The Stars Beyond

Chapter 84: Can A Battleship Kill An Immortal?

Chapter 84: Can A Battleship Kill An Immortal?

"Could it be that these ancient immortals ventured into the depths of space before us modern humans?" Qing Mu's eyebrows furrowed, the gravity of the thought evident on his face. If there were any traces of truth to this, the ramifications would be astounding.

"It's within the realm of possibility," Old Chen mused, his gaze drifting towards the window. He had hoped to see the glimmer of the moon, but instead, thick clouds masked the sky and raindrops drummed persistently against the glass.

"With our current tech, could our super battleships stand against these immortals?" Wang Xuan questioned, sensing the lurking dangers of the ancient world. It was becoming clear that he needed to be prepared for any unforeseen circumstances.

Old Chen replied with unwavering certainty, "If they can get a lock on them, then yes, our super battleships can certainly take down these immortals."

Qing Mu, astonished, echoed, "Our contemporary technology has the power to take on those legendary beings?"

Old Chen motioned towards the window, where sporadic bolts of lightning illuminated the rain-soaked world. "Every ascendant, when reaching the pinnacle of their transformation, must face the trial of thunderbolts. The ancient elites we've discovered met their end at the hands of these very bolts. This serves as a stark reminder that even such formidable entities aren't invincible." Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

Thus far, both early ascendants and the subsequent immortals seemed to share this fatal vulnerability. Their corporeal forms were consistently annihilated by these celestial surges of energy. Those rare entities shielded by the Ascendent Bamboo were outliers and remained outside the scope of their discussion.

Old Chen continued, "Even with the formidable thunderbolts during ascension, considering the firepower of our modern battleships, breaking through the defenses of celestial beings should be possible."

Wang Xuan looked up at the night sky, lost in thought. If ancient entities ever emerged from their dormant traps, he envisioned unleashing the might of a super battleship upon them. That would teach them the power of the modern age.

He shook his head, pondering the complex tapestry of human emotions. Not long ago, he dreamed of tearing battleships apart with sheer force, and now he was strategizing against ancient deities.

The more he thought about it, the less conflicted he felt. If ever he faced off against powerful modern factions, he'd tap into the ancient arts he'd mastered. But if ancient celestial beings ever crossed his path, he'd undoubtedly harness the technological prowess of his time, using battleships to challenge them.

Chuckling to himself, Wang Xuan remarked, "The takeaway here is, don't mess with Wang Xuan. Raised in the modern age and adept in the most profound techniques, I'm ready to tackle challenges from both the past and the present."

Old Chen raised an eyebrow and said, "That's all well and good, as long as we can accurately track these celestial entities. If they remain elusive, we could be in for a real challenge."

Suddenly, an idea struck Wang Xuan. "Old Chen, what if we were to ask the Ghost Monk? If, hypothetically, we obliterated that ancient temple— the one the magnates moved to their new star—using our battleship, would the divine entities within it be affected?"

Old Chen was indeed curious, but would he dare to ask such a question? He suspected that the Ghost Monk would not simply give him a beating for a night; it could very well last for years!

"Why don't you ask?" Old Chen said with a hint of irritation, glancing at the jade box holding the charred bone fragments.

The topic became too risky to discuss further. Deep down, both men contemplated the same idea: if they eradicated the traces left behind by these celestial entities, could they possibly end their threat for good?

Old Chen continued, "That's the typical mindset of the ordinary. Little do they understand that this very capability showcases Wang Xuan's true strength. It's like the underachievers scoffing at the top students, claiming that without their academic talents, they'd outshine them."

Wang Xuan raised an eyebrow, "Old Chen, it's rare for you to compliment me. Out with it—what are you plotting?"

"Nothing this time," Old Chen replied earnestly, "Regarding your ability to enter the Inner Landscape on your own, even I, Chen Randal, genuinely admire it."

Wang Xuan wasn't convinced. Having been misled before, he had become wary of Old Chen's motives. After some thought, he suspected it had something to do with that "mysterious contact" Old Chen had hinted at in the past.


"In this world, many mysteries remain unsolved. Some are incredibly enigmatic, even unnerving, yet they beckon exploration," Old Chen began, unable to contain his excitement any longer.

Wang Xuan paid little attention to his old colleague and continued stuffing his face with food. He had only just started his dinner after being interrupted by a dream of the female sword master at dusk.

Being the loyal disciple, Qing Mu chimed in while eating, "With such advanced technology, how many mysteries can truly remain unsolved?"

Old Chen, polishing the black sword in his hands, replied, "Countless. There are files stored away in government archives that, if leaked, would cause mass hysteria. So, these top-secret documents have been buried under layers of dust, untouched for fear of the chaos they might unleash."

He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in before adding, "For instance, we were just discussing whether a super battleship could defeat the Immortal Realm. Yet, in one of those classified documents, there's an account that exceeds this. The Zhong family, one of the representative super conglomerates on the new star, reportedly lost not one, but two of their super battleships..."

Wang Xuan's heart raced, intrigued by this revelation. Such an event was unheard of. Suddenly, Old Chen's gaze sharpened. Discarding the cloth he was using to clean his sword, he stood up and looked out into the rain-drenched darkness.

"At last, they've come. They didn't disappoint me. We've hooked a big fish, no, perhaps a super great white shark!" His black sword was now firmly gripped in his hand. His entire demeanor changed – fierce, ready, and oozing with intent to kill.

Wang Xuan, sensing the urgency, also got to his feet, staring intently out the window.

Old Chen cast a sidelong glance at Wang Xuan, remarking, "Tonight, you might have to step into the spotlight. Ready to give it your all?"

"Absolutely!" Wang Xuan nodded with determination.

Outside, the world was enshrouded in darkness with a torrential downpour, promising a night that was anything but calm. Many representatives from various groups still lingered on the property, their forms barely discernible in the misty lamplight filtering through the rain.

"Old Chen, someone's approaching. He's flying!" Wang Xuan exclaimed in astonishment. "Is this merely a big fish? I wonder if even you can handle this one."

Amidst the rain, a silhouette floated, emanating a soft glow. He moved silently, gravitating towards their compound and was clearly aiming for Old Chen's room.

Even though the figure hadn't come too close yet, Wang Xuan could already feel an overwhelming pressure. An enigmatic power was expanding, surging towards them. This newcomer was incomparably formidable.

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