Uchiha’s God of Muscle

Chapter 259: eight years later

Chapter 259 Eight years later

  The day of the wedding with Samui.

  The Konoha Village was full of excitement. The villagers celebrated this grand event and enjoyed the holiday to the fullest. It seemed that everyone was very happy.

   Only Danzo is an exception.

   "Tsk tsk, what a poor guy."

  In a deserted alley, I leaned against the wall, looking at Danzo who was sleeping on the ground. The latter was ragged and dirty, looking like a madman.

  Oh, I can’t say it looks like it, but it definitely is.

  Who would have thought that the once glorious Fifth Hokage would be reduced to such a situation one day, which is really embarrassing.

  Danzo is the enemy of Dou.

  This old guy, using the most important woman in Dou’s life—Yu Naiyu, the pharmacist, as a threat, forced Dou to join the roots, collected information everywhere as a spy, and worked for him.

   But later, Danzo deliberately arranged for Dou and No Naiyu to kill each other, and after Dou accidentally killed No Naiyu, he also sent Orochimaru to kill Dou's mouth.

  Dou has long wanted to avenge No Naiyu himself, even if Danzang died ten times, it would be difficult to vent his hatred.


   After seeing what Uchiha had done to Danzo, Dou gave up his plan for revenge.

  Because he very much approved of the Sixth Hokage-sama's approach.

   For a person like Danzo, killing him is just taking advantage of him. He can only be tortured alive in this way, suffer all the sins of the world, and then die in extreme misery.

   This is what makes people happy.

   Therefore, Dou will appear near Danzo every once in a while, admiring the latter's crazy appearance, so that the heart can be satisfied and carefree.

after awhile.

  Dou felt bored, so he yawned and turned to leave.

  However, just a few steps away, Danzo's voice came from behind him:

   "Who are you, what are you doing sneakily here, you don't kneel down when you see this Hokage?"

  Looking back, he found that Danzo had woken up and was looking at him sternly.

   "I've seen Hokage-sama." Dou said with a half-smile, his tone full of sarcasm and banter.

  But Danzo couldn't hear it at all. Instead, he looked very useful, showing a satisfied look.

   Then, he frowned again, and asked Xiangdou:

   "What's going on outside, why is it so noisy, the old man is working hard for Konoha day and night, can't he even sleep peacefully?"

   "It's the Sixth Hokage's wedding." Kato looked at Danzo and answered truthfully.

  Danzo was stunned for a moment, his brows frowned even tighter, and then he angrily said to Dou: "You're talking nonsense! Konoha's Hokage has always been an old man, and there is a new Hokage, what's his name?"

   "Uchiha Break." Dou said.

   "Uchiha... broken?"

   Danzo read the name, with a confused look on his face, and murmured, "He is Hokage, so who am I, who is this old man...ah!" Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

  Holding his head in pain, he let out a low, **** growl.

  This guy's mental condition is getting worse and worse, and he is completely hopeless.

   Seeing this, Dou shook his head.

  Danzo has lived in the high-level Konoha for decades and has mastered countless secrets. Even Oshemaru-sama once worked under Danzo as a guard.

  Although Danzo is Dou’s enemy, if Master Orochimaru orders him to secretly send Danzo out of Konoha to help him return to normal, and then fight against Konoha and the Uchiha clan together.

  Dou will still obey orders.

  But now it seems that it is impossible for Danzo to return to a normal person.

  Thinking of this, Dou ignored Danzo and strode out of the alley.

   "Don't go!"

  Danzo rolled and crawled, rushed up and grabbed the bag, and shouted at the latter, "Tell me, who am I and who am I!"

"let me go."

  Dou said coldly, expressionless.

  However, the crazy Danzo couldn't understand Dou's words at all, he just kept yelling at Dou, and even tried to use his hands and feet.


  Dou finally couldn't bear it anymore.

   Next second.


   A handful of Kunai Danzo's chest was inserted, and his back stretched out, covered with blood.

  In the small alley, it became quiet in an instant, only the sound of tick-tock-tick was left, and it was the blood of bitterness dripping on the ground.

   "Old man... I remember, I am Shimura Danzo... Konoha's Fifth Hokage, it was Uchiha Dan... who caused me to become like this."

  Danzo murmured, at the last moment before death, a pair of muddy eyes finally regained clarity, remembering everything.

  He was fooled by Uchiha.

  The trees in this nature reserve are all towering trees with a lifespan of hundreds or even hundreds of years. Walking in them, you can't see the sun when you look up.

at this time.

  Deep in the forest, inside a large tree tens of meters high with several people hugging each other.

   Two voices, one female and one male, sounded one after another.

   "What are you going to do?"

"Before I do it, I want to go back and have a look. I heard that Uchiha has made a gimmick of permanent neutrality, harvesting talents and resources from the whole ninja world, sucking up the blood of the major ninja villages, and the constant outbreaks in the ninja world The war chose to stand on the sidelines.

   This kind of peace is only the peace of Konoha, not the peace of the Quannin world. "

  The woman was silent for a while when she heard the words, and asked again:

   "Do you want to contact Xianglin, let her act with you when the time comes."

  The man shook his head:


  Xiang Rin has been undercover in Konoha for so many years, and finally became Tsunade's disciple and won the latter's trust. If people see her with me and cause Konoha's people to suspect, then wouldn't her efforts be in vain?

  I can go alone, anyway, this time I just wander around. "

  The woman nodded:

   "I see, the sacrifice has been prepared for you, let's start."

   These two people are none other than Xiaonan and Naruto from the Akatsuki organization.

   After finishing speaking, Naruto looked to the side, where a Konoha Jōnin was tied up, staring at the two with a frown.

   "Who are you, and what intentions do you have towards Konoha? I warn you, let me go immediately!"

  The ninja shouted sharply, but it seemed a little bit harsh.

   "You don't need to know my identity, because you will be dead soon."

   Naruto said lightly, and then raised his hand to make a seal.

   "You, what did you do to me...ah!"

  The man's expression was frightened, and he let out a scream, and his whole appearance changed, and finally turned into another Naruto.

  The technique of turning images.

   This is one of the abilities of Samsara Eye.

  It can project the pupil power of the caster onto a living sacrifice, creating an exquisite "identity", which is equivalent to Naruto's clone.

  It is different from ordinary shadow clones.

  The sacrifice that has been cast with the Zangzhuan technique is a flesh and blood existence, 100% identical to Naruto's appearance.

   Moreover, the elephant-turned avatar can not only inherit Naruto's ninjutsu and abilities, but can even restore the weapons and ninja tools used by Naruto, which is a kind of avatar without any flaws.

   Its only weakness.

  When the chakra of the living sacrifice is exhausted, this technique will be automatically released, and the sacrifice will die on the spot.

   "This sacrifice... just barely, can withstand 30% of my chakra. As long as the opponent is not Uchiha off, it should be no problem to beat anyone."

   Naruto's elephant turned and his clone spoke, the voice was exactly the same as his own.

   Over the past eight years.

  After practicing unimaginably hard for ordinary people, he has fully adapted to the power of the reincarnation eye, which is even stronger than Nagato back then.

  After all, Nagato suffered from disability in his legs in his early years, so he could only sit in a wheelchair for a long time and fight through Penn Six Paths. After a long time, the body will inevitably go from bad to worse.

   Naruto, not only combined the power of Penn's six realms into one body to achieve a comprehensive understanding, but also developed a strong physique, which was not dragged down by the eyes of reincarnation.

  He even reached a consensus with the nine tails in his body and became the perfect Jinchuriki.

   In Xiaonan's words.

  The current Naruto is the strongest ninja ever, even surpassing the ninja **** Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

   Of course, there are also breaks.

  Naruto's elephant-turned clone quickly walked out of the tree and headed for Konoha.

  His main body sat down on the spot and closed his eyes.

  Another advantage of the Elephant Turning Technique over the Shadow Clone is that it can be manipulated over a long distance through the will of the caster.

  This means that Naruto's body does not need to be on the battlefield in person to command the actions and battles of the clone, which can be said to be without any risk.


   Xiaonan formed a seal, and the big tree closed again, protecting her and Naruto.

  She silently accompanied Naruto, looking at his face, lost in thought.

  Nine years.

  Nine years ago, when she and Nagato came to Konoha, it was also such a familiar scene. In the end, Nagato entrusted Reincarnation Eye and Naruto to her, but he himself was unfortunately killed by Uchiha.

   Nothing more.

   This time, Xiao Nan made up his mind that he would never let such a thing happen again.

  She must protect Naruto no matter what, even if it means sacrificing her own life, she must also help him fulfill Akatsuki's ideal, which is also the ideal of Yahiko and Nagato—

  Let the ninja world achieve fairness and justice and usher in real peace.

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