"The actions of reaper Scarlet, also known as the hound are not in violation of the rules of the duo leaderboard games." 

After those words were said, everything unfroze, and the competition resumed. It would have resumed much quicker if everyone was not suddenly caught up in the repercussions of this sudden announcement. Did it mean that anybody who desired could eliminate the competition by pulling, pushing or kicking them down just as she had done?

In these games, everyone apart from your teammate was an enemy but often reapers were aligned as warriors or guardians. 

In the beginning, warrior reapers and guardian reapers had been having fun taunting each other. There a common union as the enemy was either a warrior or a guardian. But now , everything had changed, so what if you were a warrior or guardian like me, in the end you were competition. 

[Wait a minute, I don't understand this, do you mean that we can eliminate each other?]

[So on top of worrying about other obstacles we have to worry about our fellow reapers!! This is not fair.]

[That damn hound, someone eliminate her already.]

[Since it is not illegal to pull others down I am sending out a warning. Marcus you arrogant grim reaper, if I don't eliminate you in this competition then my name is not June.] 

[So what happens to all the alliances which had been formed among reapers?] 

"Further announcement," the voice from before said again after the ringing of the bell, "Water from the springs of the deities is up for grabs. Third place gets two, second place gets three and first place gets five, of his or her own choosing." 

[The spring water which was infused with the power of a deity and give you the ability to level up instantly on top of strengthening your soul and multiplying your power!!, did I hear correctly?] 

[And don't forget that the deities are different so you could get new abilities from using their spring water.] 

[This is not fair to those of us who have been eliminated, please restart the competition.]

Someone that having more fun at the new twist of things in the games was the old deity. He and Lythia were watching them from her other palace, the one beyond the gates where other deities could meet on neutral ground in the underworld realm. No grim reaper had ever reached this area, only the gate keepers. 

"Who is that individual, why is it that we can't see who it is?" 

Past the first barrier point, the identities and faces of the competitors were not revealed, all one would see is their figure. Any identifying markers on their robes or shoes, and weapons' or equipment would also be removed on the forum. 

Scarlet increased her pace, and she started leaping. With much focus, she kept her eyes forward, seeing nothing but the path of her soul binding rope. 

With the bead of infinite protection that she was gifted by the gate keepers, nobody would push her off the wall and if they tried, they could end up going down themselves. 

It took her a while to get into the rhythm and she almost slipped twice, but she made it past the first crossing point. 

She did not even realize that this was the first crossing point until she saw the mist cleared, and she saw the trees and spirit monkeys tossing fruit. 

"Monkeys." she said. 

In Lythia's second place, the deity of lies paid attention to the competitors his brothers and sister watched the most, one of them was Scarlet. "Is that the girl you tricked into joining your world," 

"Mmm-hmm." the old deity nodded proudly. 

"I wonder if I can trick her into joining another realm, just for fun. It might be better entertainment than having your reapers climb the mountain of a thousand demon bones." the deity of lies chuckled. 

"You know," the old deity said softly, "If everyone is dead, there is no one to deceive." 

"You always resort to that." the deity of lies mumbled. But, his eyes still held a wicked glint as he looked at Scarlet. 

Lythia looked at the old deity and she sighed, this would probably not be the end of it. That bastard would try something for sure because he was not the type to give up just because he was threatened. 

He was the type to spread lies, give rise to false prophets and spread anarchy as long as it pleased him. He never worked alone either, he always moved with the deity of chaos and together, they destroyed many worlds. 

In the games meanwhile, Scarlet waved her white flag and disappeared from the wall, and when she she appeared next to Frost, she told him what to expect.

When he said that the monkeys threw rotten fruit at you, he did not mention the fact that the fruit felt like a ten thousand kilogram rock when it hit the body at full speed like a missile. It was painful and if it hit the right spot, one would let go easily and fall off the wall. She had one red mark on her cheek where a peach hit her and almost took her tooth out. 

"The monkeys are my territory, I got this." Frost disappeared with a confident smile on his face. 

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