Uchiha’s God of Muscle

Chapter 255: The Wind of Reform (Middle)

Chapter 255 The Wind of Reform (2)

In the meeting room.

Everyone in Konoha had a heated discussion for a long time, and everyone looked very excited and full of passion.

With the end of this meeting, a mighty wind of change immediately set off in the whole village.

Konoha has carried out comprehensive and in-depth reforms from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, from various aspects such as medical care, education, housing, security, tourism, and culture.

Konoha, from colony to permanent neutral village.

This reborn village, under the leadership of the sixth generation of Hokage and the joint efforts of hundreds of thousands of villagers in the village, is like a big ship that has set sail again, riding the wind and waves once again, sailing towards a bright future.

Samui was not idle either.

As a ninja, she is not very strong, but she has a mature and calm personality, is careful in doing things, and has outstanding management talents. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

As the wife of the sixth generation, she also wants to solve problems for her husband and the village, not just be a housewife.


After getting her permission, Samuel, who had just given birth, quickly threw herself into her new job.

Coincidentally, the war reparations received by the Uchiha clan from the Fourth Ninja World War can be used as the initial start-up funds for village reforms.

Samui then served as the Minister of Finance, managing the village's various revenues and expenditures.

As for himself, as the Sixth Hokage, he should have been the busiest person in the village, but he left all the troublesome things to the people below.

He became the most idle one instead.

I interrupt my daily life, just tease my daughter, practice fitness, and occasionally call my little nephew Sasuke to give him some advice.

He is undoubtedly the laziest Hokage Konoha has ever seen.

Time flies by like a fleeting horse.

Wufei rabbits go away, and before you know it, autumn is passing and winter is coming, the north wind is howling, and heavy snow is flying. Then it went from winter to spring, with bursts of spring thunder and drizzle.

Half a year passed by like this.

During this period, the whole village of Konoha was at full strength and actively promoted reforms. In just a few months, the initial results were achieved, and amazing changes took place inside and outside the village.

In the spring of Konoha 56, along with the spring breeze, there was also a new atmosphere in the village.

Today is an important day.

Because the Sixth Hokage-sama wants to personally inspect the various departments of Konoha to see what fruitful reform results have been produced.

For this reason, all departments have made preparations for a long time, and waited for the inspection of the sixth generation with excitement and anxiety.

A group of people walked out of the castle tower in a mighty manner.

Among the crowd, the leader was Six Daimedan, beside him were the dark army commander Kakashi, the finance minister Samui, and the deputy village chief Fuyue and others.

These high-level Konohas jointly formed the inspection team this time, and they took the lead in walking to the first stop amidst the crowd.

Konoha Hospital.

"I'm sorry, Hokage-sama! The hospital temporarily sent a critically ill patient. Tsunade-sama went into the operating room to rescue her, and she couldn't leave her body for the time being..."

At the gate of the hospital, Hongdou nervously explained to Duan, worried that Six Daimu would be unhappy.


"In this case, take us around."

Duan opened his mouth lightly, not looking angry.

Hongdou breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and then quickly said, "Please follow me."

Walking into the hospital, you can see people coming and going, a busy scene.

After appropriate expansion, Konoha Hospital not only has more departments and beds, but also has a more reasonable layout. The ground is clean and tidy. Although there are many people coming and going, it is not crowded at all.

Ninjas in white coats with the word "medical" printed on their shoulders shuttled around the hospital to provide timely help to patients.

Hongdou said.

There are more than 50 of these people in total. They are the first batch of medical ninjas that Tsunade-sama digs and cultivates in the whole village after he became the medical minister.

It is said that famous teachers produce excellent apprentices.

After nearly half a year of devil training, under Tsunade's strict teaching, many of them have been able to master a variety of medical ninjutsu and heal patients.

Subsequently, these medical ninjas entered Konoha Hospital for internships, continuously accumulating experience in treating diseases and saving lives, and grew up rapidly in the process.

In the foreseeable future.

Starting from these fifty doctors, under the passing of the torch, the number of Konoha's medical ninjas will grow rapidly, breaking through three hundred, five hundred, or even one thousand.

in addition.


Judgment is still cherishing words like gold, and commented on the work of Shikahisa Nara and others.

Lu Jiu heard the words, secretly let out a long sigh of relief, then wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and said in fear:

"We will continue to work hard, Hokage-sama."

At this time, everyone came to the playground of the ninja school.

I saw a group of students running on the track, sweating profusely, as tired as dogs.

"Young man, if you can't even run 500 laps, how dare you say that you want to become a ninja? Persistence is victory, youth never gives up, come on!"

A man in a green tights shouted passionate slogans to beat the students.

is Matt Kay.

He is now a physical education teacher at Ninja School, responsible for teaching gymnastics and training students' physical fitness.

It is worth mentioning that.

The class Kai leads is the elite class of Ninja School, which gathers those students with outstanding talents and excellent grades, and the teachers in the class are all elite Jonin.

So, from the group of students, everyone saw many familiar faces.

On the runway.

"Look, everyone, Hokage-sama and the big shots in the village are here, looking at us."

Inuzuka said excitedly, causing a commotion among the students.

"It is said that the principal is Shikamaru's father. They really look alike, even with the same hairstyle. It's great to have an old principal. Shikamaru can graduate as a ninja casually."

Some civilian students whispered, their tone full of sourness and envy.

These words fell into Shikamaru's ears, and he just shook his head.

In the eyes of outsiders, Nara Shikahisa is indeed very beautiful, but Shikamaru only feels sorry for his father, because the latter is busy every day until late at night before returning home. It can be seen that he is under a lot of pressure and has grown a lot of gray hair.

Although he is the principal's son, Shikamaru has always kept a low profile in school and never publicized his identity.

at this time.


A soft hum came suddenly from the front, exuding a faint disdain and arrogance.

is Sasuke Uchiha.

He led alone at the front, leaving all the classmates behind, looking like he was pulling.

Immediately, someone looked at Sasuke's back and started talking in a low voice:

"What is Shikamaru? Sasuke's father is the head of the Uchiha clan, and his uncle is the Sixth Hokage-sama. This is the real top second generation."

"Sasuke is a **** of reincarnation. The starting point of birth is the end point that many people can't reach in their lifetime."

"Well, if only my surname was Uchiha, even if I don't have such a good background as Sasuke, to have a pair of Sharingan is something that people dream of."

In the voices of the students, they were very envious of Sasuke. I don't know how many people want to curry favor with this big star of the ninja school, and get close to him.


Sasuke's character is quite cold, not approachable at all, he neither makes friends nor accepts younger brothers, and is always alone.

"What an arrogant guy."

Onito Mizutsuki stared at Sasuke's back, and complained a little unhappily.

He, Shiro, and Chojuro, under the arrangement of Mizukage Terumimei, just transferred from Kirigakure to Konoha this spring, and passed the examination with excellent performance, and successfully joined the elite class.

Similar to them, there are Temari and Kankuro from Sand Hidden Village, and some gifted boys from Iwa Hidden and Yun Hidden.

"In order not to disappoint Mizukage-sama, I will surpass Uchiha Sasuke and graduate from Konoha Ninja School as the number one."

Chojuro also stared at Sasuke's back, clenched his fists and swore.

"Come on, Chojuro-kun, I believe you will be able to do it." White smiled and cheered Chojuro on.

Just when a group of kid muttered.

"Yeah, yeah, I still have time to chat and be lazy. It seems that you are not very tired."

Kai’s voice sounded again, and then he pointed his arms forward and said loudly, “In the last lap, everyone speeds up and sprints to decide the victory! Burn, youth!”

The voice just fell.

Sasuke's eyes flickered, he raised his hands and quickly formed a mudra, and then kicked the ground, a burst of chakra erupted from the soles of his feet, and he rushed out like an arrow from the string.

Instant Body Art.


In the blink of an eye, he distanced himself from the classmates behind him and rushed to the finish line.

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