The white flag directly transported her to where Frost had left off. At least the games were played this way, one team member got to rest while another took over. 

She looked at the closest reapers to her sides, to see how they they were tackling the challenge and wondering if she could mimic their actions. Most of them had gloves. 

'I have gloves too,' she thought. Carefully, she brought the gloves out of her soul gourd and put them on, one at a time. 

"Good thinking." Severus thought rom below. 

She considered doing the exact same thing that she had told Frost not to do, leap!! But what worried her was that if she leaped and missed her landing, or fell into a hole, it was game over. Scarlet tilted her head upwards and looked at the thick mist which prevent those below from seeing what was ahead. 

"Damn deities." she thought. It also crossed her mind that nobody had said she could not use her scythe like a hook, mountain climbers used those all the time. 

"Why isn't she moving?" Severus concentration on the forum was completely on Scarlet asked himself worriedly. 

His worried voice was loud enough for Frost to catch and he said, "She has to be careful because more reapers are slipping off the wall. It's better not to rush and progress slowly." He too was concentrating on the forum, and his eyes were not leaving Scarlet. 

"Hey buddy," someone shoved Frost from the back and he temporarily looked away from the forum. He recognized the voice as one which belonged to his friend and fellow reaper. 

"Hey Ezekiel," he answered, "You are not the wall?" he asked. 

"I slipped, the slime got me." Ezekiel showed held up his hands. "What about you?" 

Frost nodded his head toward the wall, just where the mist begun and he said, "My partner is up there, the slime almost got me too so I took a break. But this means you are out of the games." 

"Yeah," Ezekiel scratched his head, "Dina is going to kill me." 

Dina was someone Frost knew as well, she was Ezekiel's partner and another guardian reaper. Dina and Ezekiel made quite the unlikely pair. Ezekiel was tall and thin, he also had healthy pink skin and long golden locks of hair that when untied, fell down to his lower back. His personality was calm and soft spoken, his aura was always clean, warm and inviting. It was a joke among many reapers that Ezekiel had been brought to the wrong realm and he was supposed to be an angel for the deity of light.

Dina on the other hand was short, only reaching Ezekiel's chest barely. She was temperamental and her fuse was just as short as she was physically. If you picked a fight with Dina, it was better to stay away from the underworld for a while because she challenged and provoked you every second she set her eyes on you. She was loud mouthed, could be rude and standoffish. 

It did not help that she had short cropped purple hair and a gloomy aura, which most described as the aura of death. 

But, just as Severus had said, the scythe found something to hold on to, tightly because she tugged on it to ensure that it was steady, and then, she used it as leverage to pull herself up slowly, leaping from one point to another using soul strength. 

"I will be damned." Frost said in amazement and he laughed. "She really managed to wing it."

"Don't be too quick to jubilate, she still has miles to go." 

When she had been preparing this mechanism another grim reaper had passed by her and smirked before splashing slime from the wall on her face. This was the same grim reaper that shoved her and accused her of cheating because she had a hound. When she passed by him, she smirked and waved bye bye before kicking him off the wall. 

There was disbelief in his eyes and he went down and joy in hers as she watched him. 

"What the frickity fruck?" Severus burst out loud into a whole boat load of curses that he had picked up in the human world. 

"Is she crazy?" Frost asked. "We are going to be disqualified, she has ruined everything. Oh my God, we are done." 

They were not the only ones going crazy, even those who were not participating and those who had been disqualified already were perplexed. Why had she done such a thing? Of all the obstacles they were to face, fellow reapers had not been mentioned by anyone anywhere. 

[Is this allowed?]

[What was she thinking?] 

[Guardian reapers have decided to cheat this year. The hound is cheating.]

"You, hound, has this ever been done in the history of the duo leader board games?" Frost asked Severus.

"Shut up, let me think." he barked. 

On the wall, Scarlet continued on her way up and those who had seen what she had done made sure to evade her as quickly as they could. This resulted in two more grim reapers fumbling and falling off the wall. 

[That's three victims now, the deities should come out and explain this.] 

[Why is she targeting warrior reapers only? We should target her back as well.] 

[Target all the guardian reapers and pull them of the wall.]

A loud bell rung, stopping all activity and freezing all movement. 

"The deities have reached a verdict." a commanding voice said. 

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