Chapter 258 Wedding

Inside the castle tower.

The eighth floor, between the martial arts.

In the retreat room, I was sitting cross-legged, with my back straight, my hands on my knees, and I was meditating with my eyes closed.

On the wall behind him, there is still the calligraphy with the word "Zuo Wang" written in it.

A certain moment.


Duan suddenly opened his eyes and returned to reality from meditation.


His eyes are sometimes red and black Tai Chi Yin-Yang fish, and sometimes become scarlet three-leaf windmills, and the two forms are constantly changing in his eyeballs.

In the end, they gradually merge together to form a more complex pattern.

In the broken eye sockets, new pupils slowly rotate. The pattern is complex and beautiful, making others dazzled and lost themselves.

This is the real kaleidoscope.

He looked at his palm, the eyes of Obito that had been transplanted there had disappeared.

That's because Obito's eyes merged with Duan's eyes, evolving into an eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Eternal Kaleidoscope.

It is said that the eyes can only be opened by transplanting the kaleidoscope of others. The closer the blood relationship between the transplanter and the recipient, the higher the success rate.

Therefore, the birth of a pair of eternal kaleidoscopes usually occurs between brothers, father and son and other direct blood relatives.


Even if it is not the blood of close relatives, there is actually hope for successful fusion, as long as it can resist rejection.

For example, breaking can do it.

He originally planned to use Shisui's eyes, but later found that Obito's Kamui Kaleidoscope is obviously a better choice.


Eternal Kaleidoscope, rather than the evolution of Sharingan, it is better to say that it is the return of blood to the ancestors.

Its essence is to improve the pupil power of the host by fusing two pairs of kaleidoscopes, so that the purity of Sharingan is higher.

If you add the blood of the Senju clan—that is, transplant the intercolumn cells, then you can get the so-called "power of everything" and get close to the common ancestor of Uchiha and Senju from the blood.

Sage of the Six Paths Otsutsuki Yuyi.

At this time, under the stimulation of the blood power of the Otsutsuki clan, the host's Sharingan will evolve again, and after a relatively long period of time, the Sharingan will finally be opened.

How long will it take?

Refer to the Battle of the Valley of the End that year.

After Madara bit off a piece of flesh from Hashirama, it took nearly twenty years before she finally awakened the eyes of reincarnation when she was dying.


Blade was already very old when the intercolumnar cells were transplanted, and his spirit and body had declined from the peak, and he was blind in one eye.

is definitely not the same.

Now he is young and strong, in the golden age of his life, and his conditions are much better than Ban.


Compared with Bambi's eye opening time, it will definitely be greatly reduced, and it will not take twenty years.

Maybe in ten years, or even less time, he can get those eyes.

Until then.

Duan with the eyes of reincarnation is a real Otsuki.

And his reincarnation eye ability will be born out of his own Tianyuming, Tianxiegui and Obito's Kamui, which is definitely worth looking forward to.

After that, no matter what enemy you face.

Whether Uchiha Madara or past Hokage, or even the revival of Sage of Six Paths, the return of Kaguya Hime, or the invasion of the ninja world by the Otsutsuki clan...

Judgments can be dealt with calmly.

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Duan still has the blood of the Joestar family in his body, giving him the power of a substitute that can suspend time.

"Smashing Valudo" combined with reincarnation eyes will definitely become an invincible existence in the true sense.

Next, he just needs to be patient.

at this time.

dong dong.

There was a knock on the door, followed by a gentle female voice: "Duan, are you ready? The time is coming."

"Sister, come in."

After saying something decisively, he stood up.

As the door opened, Mikoto walked in quickly. She also brought a suit, which was tailor-made for Duan.

After a rustling sound.

Meiqin personally helped her younger brother put on the suit, led Duan to the mirror, and said with a smile, "My younger brother is so handsome. Oh, I'm going to be late."

After finishing speaking, he grabbed his broken hand and hurried out of the retreat room.

Today is Duan and Samui's wedding.


Kai was taken aback when he heard this, then patted Kakashi on the shoulder, and said confidently: "Hey, Kakashi, I am much more popular than you among girls."


Kakashi immediately rolled his eyes, and mocked his best friend unceremoniously: "You are a precious beast, it's strange that a woman likes you."

Kay got angry, waved his fist and shouted:

"Kakashi, I will not lose to you, let's compete to find a girlfriend first! Do you dare to accept my challenge?"

Really... a strange desire to win.

Tianzang had weird eyes, looking at the passionate two people in front of him, he almost thought they were a couple.


At this time, a figure walked past the three of them, with a strong smell of alcohol and murderous intent, and went straight to Six Daime in front.

is Tsunade-sama.

"Uchiha Break!"

She shouted angrily, attracting the attention of everyone in the banquet hall, and then rushed to Duan, grabbed his collar, and stared at him fiercely.

"What's the matter?" Duan looked at Tsunade who smelled of alcohol in front of him, and asked lightly.

"You guy, give me an explanation for the second-generation purpose in the ninja school textbook..."

Tsunade, blushing and bleary-eyed, looked like she was in a drunken frenzy, but the anger in her heart was real.

Because she just found out.

In the latest textbook compiled by the Ministry of Education of Konoha, the second generation of Hokage, Senju Tobema, was criticized as the biggest sinner in Konoha's history.

It is said that he is despicable and shameless, has no bottom line, not only conducts various cruel human experiments, but also invents reincarnation of filth to blaspheme the dead, corrupting the image of Hokage and Konoha in the ninja world.

And during his reign, he continued to persecute and slander the Uchiha clan, split Konoha, and cultivated disciples such as Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo, and continued to harm Konoha.

In the textbooks Tsunade saw, except for the first and fourth generations, Konoha’s second, third, and fifth generations were all beaten like dogs and nailed to the pillar of shame.

Senju Tobima is Tsunade's second grandfather after all, so she is very upset about it.

Facing Tsunade's anger, Duan still responded calmly:

"Senju Tobema is undoubtedly a scumbag, a sinner who destroyed the friendship between Senju and Uchiha. Is there any problem in liquidating this black sheep and giving Uchiha justice?"


Tsunade was at a loss for words for a moment.

Jing Yin and Hong Dou hurried forward, and kept bowing and apologizing to Duan:

"I'm sorry, Hokage-sama, Tsunade-sama drank too much, we'll take her back to rest right now."

After finishing speaking, the two of them grabbed Tsunade tightly and dragged her drunk out of the banquet hall.

Seeing this scene, the guests talked a lot.

"Even if Tsunade-sama is dissatisfied with the new teaching materials and wants to make trouble, he shouldn't make trouble at the sixth generation's wedding. It's too shameful."

"Will the sixth generation be angry, how does he plan to deal with Master Tsunade?"


His determined eyes swept across the guests.

Everyone came back to their senses, shut their mouths quickly, and laughed again, pretending that nothing happened just now.

"Let's go." Duan turned around and said something to the bride.

"Yes." Samuel nodded obediently, and then left with him, holding his broken arm.

The two came to the wedding room.

In the room, aromatherapy and candles have been lit, and soft music is playing, creating a romantic atmosphere.

Judgment meets Samuel's eyes.

"Are you happy today?" Duan said while taking off Samui's turban.

"Very happy."

A sweet smile bloomed on Samui's cold face, like a melting iceberg. She leaned against Broken's chest, leaning against him quietly like this.

A long while.



"Let's... give Marisa another brother or sister, just like Itachi and Sasuke. I don't want her to be too lonely."

Samui raised his head, discussing with Duan nervously, worried that he would not agree.

Unexpectedly, he responded immediately: "Okay, I will work hard."

Hearing this, Samuel blushed with happiness.

Mt. Miaogi.

In the temple, Hamamaru sat on its fairy throne, silently watching the crystal ball in front of him, which reflected the bustling scene of Konoha.

It was not only Jiraiya who was shaken by the prophecy, but also Gamamaru himself.

Just now, it had another dream, but the future it saw in the dream was a blur.

This made Tomamaru realize that the Uchiha clan is changing the fate of Konoha and even the whole ninja world.

"Well, maybe I'm really old."

In the temple, the sigh of the Great Toad Immortal reverberated, and it did not disperse for a long time.

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