The Stars Beyond

Chapter 76: Flame In His Heart

Chapter 76: Flame In His Heart

The moment Wang Xuan decided to go all out, his demeanor changed drastically. His eyes sharpened with a fierce intensity. How could one practice the Old Arts without a fiery passion in their heart? In this era of technological marvel, he had always kept a low profile, primarily for self-preservation. Yet, time and again, he had become a target and nearly lost his life. Despite these threats, he had always shown restraint. Initially, when faced with those out for his life, he could not bring himself to deal the killing blow, leaving them for Qing Mu to handle.

But today, once again, he sensed a strong animosity. With his spiritual domain close to formation, his senses were incredibly sharp, detecting those who wanted him dead. At this moment, he no longer wanted to hold back. Given that Old Chen had promised to have his back, Wang Xuan decided it was time to unleash his full might.

"Friend, you've gone too far," a voice called out as someone approached Wang Xuan. "What you did back there was reckless. His chest is even slightly sunken. How could you be so ruthless?"

The man did not come alone. At that instant, five other individuals joined the first. They surrounded Wang Xuan with palpable agitation, and even pushed him aggressively. Wang Xuan's expression turned icy. "Don't touch me," he warned, his voice cold. "Stay away."

"Are you saying that just because you attacked someone in broad daylight, no one is allowed to speak up? The practice of the Old Arts requires righteousness, not reckless bravado," a man in his thirties retorted, shoving Wang Xuan once more.

"Why did I retaliate? Because of his actions, just like yours right now," Wang Xuan's eyes blazed, his voice dripping with cold disdain. "Using the Dark Abyss Palm on me while approaching me, pretending to be a friend. Is this what you call righteousness?"

With barely a pause, Wang Xuan's right leg lashed out, delivering a forceful kick to the man who tried to push him again, attempting to secretly use the Dark Abyss Palm. The impact was undeniable. The man's chest bore the unmistakable imprint of Wang Xuan's foot. The chilling sound of bones fracturing echoed around them. The worst part? His internal organs bore the brunt of that kick, with a mysterious force continuing its devastation internally.

The man was lucky as Wang Xuan did not use his full strength. At his current power level, he could shatter a boulder with a single kick, but he was not aiming to kill. In fact, having bits of flesh and blood everywhere was just what he was aiming to avoid.

The man was still done for. There was no chance of him ever practicing the Old Arts again. In Wang Xuan's perspective, he had always stayed within the bounds of the law and was simply defending himself. If anyone could peek into Wang Xuan's mindset β€” his hesitance to take a life, his worries about Qing Mu's potential tax evasion on his behalf, and his convictions of self-defense β€” they would be taken aback by his intricate thought process.

People would probably be saying: "Now that's a law-abiding young man!"

The remaining assailants, seeing Wang Xuan's decisiveness and unwavering intent to deal a blow that shattered their companion's sternum, did not hesitate. They were a ruthless bunch. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.π’Έπ‘œπ”ͺ website to read fastest update


The air crackled with tension. All of them were practitioners of the 'Black Abyss Palm'. They began launching a barrage of rapid strikes targeting Wang Xuan's temples, heart, and the back of his head with malevolent intent. Yet Wang Xuan remained composed. Raising his arms to deflect their moves, he wasn't the least bit concerned about their famed technique. With his Golden Body Technique, bullets could hardly harm him, let alone these attackers who were not even top-tier fighters.

Having restrained himself for so long, Wang Xuan's fervor was ignited. His eyes glinted, sharp as swords, showing no mercy. After several parries, their arms were swiftly broken. With resounding thuds, Wang Xuan sent all four assailants flying a distance of six to seven meters. Each of them had their chest bones crushed and spat out mouthfuls of blood as they lay motionless on the ground.

Many in the crowd shifted uncomfortably. They had never seen this group before. Why were they suddenly in the midst of practitioners of the ancient arts? It was evident they were trying to stir up trouble.

The middle-aged man shook his head, lamenting, "There are many practitioners of the ancient arts, encompassing all sorts. After hearing about Master Chen's glorious achievements at Congling, many of us were inspired. We called our friends and associates, many emerging from seclusion, wanting to contribute to the cause of the ancient arts. That's why we're here. However, it's a misconception to lump us with those practicing the 'Black Abyss Palm' technique and assume we all have malicious intentions."

"And how do you intend to contribute?" Wang Xuan inquired.

"By exchanging knowledge, making friends, and uniting practitioners of the ancient arts. We aim to create a powerful alliance to further elevate our arts!" the middle-aged man explained calmly.

Wang Xuan responded icily, "Are you here because you perceive Master Chen's vulnerable state and see an opportunity? Are you planning not only to harm his disciples but also to assimilate everyone practicing the ancient arts into your organization, integrating them into whatever shadowy power you represent? You seem to be getting ahead of yourselves."

The man's expression shifted subtly. Wang Xuan's astute observation had caught him off guard. They indeed had plans, but they hadn't expected to be exposed so blatantly. He retorted, "You're overthinking it. We came here to exchange insights and make friends!"

Wang Xuan, his eyes sharp as drawn blades, confidently addressed the unfamiliar faces, "Then let's not waste time on pleasantries. You, and all of you, step forward. I'll take you all on!"

He strode forward, alone yet unyielding against the group.

Wang Xuan knew this was just the beginning. Whoever was behind this had considerable influence, rallying such a group to execute dark deeds here. Whatever came next, he was ready.

Simultaneously, he sighed inwardly, realizing he'd been played by Old Chen again. That cunning old man was probably waiting for a storm to brew, and he had been pushed into the eye of it.

"Young man, your arrogance knows no bounds," the middle-aged man retorted, refusing to admit any hidden agendas. "Do you think yourself invincible just because you defeated a dying grandmaster? You seek to challenge us, us who have done our best to contribute to the Old Arts? You're pushing it!"

Wang Xuan looked at them disdainfully, "At the very least, I've been to the Pamir Plateau, bravely facing the New Art practitioners in a decisive battle. My heart burns with passion and courage to fight and bleed for the ancient arts! Where were you hiding back then? Now you emerge to stir the pot for your own gains. Do you not find it shameful?"

He continued coldly, "Enough with the pretenses. You know exactly what you're worth - just rusty blades in someone else's arsenal, not even sharp enough to count as weapons! Today, I stand here. Come at me, one by one or all together, and I'll take you all on!"

"You're crossing a line!" The group was enraged, feeling as though he'd struck a nerve.

Ignoring their outbursts, Wang Xuan shifted his gaze further, challenging, "Those practicing the New Arts, the instigators behind all this, and anyone else who dares, step up. I'll take all of you on!"

Qing Mu's heart raced. Wang Xuan was different today. On this day, it seemed that he was ready to show his full might. He was no longer holding back.

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