The Stars Beyond

Chapter 60: Old Chen’s Guardian

Chapter 60: Old Chen’s Guardian

Aboard a sleek, gleaming battleship, Zhong Yong, a prominent figure even among the titans of the megacorporations, declared, "Give Little Chen a dose of the Elixir of Longevity I use."

A middle-aged attendant hesitated before responding, "Do you mean the Elixir of Longevity... or the Elixir of Wellness?"

He wondered if the elder might have misspoken. The Elixir of Longevity was insanely valuable, requiring a trek across the stars to gather rare minerals and herbs. Its production was notoriously difficult, with many batches ending up worthless. It was not something that could be mass-produced and that made it virtually priceless. Only the super-elite had access to it, and on the rare occasion, it appeared on the black market, it fetched astronomical sums. Though Zhong Yong was thin with thinning, snow-white hair, he radiated authority. A mere look from him made the attendant sweat. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

"I'll see to it immediately," the attendant said, dipping his head.

Zhong Yong gestured for him to be at ease and move along.

"Do you really hold Chen Yongjie in such high regard? He might not even pull through," remarked an elderly man with silvery hair nearby. He was Zhong Yong's younger son, Zhong Changming.

Zhong Yong spoke calmly, "It's about cultivating goodwill. People should understand gratitude."

Zhong Changming was slightly taken aback. Has father grown soft because of his old age? Regardless, facing his authoritative father, he could only nod in agreement.

Zhong Yong added, "What I mean is, after presenting the elixir in public, those practicing the Old Arts should know how to be grateful."

Zhong Changming was at a loss for words. After a moment, he inquired, "Do you have a favorable view of the Old Arts?"

"It's not about favoring one over the other," Zhong Yong replied. "Back then, when we unearthed seeds of potent medicines from the relics, it evidently strengthened the practitioners of the Old Arts. Who knows what we might discover next?"

Zhong Changming suggested, "Should we also send something to those in the New Arts domain?"

Old Zhong shook his head, "Didn't we already provide them with a sizable amount of money? Don't send anything. In the future, directly acquire the latest research results from within their domain, even if it comes at a premium."

He then said evenly, "Power must always remain in our hands. It's a simple truth that remains unshaken through the ages. Add another clause to my will: to be an heir, one must place immense importance on attaining the transcendent domain. The Zhong family must always be at the forefront!"

Subsequently, with deep emphasis, Zhong Yong said, "It might not seem like much now, but what if mythical creatures emerge decades or centuries from now? Among the descendants of the Zhong family, some must retain their advantage and be at the pinnacle of that domain. My time is limited, and I don't have many years left, but you must be proactive to avoid future regrets. It's crucial not to fall from the top of the pyramid and become subservient to others."

Zhong Changming grew solemn instantly, but deep down, he could not help but roll his eyes. For all his father's qualities, sincerity wasn't one of them. His father had a profound fear of death and a strong attachment to life's pleasures. Over the past two decades, he had faced death's door multiple times. Yet, each time, he'd poured vast resources into life-extending treatments, managing to hold on. He had even outlived his eldest son, the main heir. Zhong Changming let out a weary sigh. He figured he might not even outlast his father. Perhaps it was best to step aside and leave the battle for succession to the younger generation.

A striking young woman breezed in. Her easy access showed just how much favor she held with Zhong Yong. With a radiant smile that made her eyes dance, she assured, "Great-grandpa, don't you worry. My expedition team is on the job. We're determined to find that Immortal Grass for you, promising you another five hundred years. I've even got a few talented folks in mind to join the team soon."

He paused for a moment, his gaze sharpening, "And don't forget the Marquis Sui's Pearl. When the moment comes, have it close to your master. Let this ancient talisman, renowned for its protective aura, shield him."

Wang Xuan's eyebrows knit together as he withdrew to a quieter corner of the room. Restlessly pacing, he voiced his frustrations, "Old Chen, you've given me nothing but trouble since day one. I've been dragged into your messes. I’ve sent you the female practitioner and that ghost monk. I’ve given you everything! And here we are, on the brink of another unpredictable storm."

Qing Mu, having been away arranging for resources, used every connection he had to gather ancient artifacts. He claimed they would employ the lost arts of Zhu You and ancient shamans to extend Old Chen's life.

Upon his return, Qing Mu caught the tail end of Wang Xuan's monologue. He rolled his eyes, thinking, "Who asked you to send them in the first place?"

Wang Xuan, catching Qing Mu's exasperated expression, shot back with a defiant, "Your master did!"

Qingmu wanted to argue, but upon reflection, it seemed that Wang Xuan might actually have a point. While others were terrified, his master indeed seemed... thoroughly entertained by it all.

"Do we have a way to save Old Chen?" Wu Chenglin approached them, seeking answers.

Wang Xuan quickly responded, "Old Qing just consulted with an elder. They mentioned the need for rare ancient relics, like golden bamboo slips from the pre-Qin period, which might save a life."

Old Wu ignored Wang Xuan and turned his gaze to Qingmu.

Sighing deeply, Qingmu said, "I spoke on the phone earlier. That elder said we need rare artifacts associated with the legends of the immortals."

Wang Xuan sidled up to Da Wu, trying to curry favor. "Does the Wu family have any golden bamboo slips?"

Wu Yin rolled her eyes at him but finally whispered, "The super-wealthy Zhong family has them. But we won't be able to borrow them. They keep those items highly secretive."

"Does Old Zhong have a granddaughter?" Wang Xuan inquired.

"She does have a great-granddaughter. Why? What are you thinking?" Da Wu asked him, her tone indifferent.

"I think you might know her, right? Close friends perhaps? You could try approaching her. Saving Old Chen's life would benefit you greatly. When the time comes to collaborate with your Wu family, Old Chen would certainly go above and beyond, and even risk his life to help," Wang Xuan suggested.

"I've always hoped someone would take that girl down a notch!" Da Wu remarked, hinting at some past grievance.

Wang Xuan found himself at a loss for words. He tried to console her, suggesting she should not get too upset and that there would be opportunities to settle scores later. He then went off to curry favor with Old Wu.

Wang Xuan noticed that Old Wu was deep in thought. In the end, he dared not bring up any more ideas, fearing he might give himself away. He could only rely on Qing Mu to tap into his connections.

Setting out using the name of Old Chen, Qing Mu indeed managed to gather some items. The related parties seemed quite accommodating. Wang Xuan moved to a corner, pondering over the situation and weighing his options. Eventually, with a heavy heart, he murmured, "Old Chen, you've brought me so much trouble. I offered you the ghost monk, passed on the martial arts technique that surpasses the Great Vajra Fist, and now I'm risking everything trying to save your life. Ever since our paths crossed, I've been continuously watching over you. I've truly become your guardian angel in every sense of the word!"

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