Scarlet was really curious and she watched closely to see how Frost would deal with the brutal monkeys that laughed every time one of their fruits hit a target and elicited a reaction from them. 

What she noticed that the monkeys left Frost alone, not even targeting him from the moment he started his climb. Everything was smooth sailing and he gaining momentum, surpassing even grim reapers that had gone ahead of them many minutes ago. 

It almost seemed as if the monkeys were afraid of Frost.

"Wow, what is happening?" she asked Severus. 

"Special skills, is what's happening. You have your gut and your luck and he has that cold energy which all creatures in the underworld hate. Even the monkeys cannot stand that cold air, it's why he is called frost." Severus turned to her and he answered. 

He was much more relaxed now than when she had just come. It was obvious that he was very happy with the progress they were making. 

"Why don't soul pets or spirit animals participate in these games?" she asked him, after a random thought crossed his mind. 

"Because if our reapers win, we win. You need resources to level up and our strength grows when you are stronger. Why struggle for something that you can obviously provide for us?" 

"Right." she nodded slowly. "Can I go back to the human world now and return when Frost is on a break?" 

Scarlet was caught between letting them know that she was behind or eavesdropping on their conversation. Common sense won over curiosity and she raised her hand to tap Adler on the shoulder. Even her mouth opened, with his name at the tip of her tongue. 

Right then, Amara said something that stopped her and made her drop her arm. 

"It's your sister, Scarlet, right? Then and now, it always come down to your sister." 

Scarlet asked herself, "What am I being blamed for now?" 

"It's not my sister Amara, you see this has always been one of our biggest problems. You fail to understand the dynamics of my family."

"No_" Amara raised her hand and stopped him, "It's not family dynamics, it's a grown ass man that has a sister complex. What is so difficult about moving out of this castle and moving in with me so that we can try and restore our relationship? You simply don't want to be so far from your sister, even then when you abandoned me, it was the same." 

"It was not my choice Amara." 

"Yes it was, you chose her. For you, Adler, I was never the right choice in comparison to your precious sister. You left me without giving me time to process what was happening. I barely wrapped my mind around the fact that you were choosing to abandon everything you had worked hard for, and me, to follow your sister_"

"I followed my family." Adler cut her off and he said in an angry voice. 

"Keep telling yourself yourself that." Amara muttered. But the scornful look on her face said so much more than her mouth did. 

"We cannot restore something that was broken Amara, if we are going to be together we have to start from scratch and build again, perhaps something stronger and better. I have told you, that I have changed. When we met, I was a young man with many dreams of glory and ambition. And when I met you, it was hard for me not to fall hopelessly in love with you. We were almost the same when it came to ambition, we planned to be the best and nothing would get in the way of our plans. Look at me now, I am a different man whose goals and ambitions have changed. All I want is to protect this planet, have some good food, drink a little beer or wine, watch television, play with my nephew, laugh with my family and sleep in a warm comfortable bed with a roof over my head. After everything my family has gone through, my dreams have become simpler and achievable. " He looked at Amara and went on to say, "But not yours Amara, I have changed but you are the same." 

"No," she was looking back at him and she said, "I have become angrier, meaner, hateful and bitter. How could I stay the same when the man I loved, the man who was meant to marry me abandoned me suddenly? I didn't even get to say goodbye because you didn't call or text before leaving. I had to hear the news from your old friends that you were already gone. You know how much I hate being pitied, so you must have a picture in your head of what I endured that day. They looked at me as if I was a broken piece of something. I was forced to take a break from work because my boss was worried about the state of my mind. I could not stay at home because everyone kept whispering and pointing at me. But you know what makes you a bigger jerk Adler? Ever since I landed here you have not said to me even once that you are sorry for abandoning me."

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