The Stars Beyond

Chapter 83: Old, But Not Obsolete

Chapter 83: Old, But Not Obsolete

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Wang Xuan raised an eyebrow in confusion, momentarily interrupting Old Chen. "Hold on, Old Chen. Something doesn't add up. Ever since you picked up the Bodhisattva Fist from that ghost monk, you havenโ€™t been considering a switch to Buddhism, have you? Why am I hearing terms reserved for ancient Buddhas in the stages you're describing?"

Old Chen chuckled, shaking his head. "The complexities of Buddhism are overwhelming. Their frequent choice to renounce the physical world unnerves me. I'm alright learning their martial techniques, like the Bodhisattva Fist, but delving into their core spiritual teachings? That's daunting. I fear I might get too engulfed and, in a moment of folly, immolate myself, hoping to become a sacred relic."

Qing Mu blinked, finding a newfound appreciation for his master's prudent nature. Meeting Wang Xuan's gaze, Old Chen remarked with a tinge of amusement, "You immediately linking 'Illumination' to Buddhism is unexpected. You should immerse yourself more in the literature of the old arts to deepen your insights."

Wang Xuan suppressed a smirk. Is Old Chen indirectly teasing him with this seemingly earnest advice?With genuine concern, Old Chen recommended that Wang Xuan dive into the Daoist scriptures and pore over the old arts' annals, highlighting their transformative potential.

Biting back a retort, Wang Xuan resignedly nodded, realizing that now wasn't the time for banter. He had to attentively absorb Old Chen's delineation of the stages of attainment, bridging the ancient and modern realms.

Old Chen further clarified, "When I speak of 'Illumination,' I refer to the kindling of the innermost light, the heart's flame. This spiritual brilliance pierces the perpetual darkness, guiding us through uncertain terrains and revealing the path ahead."

Wang Xuan pondered for a moment, then asked, "From the beginning, what exactly is this 'Mist' stage? Have I reached it?"

Old Chen looked surprised. "Didn't I explain before? If we were to compare it to the ranks in the game of Go, I've just become a professional player, whereas you're still honing your skills among the amateurs."

At that moment, not only did Wang Xuan feel slighted, but Qing Mu also felt like he'd taken a direct hit.

"The 'Mist' stage represents those who've just begun their genuine spiritual journey," Old Chen elaborated. "Upon introspection, they can perceive some internal aspects, as if obscured by a hazy fog."

Noticing the duo's disgruntled expressions, Old Chen added, "Do you want me to define the ranks for the 'amateurs'? Simply put, it's Grandmaster and below, followed by the Grandmaster, then the Great Grandmaster. Breaking through that would make you a 'professional player', a genuine practitioner in the realm of ancient arts."

By this point, even Qing Mu felt the urge to lash out at his master. The phrasing wasnโ€™t just mildly offensive โ€“ it was blatantly condescending. To think that the title of Grandmaster was now considered transitional was astonishing. If word of this got out, everyone would likely want Old Chen's head on a platter.

"Enough," Wang Xuan interrupted, not wanting to hear more of Old Chen's grandstanding. "Focus on explaining the rest. One day, when I've grown stronger, I'll have a chance to teach you a lesson."

Old Chen nodded, continuing, "I'm currently at the 'Mist' stage, taking my first introspective look. Everything within appears dim and obscured, with the surrounding environment remaining out of view."

Wang Xuan couldn't help but reflect. Old Chen had finally stepped into the enigmatic world of the ancient arts. It marked a transformation, where he started interacting with the terrifying and the supernatural.

Wang Xuan furrowed his brow, trying to digest the information. "Let me get this straight," he began, "when you talk about the 'Mist', you're speaking of a literal fog that you've witnessed in your inner journey, not just a metaphor?"

Old Chen nodded emphatically. "Exactly. It's a tangible experience. Should you find yourself within this must one day, don't let fear take hold. Instead, seek out the dim light within it and follow its path."

"That faint glimmer, you're talking about the spiritual realm?" Wang Xuan interjected.

"Yes," Old Chen replied with a reminiscent smile. "I remember those heightened moments of perception from years past. Even though I never fully entered the Inner Landscape, those experiences transformed my spirit. And with some more focus and meditation, I'm on the brink of reaching the 'Ignition' level."

Wang Xuan pondered for a moment. "This 'Ignition'... it's about refining and concentrating one's spiritual energy, right? Making it shine brightly in the vast darkness of our inner world, guiding us forward?"

Wang Xuan pondered, finally voicing an epiphany, "The Old Arts aren't outdated."

"Exactly, and the new methods aren't truly new," Old Chen agreed with a nod.

"What do you mean?" Wang Xuan asked, his curiosity piqued. He had never extensively explored the so-called new techniques.

Old Chen chuckled derisively, "The new techniques are a massive trap. Many will eventually fall in and be reduced to nothing."

He then turned to Qing Mu, advising, "You can dabble in the new techniques, but never immerse yourself entirely. Always juxtapose them with the old methods."

Qing Mu looked puzzled. In the past, Old Chen had encouraged him to explore newer techniques. Why the sudden change in stance?

"Previously, I believed you had reached the end of your journey with the ancient arts, which is why I suggested you explore new techniques," Old Chen explained. "But now, with Wang Xuan beside you, another trip or two to the Inner Landscape might just pave the way for you. And soon, you'll have Chen, the 'Lantern Illuminator,' by your side. With all this support, you don't really need to venture deep into the new techniques. You can borrow some ideas, at most." Old Chen sounded confident.

Both Wang Xuan and Qing Mu fixed their gaze on Old Chen, eagerly awaiting further elaboration.

True to form, Old Chen had insights to share. โ€œIt was only after I recently experienced the Inner Landscape that a jolt of realization hit me. Comparing both experiences, I started doubting the simplicity of the new techniques."

He then posed a question, "Do you know the origins of the new techniques?โ€

Wang Xuan responded, โ€œWasn't it said that some supermaterial was discovered in a mysterious location, and from that, they derived the new techniques?โ€

Old Chen scoffed, "You believe they could develop such things on their own? They're simply giving themselves too much credit. The reality is, it was all unearthed from the ground."

His demeanor turned gravely serious. "Haven't you ever wondered? Many of these new techniques are eerily reminiscent of the manifestations of the ancient arts achieved by skilled practitioners. And yet, the practitioners of these new techniques start with such art-like methods from the get-go. It's truly peculiar. However, their power doesn't hold a candle to the original techniques.โ€

Wang Xuan nodded in agreement. The new techniques were indeed puzzling.

Old Chen continued, "The 'new' techniques aren't new at all. They were dug up from the earth, possibly buried centuries ago. There might even be more astonishing finds in the future. But the more I think about it, the more it feels like a potential pitfall. I suspect someone deliberately left them behind, luring future seekers into a deeper exploration."

Wang Xuan's eyes widened in astonishment. "Your explanation feels uncannily shrewd and familiar. Why does it remind me so much of the traps left by those who transcended in the Inner Landscape?"

Old Chen nodded gravely, saying, "After my experience with the Inner Landscape, I too began to sense a resemblance in methods, which led to my growing unease and suspicion."

"I think the ancients were all too cunning," Wang Xuan blurted out. "They all deserve a good beating โ€“ whatever needs to be buried should be buried, and whatever should be burned should be turned to ash!"

He then quickly glanced at the jade box not far away, which contained charred bone fragments, and hurriedly added, "Of course, exceptions exist for benevolent, kind-hearted, stunningly beautiful sword immortals who are worthy of respect and are destined to be remembered through the ages!"

"That's why I worry," Old Chen sighed, "about what kind of terrifying troubles those in the new technique realm might eventually bring upon themselves."

Wang Xuan looked puzzled, asking, "Could it be that the immortals ventured into deep space even before the modern people equipped with super battleships?"

Moreover, he thought of the female immortal's wish to keep him in the old land for three years. Could it be that after she ventured into deep space, she discovered something profound?

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