-handedly defeating three grandmasters. His invincibility was clear for all to see. But now, the light in his eyes dimmed, signaling the imminent end of his journey. Many from the Old Arts faction raced towards him, consumed with anguish. Old Chen had audaciously and single-handedly carved a path through the New Arts ranks, whereas they lagged far behind.

"How dare you!" Wang Xuan roared in fury. He spotted someone from the New Arts side advancing towards Old Chen. Bolstered by newfound courage, the man was seeking to behead Old Chen with his alloy blade.

In the present circumstances, even many from the New Arts sect refrained from making a move. While many held a deep grudge against Old Chen, they still held respect for his unparalleled valor. Seeing him on the brink of death, there seemed to be no reason to desecrate his body further.

However, a few thought differently. Even with Old Chen's eyes devoid of light, some were eager to step forward, aiming to decapitate him and subject him to an ignominious death. Wang Xuan's prowess was undeniable. When Old Chen had punched through the New Arts faction’s lines, he was not very far behind, positioned much closer to Old Chen than the other Old Arts practitioner.

Wang Xuan, seething with rage, picked up a corpse. He swung it around and hurled it with tremendous force, striking the young man who was rushing towards Old Chen. With a loud thud, the young assailant was sent flying backward, blood gushing from his mouth and nose. His alloy blade clattered to the ground. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

Holding his bleeding nose, the young man scrambled to his feet, shooting Wang Xuan a furious glare. Disregarding the dangers, he snatched up his blade and made another attempt at Old Chen. He was hell-bent on achieving a feat that shall be remembered by all. No matter how others might see him, he was resolute in his desire to behead the grandmaster of the Old Arts.

Apart from him, several others approached, all young and equally hot-blooded. With their judgment clouded by fervor, they were single-mindedly focused on claiming the head of Old Chen, giving no thought to the potential storm they would ignite.

Wang Xuan was incredibly close now, his eyes burning with a terrifying intensity. If someone were to decapitate Old Chen right before him, he believed he would never forgive himself for the rest of his life. He did not have the time to grab another corpse to fend off the attackers. However, the ashen, frozen soil was riddled with rocks. With a forceful kick, Wang Xuan sent a basin-sized stone hurtling towards the chest of the young man brandishing the alloy blade. The impact was staggering. Those nearby heard the unmistakable crack of breaking bones. The young man had several ribs shattered by the sheer force of Wang Xuan's attack.

As someone who had cultivated the Golden Body Technique to the early stages of the fifth layer, his flesh was brimming with immense strength. The young man from the New Arts domain lay on the ground, constantly coughing up blood. While he was not dead, his chest had caved in, and the intense pain filled him with regret.

The other young men rushing towards Old Chen had their pupils contract in alarm, but they did not stop. They were still desperate to be the first to sever Old Chen's head. However, they were too late. Wang Xuan had finally reached them. He leaped towards them, and while mid-air, he drove his foot through the chest of one of the young attackers. One could only imagine the sheer terror of such strength when he used this very body as a stepping stone to land.

However, as Wang Xuan's organs continued to harmonize and hum softly, he leapt forward, swiftly clashing with one such adversary. Four punches in, and he had obliterated the man!

The practitioners of the New Arts were taken aback. Though it was true their elite experts had been slain by Old Chen's black sword, the two who just fell were no pushovers either, and they met their end at the hands of this young fighter.

Again, another practitioner of the New Arts lunged forward. Standing at a towering four meters tall, a faint blue glow enveloped him. Clearly, this was a Neo-Human— a genetically enhanced superhuman with tremendous power. He lunged at Wang Xuan, delivering a punch that erupted with a sound akin to thunder.

Gracefully sidestepping the blow, Wang Xuan retaliated with a sweeping kick. A soft white glow emanated from his internal organs, extending to his foot, which he slammed with full force into the Neo-Human's knee. With a sharp crack, the giant howled in pain, dropping to one knee. Wang Xuan jumped up, his foot connecting with his opponent's head. Without sparing him a second glance, he surged forward, ready to face yet another adversary.

He sent a fifth opponent flying, causing his chest to cave in, and swiftly retreated. Using the physical art inscribed in the Five Golden Pages had taken a toll on him, and he was nearing his limit. He sighed softly. It seemed the harder he tried to trigger his heightened senses, the more elusive they became.

Simultaneously, he regained his composure, realizing that today's battle was nearing its conclusion. Regardless of the desires of either side, it was almost time to call it a day. Opponents on the other side pointed at Wang Xuan, their gazes filled with hatred and resentment. None had expected that, at the final juncture, the Old Arts faction would produce such a formidable young warrior capable of taking down several of their experts.

Wang Xuan paid no heed and swiftly retreated.

Wu Chenglin's eyes sparkled, and his gaze was fixed on Wang Xuan. Finally, he turned to Qing Mu and said, "The 'Old Wang' that Old Chen mentioned... Could it possibly be this young man?"

It was undeniable that Old Wu was quite astute to make such a connection so quickly.

"It's not!" Qing Mu immediately denied.

Wang Xuan smirked inwardly. This Old Wu was quite cunning, trying to dig into his background. Quite audacious.

Wu Chenglin sighed, "Young man, you've genuinely taken me by surprise with your strength. Truly, heroes emerge in their youth."

Wang Xuan was well aware that the Wu family was looking for experts in the old arts to collaborate with. This flattery and ingratiation were likely aimed at trying to recruit him for their endeavors.

"All the top-tier experts were killed by Old Chen. Those I defeated were significantly weaker," Wang Xuan responded, shaking his head.

Suddenly, he paused, asking, "Where's Old Chen?"

"He was immediately taken aboard a spaceship by the relevant authorities. They're providing urgent medical treatment," Qing Mu said, a heaviness evident in his voice.


Old Chen's impending death garnered attention from all corners, with varied reactions from different factions.

Most were filled with a sense of regret, feeling it was a pity. After a long time, the realm of the Old Arts had finally produced someone of Old Chen's caliber. Yet, it seemed he could not escape his fate and would never be able to further illuminate the path of the Old Arts.

Many were closely monitoring the situation, waiting to see when Old Chen’s life would be extinguished.

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