Uchiha’s God of Muscle

Chapter 256: Winds of Reform (Part 2)

Chapter 256 The Wind of Reform (Part 2)

Sasuke rushed out like an arrow, heading for the finish line.

"Catch up quickly, don't let that guy show off alone!"

The rest of the students came to their senses, and they all tried their best to sprint forward, trying to catch up with Sasuke.

If it is normal, forget it, no one will fight with Sasuke, they will give him face.

But today, Mr. Sixth Generation, Mr. Principal, as well as the head of the Uchiha clan, Minister Anbe, and other big figures are all watching from the sidelines!

This is a great opportunity to express yourself.

No matter who it is, as long as they can reach the finish line first, they can leave a deep impression in the eyes of those big shots in Konoha.

Even Shikamaru, who has a lazy personality and doesn't like to be competitive, has to go all out, because he doesn't want to be the last and make his father feel bad.

after all.

Shikamaru knows very well that if he becomes the tail of the crane in the class, others will doubt his father's ability—

You are the headmaster of a ninja school in Nara Shikaku, and you can’t even educate your own son well. How can people believe that you have the ability to train so many students?

Shikamaru didn't want his father to lose both his job and face.


The first person to react and catch up with Sasuke was a boy with long black hair and a white suit.

Ningji Hinata.

As a genius of the Hyuga clan, he practiced hard in forbearance and loneliness since he was a child. He is both talented and hardworking, and his strength is far superior to his peers.

Ningji also knows the instant body art.

Moreover, he also opened his white eyes while running fast, using a 360° viewing angle to observe the situation of Sasuke and others at any time.

Going hand in hand with Neji is Inuzuka Fang.

Although he doesn't know the teleportation technique, he has mastered the unique four-legged technique of the Inuzuka clan, gathering chakra on both hands and feet, and the whole person is on all fours like a wild beast.

"Hey, don't underestimate me, I've decided on the first place!"

Inuzuka Ya was full of confidence, and he ran like a cheetah, leaving everyone behind at once.

"Hey, that guy is cheating, it's so unfair."

Guideng Shuiyue was in a hurry, seeing that he couldn't catch up with the three guys in front, he rolled his eyes and thought badly.

I saw Shuiyue put her hand on her waist, likening it to a pistol covertly, aiming at the three people in turn, and then continuously fired bullet-like liquid from her fingertips.

The art of water and iron cannon.

This is a secret technique passed down from generation to generation by the Fog Hidden Ghost Lamp family. It can be activated without seals. It is even more powerful than a metal bullet flying at high speed.

Of course, Shuiyue just mastered this technique, far from killing people.

But it is definitely enough to interfere. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

Whoosh, whoosh.

Three drops of bullet liquid flashed through the air and attacked the three people in front of them respectively.


Inuzuka's thigh was hit by the water iron cannon, and he let out a muffled groan immediately. His whole body lost his balance, rolled over a dozen laps on the track, and fell behind.

Sasuke, who had not yet opened Sharingan, also failed to notice the attack of the water iron cannon and was hit.

However, compared to Inuzuka Fang, he just staggered a bit and did not lose his balance.

This is because Sasuke usually works out frequently, and his physical fitness is far stronger than his peers, so he forcibly withstood Suigetsu's sneak attack.

However, due to the slowdown of speed, Sasuke's leading advantage quickly narrowed, and he was quickly caught up by the people behind.

is Neji.

His white eyes accurately captured the attack of the water iron cannon, allowing him to dodge calmly and pass Sasuke smoothly.

Be the first.

Damn it!

Sasuke cursed in his heart, and was furious, but right now he didn't have time to find out who was plotting against him, and he was chasing after Neji.

What Sasuke didn't expect was that Suigetsu was not the only one who wanted to assassinate him.

In the crowd.

Ino Yamanaka gritted his teeth and ran, staring at Sasuke's back, then raised his hands to make a frame and aimed at Sasuke.

She hates the Uchiha clan.

Six Daime killed her father, Sasuke was Six Daime's nephew, and she also hated her.

She not only wanted to prevent Sasuke from taking the first place, but also made him make a fool of himself in public, embarrassing the face of the Uchiha clan, and embarrassing the Sixth Hokage.

Using the family secret technique she just learned—the art of heart turning.

This technique is to focus the mind of the caster on one point after aiming at the enemy, and then shoot straight towards the enemy.

As long as the caster's mental impact hits the target, he can seize and manipulate the opponent's body.

Uchiha Sasuke, watch how I humiliate you.

Ino's gaze flickered, and without hesitation he was about to release the art of turning around.

But at this moment.

But the next second, Sasuke was stunned.

Juan seemed to be out of interest, yawned, turned and left without saying anything, without even looking at Sasuke.

Konoha and other high-level officials also followed Hokage-sama and left one after another.

Sasuke's face showed a deep sense of loss.

It's me... not good enough?

He looked gloomy, knowing that with his little ability, he couldn't catch his uncle's eyes at all. Fortunately, he was so complacent just now, it's really ridiculous and pitiful.

"Sasuke, you are amazing!"

A pink-haired girl ran over panting, looking at Sasuke with admiration, her eyes were full of little stars.

Then, blushing even more, she took out a handkerchief and handed it to Sasuke anxiously:

"Take it...wipe off your sweat."

The girl's name is Haruno Sakura, and she is one of the best graders among commoner students, so she was able to enter the elite class and study with the children of big families such as Sasuke, Shikamaru, and Neji.

Sasuke is in a bad mood.

He just gave Sakura a cold look, didn't take her handkerchief, stood up without saying a word, leaving the stunned girl behind, and walked to the side alone.

one two three…

Sasuke started squatting on one leg, not wanting to waste a second, and seized all the time to improve himself.

Seeing this, Ning Ci was not far behind, and silently took a horse step.

rolled up.

"Master Hokage, please walk slowly."

Respectfully sent off by Nara Shikahisa, Duan and his party left the ninja school.

Then, the inspection team went to the Ministry of Police, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Tourism, and the Ministry of Culture in turn. These departments also made more or less achievements.

For example, the police department has carried out a series of reforms, and it is also connected with the ninja school. In the future, graduates will be directly recruited from the school to work in the department.

There is also the Ministry of Agriculture, which has developed chakra-driven agricultural equipment and improved crop seeds to ensure the food security of Konoha.

The Ministry of Tourism integrates Konoha’s tourism resources, opens Uchiha Minamigagawa, Nara Forest and other family and family lands as scenic spots, and trains a group of professional ninja guides.

The last is the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.

Konoha is not small as a village, but it is far from enough to develop into an international metropolis.

For example, the Ichiraku Avenue, which runs through the central axis of Konoha and leads directly from the entrance of the village to the castle tower, is less than two kilometers away. The core residential area of ??Konoha is still too small.

In the past six months, as a large number of tourists, international students, businessmen, patients and other groups have come to Konoha for work, business, study and life, Konoha's housing has suddenly become tense.

Many people want to settle down in Konoha, but they can't buy real estate, so they can only live in hotels temporarily.

Konoha’s housing resources were once in a severe shortage, which restricted the economic development of the village.

At this time, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development took action.

This department is headed by the young wooden escape genius, Tianzang, whose employees include 30 Uchiha ninjas who master the wooden escape, as well as a large number of craftsmen.

at this time.

A group of high-level Konoha leaders led by Duan are visiting a newly built residential area under the leadership of Tianzang.

The community is located in the southeast corner of the village, adjacent to the Muye River and close to the Muye Forest. The air is fresh and the environment is pleasant.

Walk on the stone road and look around.

Hundreds of wooden villas have been built in the community, which are well arranged, and each house has a garden and fence, which looks beautiful and generous.

In addition, there are many green belts, fitness facilities, children's play facilities and leisure squares, and the distribution is quite reasonable.

This is the sixth residential area newly built by Konoha.

In order to make the life of Muye villagers happier and better, in addition to housing, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has also built a lot of infrastructure in the village, including power grids, gas pipelines, sewers, etc.

The back mountain of Konoha has also been developed, and several high-rise buildings with dozens of floors have sprung up in the forest.


In just half a year, Konoha's urban area has expanded by more than five times, and the population has also increased by nearly 100,000. It is growing at a rapid rate.

After listening to Tianzang's work report, he nodded his head.

Infrastructure is very important.

Today's Konoha continues to build large-scale construction projects, directly transforming into an infrastructure madman, making the village change with each passing day, transforming from the small village in the past to an electrified modern city.

Definitely remember.

Konoha Village in the original book, after the end of the Fourth Ninja World War, after more than ten years of development, it became a modern metropolis during the reign of the Seventh Hokage Uzumaki Naruto.

Skyscrapers, tram tracks, neon lights flashing.

Now it seems that under the leadership of the Uchiha clan, this era is coming ahead of schedule.

some day in the future.

The permanently neutral Konoha Village will become the commercial, economic and cultural center of the Quannin world, and a spiritual yearning place for countless people.

And all of that began with this wind of reform.

Inspection was over.

After that, the pace of Konoha's development did not slow down, but continued to accelerate, entering a period of rapid development.

All the way to the future Hurricane dash.

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