Uchiha’s God of Muscle

Chapter 260: Naruto Yukonoha

 Chapter 260 Naruto Yukonoha

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  Naruto stood in front of the gate of Konoha Village—to be precise, it should be called Konoha City, and he let out a sincere exclamation.

  Compared with the village in his memory when he was a child, the Konoha with tall buildings in front of him has no resemblance.

   So much so that Naruto almost thought he was going the wrong way.

  For the past eight years, he has been hiding in an unknown corner of the ninja world, devoting himself to practicing hard, almost in a state of isolation from the world.

  Seeing this modern metropolis at this time, I suddenly felt like a world away.

  Walking on Konoha's main street, Naruto was a little dazed.

He is lost.

  Konoha is too big. With just one pair of legs, you can’t finish shopping all day and night, so you have to use transportation.

   Fortunately, at this time, Naruto followed the direction of the crowd and noticed the tram platform not far away.

   After he walked over, he checked the route map and found that there was a tourist line.

  This special line will pass the famous landmarks and scenic spots in Konoha such as Ninja School, Central Plaza, Castle Tower, Uchiha Tribe, Food Street, etc., and the tram is also intimately equipped with a tour guide to explain the whole process.

  The fare is slightly more expensive, two hundred taels for ordinary seats, and even more expensive for business seats, a full one thousand taels.


  Naruto is the leader of the Akatsuki organization after all, so he is worth a little. There is a huge sum of 50 million taels in a card he carries with him.

  The money was earned by Akatsuki's chief financial officer, Mr. Kakuto, through hard work for the organization.


  Naruto swiped his card without hesitation, bought the most expensive ticket, and entered the business class.

   As expected of business class, the decoration is very luxurious.

   There are not only leather massage seats and free drinks and refreshments, but also soft and soothing music, and floor-to-ceiling windows that will not block the line of sight are installed so that tourists can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the leaves.

   Really enjoy it.

   Naruto sighed in his heart, sat down on the leather seat, and looked at the bustling street scene outside the window.

   In the seat next to him was a pair of luxuriously dressed mother and daughter. The conversation between the two entered Naruto's ears without saying a word.

   "Look, Mom, the leaves are so big and beautiful. Unlike our Shayin Village, there are deserts everywhere, and there is wind and sand every day... I don't want to go back."

  The little girl pouted as she talked, she was disgusted with her hometown.

  Her mother heard the words, and said to her daughter earnestly:

   "So, Mom spent so much money to send you to Konoha's ninja school, you must study hard, you know?

  As long as you can pass the Zhongnin exam, stay here to work smoothly, and obtain the status of a permanent villager in Konoha, your family can buy you a house in Konoha. "

"Very good."

  The little girl danced with joy, and said seriously, "After I become a villager of Muye, I want to take you and Dad over, and our family will be reunited."

   "Good boy." The mother touched her daughter's head in relief.

  Naruto frowned slightly, and glanced at the mother and daughter.

  He could tell that the mother had chakra flowing in her body, she was obviously a ninja of Sand Hidden, and there was a high probability that she was a jounin.

  Sent his children to other ninja villages, and planned to immigrate with them in the future.

  In the world of ninjas, this kind of behavior is undoubtedly a traitor to the village, and it will be severely condemned and even substantively punished.

  But the other passengers in the carriage, after hearing the conversation between the mother and daughter, did not show any strange expressions. Instead, they all smiled and agreed with each other.

   It seems that everyone thinks so.

  Hmph, a group of spiritual Konoha people.

  Naruto sneered in his heart, shook his head, and then subconsciously thought of Xianglin.

  A few years ago, under the order of Teacher Xiaonan, Xiang Rin sneaked into Konoha's ninja school under a false identity, and carried out a long-term spy mission, responsible for collecting information on Konoha and the Uchiha clan for the Akatsuki organization.

  Xiang Rin did not live up to the organization's expectations, and quickly emerged, especially in medical ninjutsu, which even alarmed Tsunade, the head of the medical department and Konoha's senior adviser.

  After all, she is from the Uzumaki clan, even if she has not learned any medical ninjutsu, she can heal most patients with her special physique.

  Later, Xiang Rin graduated from Ninja School ahead of schedule, and studied with Tsunade early on, and was trained by Tsunade as a successor.

  Naruto always thought that Xiang Rin's move was very clever, allowing Akatsuki to grasp the important movements of Konoha's senior management in time.

   But now, Naruto suddenly became worried—

  That guy, Xiang Rin, will he also be corrupted by Konoha's sugar-coated shells in the future, and betray the Akatsuki organization?

   It seems.

   At the end of this section, there is a missing person notice issued by the Uchiha clan, hoping that the son of the hero can return to Konoha as soon as possible and get the happy life he should have.

   And also attached a photo of Naruto when he was a child.

   is a four or five-year-old kid with messy yellow hair and big green eyes, wearing a T-shirt with the Uzumaki clan crest on it, smiling heartlessly at the camera.

  Naruto looked at his former self in the photo, and was stunned for a moment, feeling... so strange.

   Is that kid with a smirk on his face really me?

  He can't remember clearly the self when he was a child, because most of those memories are unpleasant memories.

   "Do you... know Naruto Uzumaki?"

  Suddenly, as a girly fragrance hit, Yoshiko's curious voice rang in Naruto's ears.

  Naruto looked at Yoshiko calmly, and asked:

   "Why do you think I know him?"

   "Uh, because you've been staring at Naruto's photo..."

  Yoshiko was a little embarrassed, and quickly showed an apologetic smile, and said, "Sorry, I asked a stupid question and disturbed you."

  Naruto didn't care about Yoshiko, but looked at himself in the brochure again, and said with a self-deprecating meaning:

   "This guy, at first glance, is a poor guy who is being bullied and loved by no one."

  Yoshiko also nodded, feeling sympathy for Naruto, and echoed:

   "Yeah, Naruto is really pitiful. He lost his parents when he was born, and was treated like that by the Konoha executives at that time. I don't know if he is still alive and how he is doing.

   To be taken away by a terrorist organization like Akatsuki must have lived a miserable life in some dark underground world, alas.

  Hey, why do I think, you and Naruto look a bit alike. "

   As she spoke, she stared at Naruto seriously.


  The boy in front of him and the Naruto in the brochure both have yellow hair and green eyes. At first glance, they really look like one person.

   Moreover, if Naruto was still alive, he would be about fifteen or sixteen years old, and his age was also consistent with the boy in front of him.

   Naruto heard the words and said meaningfully:

   "Please tell me where I can report myself. I heard that Uzumaki Naruto has a nine-tailed demon fox in his body. If I hand it over, I should be able to receive a large bounty."

   "Giggle, you're so funny."

Yoshiko laughed, then pointed at the photo of Naruto in the brochure, shook her head and said, "I'm pretty sure you're not Uzumaki Naruto, because you see, he has six beards and nine tails on his face, but you don't. "

   That's because I hid them on purpose.

   Naruto said in his heart.

  More than eight years have passed. Compared with when he was a child, he has indeed changed a lot, not only in appearance, but also in temperament.

   Today's Naruto seldom shows the lively and optimistic temperament of his childhood, but is more like Nagato, gloomy and deep.

  As long as he hides the most conspicuous six-point beard on his face, no one will recognize him even if he swaggers around in Konoha.

  After such a joke.

  Naruto and Yoshiko became acquainted, and the relationship between each other has become a lot closer.

  Afterwards, Yoshiko asked curiously:

   "By the way, you haven't told me your name yet! Where are you from? Did you come to Konoha for tourism?"

  The young man in front of him looks like he has just arrived in Konoha, and he is sitting in the most expensive business seat.

   "My name is... Yahiko, and I'm a zhongnin in a small ninja village. I came to Konoha this time to participate in the selection and assessment of Konoha Ninja School and enter it for further study."

  Naruto remained calm, and casually made up an identity.


When Yoshiko heard that Naruto was going to take the selection test for the ninja school, she said enthusiastically, "Come on, I wish you success! By the way, I just took part in the Jnin assessment not long ago, but I failed, but I have accumulated a lot of experience ...Don’t laugh, the experience of failure is also experience.”

   "I'm not smiling."

  The corners of Naruto's mouth curled up slightly.

  At first he thought this girl was a bit annoying, but after chatting, he felt that she was quite interesting.

  Perhaps, his nature has been suppressed for too long.

  When he was young, he was extroverted, and what he longed for the most was to make friends, but unfortunately he was excluded and hated by everyone, and he has been living in loneliness.

  The passionate young girl who took the initiative to strike up a conversation with him in front of him was like a flame, melting Naruto's long-sealed, iceberg-like heart.

  Unfortunately, the happy time is always short.

   "Next stop, the castle tower is here."

  As the voice announcement sounded in the carriage, Naruto fixed his eyes and slowly stood up.

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