The Stars Beyond

Chapter 77: Facing Them Alone

Chapter 77: Facing Them Alone

The vast grassy expanse stretched out beside the reed pond, now teeming with spectators. Several of the injured had been whisked away for medical treatment, their blood stains still fresh on the ground. The atmosphere was teeming with the intention to kill.

Wang Xuan confidently moved forward, standing alone against a throng of people. His gaze was so piercing it felt like it could kill. Those who caught it found themselves feeling a strong sense of discomfort and even pain. This was a testament of his immense spiritual prowess. Many were reluctant to meet his eyes directly, feeling utterly dwarfed by his formidable presence.

A tense silence filled the area, with no one daring to break it. Wang Xuan's footsteps resonated with a unique rhythm, initially subtle but growing louder and more pronounced, as if the earth itself trembled with each step.

"The Dance of Dragons and Snakes," murmured the elderly man next to Zhong Qing. He recognized Wang Xuan's buildup of energy. When it was released, the destruction would be unparalleled.

Zhong Qing, poised and graceful, voiced her curiosity softly, "How did he master two martial arts techniques in such a short time?"

"In ancient times, there were such talents. But in recent years, they're a rare find. Even the revered Old Chen might not have accomplished this," the elder whispered back.

Having practiced the Serpent-Crane Eight Style Technique himself, he was well aware of the intricacies involved. Legends said that at the peak of their skills, practitioners like the disciples of Zhang Daoling could shatter mountains with their kicks.

"A prodigy indeed. We should recruit him. I don’t care how you do it, just get it done," Zhong Qing concluded, falling into contemplation.

The group felt an overwhelming pressure. It felt like they were being cornered by just Wang Xuan alone. The sight of large cracks forming under his feet made several of them shudder with fear.

"He's just a young brat! How dare he act so arrogantly?"

"We shouldn't be afraid of him. Since he's so eager to take us all on by himself, let's teach him a lesson!"

One individual took the lead, rallying the rest group. He knew that the group would lose their fighting spirit entirely if it kept on. They would be humiliated by the fact that they were defeated by a lone youth.


The first to make a move was a man in his late forties who practiced the Iron Sand Palm technique. His mastery over the technique was evident. His hands were as dark as ink, the backs of which were thick and rough, resembling a hammer and coated with a unique keratin layer. His palm struck out like a black lightning bolt, with the speed that almost broke the sound barrier. The force caused the air to ripple and nearby reeds to snap. It was an awe-inspiring display. True practitioners of Old Arts like him were rare in this era. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update


However, when Wang Xuan retaliated with a slap, the powerful strike was effortlessly blocked, along with a chilling sound of breaking bones.


Wang Xuan struck out a second time. His attack caused the man's chest to collapse and sent him flying a good ten meters before crashing into the reeds. The scene left many shocked, but now that they had started the fight, retreat was not an option.

A group charged towards Wang Xuan. Some were clearly masters, their palms radiating a dim light. As they struck, faint sounds of thunder echoed from within their bodies. One particular expert unleashed the Bodhi Palm, an immensely powerful technique that emanated a faint, buddha-like glow with its strikes.

On the other side, another individual was employing a unique technique. As he heaved his chest, he spewed a radiant beam of white light that was similar to sword energy at Wang Xuan. The force was so powerful it sounded like an explosion, cutting through the air. Harnessing a mysterious energy stored within his lungs, this 'sword' was capable of slicing through solid rock and easily piercing the human body. In ancient times, masters of this technique could release a beam into the night sky, creating a spectacle reminiscent of a starlit galaxy.

The spectators were taken aback. This group was formidable indeed, with some of the masters truly awe-inspiring. Yet, despite their prowess, Wang Xuan remained stalwart against his opponents. Using his Serpent-Crane Eight Style Technique's Dance of Dragons and Snakes, he countered the Bodhi Palm strike. With a crack, the man's palm broke, contorted out of shape, with flesh and blood bursting forth, a testament to the terrifying power behind Wang Xuan's strike.


As he neared Wang Xuan, he unleashed a punch, his movements reminiscent of the "Dance of Dragons and Snakes," hinting at his training in the Serpent-Crane Eight Style Technique. Wang Xuan, quick as lightning, dodged and retaliated with a sweeping kick targeting his opponent's waist, resulting in a blinding silver explosion and a powerful energy discharge. Indeed, the armor lived up to its reputation. It took Wang Xuan's blow without a dent, retaining its luminous shine. The man was not only quick in his physical responses but was also a master of both Old and New Arts. Furthermore, his armor seemed to amplify his psychic abilities, further enhancing his overall prowess.

The culmination of his martial arts expertise, combined with the capabilities of the supernatural armor, clearly set him a cut above the rest.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In a stunning twist, Wang Xuan engaged this armored opponent in hand-to-hand combat. This left many in disbelief, notably Zhong Qing. Her pupils contracted in shock. She could recognize the armor's design as a product of her family's research. Moreover, she identified the wearer as her own younger brother, whom she had not expected to challenge Wang Xuan.


In the end, after landing repeated kicks on the same spot on the supernatural armor, Wang Xuan finally succeeded in diminishing its radiant glow. A cracking sound emanated from the chest piece of the armor. Zhong Qing's heart raced, fearing that her brother might be grievously injured by Wang Xuan's infamous kicks.

In truth, Wang Xuan was indeed not showing any mercy. With multiple kicks landing on the same spot, he delivered one final sweep, shattering the armor to reveal a young man underneath. Just as Wang Xuan was about to deliver another blow, an elder suddenly leaped forward to engage him in combat.

Wang Xuan was taken aback. The elder had mastered the complete Serpent-Crane Eight Style and was genuinely an elite martial artist. After a few intense clashes, the elder was eventually forced back by a sweeping kick from Wang Xuan that narrowly missed his shoulder. The old man staggered back in shock despite the glancing blow. His face was a mask of astonishment. I wasn’t able to withstand a near miss by this young man? It seemed to him that Wang Xuan’s skills seemed even more refined than Chen Yongjie in his prime.

Wang Xuan leaped forward, intent on finishing off the young opponent. Yet, in the final moment, he chose restraint, opting to deliver a slap instead.

After all, anyone who challenged him should bear some consequences. This was Wang Xuan’s special “courtesy” towards Old Chen. Since the participants of this duel were affiliated with Old Chen, Wang Xuan felt obligated to “educate” them. Old Chen could deal with the aftermath later.

A swift figure quickly intercepted Wang Xuan, deploying a mix of Old Arts techniques and a protective New Arts barrier. As Wang Xuan's hand descended, it shattered the light barrier.

He recognized the figure as Zhong Qing.

Wang Xuan momentarily hesitated. If his strike ended up seriously injuring her, even Old Chen would be in a tough position. After all, Zhong Qing belonged to a prominent financial dynasty, and it would be tricky even for Old Chen to clean up such a mess.

Although he tried to pull back, Wang Xuan did not fully withdraw his attack. He aimed to strike Zhong Qing lightly, while ensuring that she was not gravely hurt. This would demonstrate to onlookers that Wang Xuan had done his best to control his strength, and any harm caused was purely unintentional.

His decision to punish her was partly because Zhong Qing had once set her sights on him. This slight retribution would also serve as a warning to Old Chen. Did Old Chen really think he could use me without facing any consequences?

Thus, even as Wang Xuan attempted to retract his airborne strike, it seemed inevitable that his hand would land on Zhong Qing's pristine and incredibly beautiful face.

Zhong Qing's complexion turned ashen. A hit from Wang Xuan could not only disfigure her but might even obliterate half of her face. Overwhelmed by terror, she let out a piercing scream.

Undeniably, the elder who had mastered the Serpent-Crane Eight Style was a formidable force. At the crucial moment, he swiftly intervened, gripping Zhong Qing by the collar and abruptly yanking her backward.

However, panic was evident on his face. He had miscalculated, pulling her up too high.

Wang Xuan's palm brushed past Zhong Qing's cheek, and then with a resonant thud, inadvertently struck her in the chest. The mistake was largely due to the elder's hasty intervention.

Zhong Qing shrieked, primarily out of fear. She was acutely aware of Wang Xuan's capabilities: he could easily penetrate a chest or obliterate someone with a single blow. The very thought of enduring such a fate was unbearable to her.

"Such a powerful Vajra Fist! That's it, Zhong Qing must be finished!" Da Wu exclaimed from a distance, a hint of... excitement in her voice. She seemed oddly pleased.

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