After the tour, Scarlet finally got time away from the guests. She made it to the underworld for the first day of the duo leaderboard games. When she made it there, she found a change in the environment. One, it was brighter but colder than usual and two, not many reapers were around the soul delivery area and it was quiet. Even the soul registrars appeared to be bored. 

She delivered her souls and went off to find Severus who was waiting for her by the new, long wide wall whose depths could not be seen into. Frost had been right about the real being different from the one used for training because this one was rougher, reddish brown in color and covered in mist the higher one looked upwards. 

Below the wall were crowds of grim reapers, soul pets, hounds, gate keepers, and almost every creature in the underworld was watching and cheering. On the boundless wall, climbers had already starting progressing. 

Some were even leaping from one point to another like graceful cats, and others were running along the wall as if gravity did not exist. One grim reaper was walking side ways and she could not fathom how he was maintain a steady pace when he could fall at any moment. She had never seen anything like this, it was supernatural, entertaining and beautiful.

"You are here, come quick." Severus pulled her to his position using his power. She literally flew through the air as she was pulled toward him. 

"What's that and how can I do it?" she asked him immediately. 

"It's the increased energy which has come with the wall, I guess the deities injected much energy into the mist. I feel three times more powerful than usual, how do you feel?" 

Scarlet closed her eyes and circulated her soul power, it felt powerful, like a new gust of energy was being infused into her soul. 

"It feels powerful." she opened her eyes and said. "Can we use it for cultivation?" 

"Only a soul drop." he replied. "You took your sweet time getting here, don't you know the importance of the games?" 

"I had guests." she answered absentmindedly because she was looking around for Frost, her partner. 

"The human world is hindering you again," Severus noted unhappily. He needed her priorities to be eighty percent underworld business and only twenty percent human world related. This was proving to be difficult because of ties to her human family, husband and child. 

"Where is my partner?" she asked him.

Severus looked at the wall and replied, "Up there, he has been at it for two hours now, he is one of the idiots that are leaping like monkeys."

"Oh," she said, holding back a chuckle. It was true that those who were leaping were a big distraction to the others. "We agreed on slow progress in the beginning to conserve our energy, if he keeps that up, he will be maxed out before he gets to the first crossing point." 

She brought her own similar white flag from her soul gourd and held it up. 

"I was not expecting you to come down so soon." she told him. 

"I reached a section of the wall where many reapers are falling off before raising their flags. I had a feeling that something was wrong so I crawled slowly and tentatively touched it. Look at my hand," he showed her his hand. 

It was slimy, and when she touched the slime, she realized that it was slippery. 

"Damn it!" she mumbled. 

Frost was right, something was right and new obstacles had been added to the wall. New quick strategies were needed. 

"How are the others getting across?" she asked him. 

"The strong ones can maintain their stability easily, I am not sure how they are doing it." he replied.

"All the anti-slip shoes in every shop are gone, those damn mecha warriors must have known ahead of everyone else about the slippery wall. It's all over the forum." Severus complained with a loud growl. 

"Isn't that cheating?" she asked. 

"Not technically, everyone can sniff around for potential cheats and possible obstacles. Some people pay the gate keepers to be ears, others pay the soul registrars and others keep an eye on what kind of armor, tools and weapons are being crafted the most." Frost explained. 

Now, she regretted not listening to the old deity when he extended a helping hand, perhaps she could have a way to help her team out of this conundrum if only she had listened. 

She thought for a little moment that the old deity might appear and say something but all was uncharacteristically silent in her mind. He sure knew how to turn up when he wanted and not when she wanted him to. 

Scarlet looked at the forum and realized that someone had already reached the first crossing point. Jesus!! what kind of energy were these reapers using that others did not have? "We should not be wasting time here, it's my turn." 

"But what is the plan?" Frost asked her. 

"Um, what are you going to do? Do you have a way to get past this slime without slipping and falling off the wall?" 

More grim reapers were falling from the wall like sick weak leaves off a tree.

"I am going to wing it." she answered and she vanished, leaving behind a dismayed partner and soul pet.

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