Uchiha’s God of Muscle

Chapter 272: father loving daughter filial piety

Chapter 272 Father's Kindness and Daughter's Filial Piety

ten minutes later.

The battle is over.

Looking around, the forest has been completely destroyed, leaving only countless bare tree stumps. On the ground, there are big holes one after another, and sparks are coming out.

Not surprisingly, Naruto defeated Jiraiya head-on with absolute strength.

"Ho **** ho..."

Zilai also knelt on one knee, panting heavily, sweat mixed with blood, dripping to the ground continuously.

Facing Naruto, who has the eyes of reincarnation and the power of Nine-Tails Jinchur, he hastily fought against the opponent before he had time to prepare for the fairy mode. After all, it was too reluctant.

Could it be that he is a lecherous fairy all his life, and he is going to die here today?

Da da da.

Naruto walked up to Jiraiya, looked down at the latter, and said indifferently:

"For the sake of you who once taught Mr. Xiaonan and my father, I can spare your life, but only this time. Please do your own thing and don't come to us again."

After finishing speaking, Naruto turned around and called Xiao Nan and Xiang Rin without waiting for Zilai to respond, and they left here together.

Looking at the backs of the three leaving, Jiraiya didn't have the slightest joy of surviving after a catastrophe, only depression.

From the day when he accidentally used reverse psychic technique and sent himself to Mount Miaomu decades ago.

Jiraiya's mission in this life is to find and guide the legendary Son of Prophecy, and help the latter realize the transformation of the ninja world. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

This is the meaning of his existence.

But now, Zirai also failed.


You can't just give up so easily, you have to cheer up.

Jiraiya's forehead was bulging with blue veins, resisting the pain in his body, stood up from the ground, his eyes became firm again.

There must be a way.

after one day.

Another hideout of the Xiao organization.

Psychic art!

As Naruto slapped the ground with his palm, after a rumbling vibration, a big face with a ferocious face and the word "King" engraved on its forehead rose from the ground.

Prison Hades.

Standing opposite Yama, with a nervous expression on his face, was Xianglin who was about to be interrogated.

Xiao Nan watched coldly from the sidelines, with a cold voice:

"Naruto, let's begin."

Naruto nodded, then looked at Xiang Rin, thought for a moment, and suddenly asked:

"Xiang Rin, do you like that Uchiha Sasuke?"


As soon as this remark came out, Xiao Nan suddenly showed surprise.

What is Naruto doing?

Xiang Rin, who was being interrogated, was even more stunned, because she never expected that Naruto would ask her such a question.

Seeing Xiang Rin's stunned expression, Naruto shook his head and reminded her very seriously:

"I advise you to tell the truth.

Because the King of Hades I summoned can read the mind of the person being interrogated and judge whether the other party is lying.

If you tell a lie, your tongue will stick out automatically, and then it will be swallowed by Hades, chewed and digested thoroughly.

In other words, the price of lying is being dumb. "

When Xianglin heard the words, she couldn't help but tremblingly glanced at the **** mouth of Hades, feeling a shudder.

After a few seconds of silence.

"Yes, I like Sasuke." She gritted her teeth and gave the answer truthfully.

As soon as the words fell, Hades opened his mouth, as if he was about to slap Xianglin, but there was no movement for a while.

In other words, Xiang Rin did not lie.

"So... next question."

When Naruto heard that Xiang Rin liked Sasuke, he didn't show any expression, but continued to ask, "Did you betray the Akatsuki organization and join Konoha?"


This time, Xiang Rin did not hesitate at all, and gave a firm answer with a very firm expression.

Hades, there is still no movement.

Seeing this, Naruto breathed a sigh of relief, then turned his head and said to Xiaonan:

"Mr. Xiaonan, it seems that there is nothing wrong with Xianglin."


Xiaonan frowned, and looked at Naruto sternly:

"Naruto, are you putting on a show in front of me like this to deliberately cover up Xiang Rin? Stop using such boring methods, and read her memory directly."

Without waiting for Naruto to respond, Xiaonan sighed again:

"Forget it, I almost forgot, Uchiha Tetsu also has reincarnation eyes, tampering with a person's memory is easy. If he did something to Xiang Rin, even if you read Xiang Rin's memory, I'm afraid you won't find any lies .”

Seeing that Xiao Nan still didn’t believe in herself, Xianglin couldn’t help but feel aggrieved, and said with tears in her eyes:

"Mr. Xiaonan, I have never betrayed you and Naruto, let alone the organization... I liked Sasuke Uchiha, but I know I was wrong, and I will forget him forever, please give me another chance. "

"Needless to say."

Xiaonan interrupted Xianglin, turned around, and stopped looking at the latter.

The spies sent out are instigated and become double agents, which is common in the ninja world.

Even if the probability of Xiang Rin's rebellion is only one percent, Konan can't take this risk, because once he falls into the trap of Uchiha Duan, the Akatsuki organization will be destroyed forever.

So... are you going to get rid of Xiang Rin here?


Hagoromo couldn't lift it anymore, so he put down the dumbbell, and asked Marisa panting:

"Sister, can I also exercise to become as strong as you?"

Looking at Marisa's plump muscles, the little boy's eyes were full of admiration and envy.

"Hahaha, of course."

Marisa laughed loudly, then touched Yuyi's hair, and promised her younger brother, "Xiao Yu, even if you can't become strong enough, I will always protect you and won't let anyone bully you."

After finishing speaking, he brought a towel to wipe his brother's sweat.

"Sister is the best." Yuyi hugged Marisa's elephant-like thigh and acted coquettishly.

If you say that the black-haired, tall and burly Marisa is confident and domineering, she is like the female version of Uchiha Duan.

The blond, fair-skinned, shy and introverted Yuyi, who usually likes to read books, has more of Samui's shadow on him.

Daughter is like father, son is like mother.

However, the ancestral "brother" fetters of the Uchiha clan have continued on the pair of siblings.

Marissa dotes on her younger brother very much, and Yuromo adores her older sister. The relationship between the siblings is very good and they have never quarreled.

at this time.


Marissa felt something in her heart, and turned her head to look at the door, only to see her father appearing there at some point.


She clenched her fists immediately, her eyes were so scorching that they almost turned into flames, and she stared at Duan with a fighting spirit.

"Sister, don't."

Hagoromo realized something and yelled in panic, but it was too late.


Marisa jumped out like an arrow leaving the string, and rushed towards Duan.

Ten meters, five meters, three meters.

Duan Mian stood there expressionless, watching his daughter kill him with cold eyes, as if he was used to this kind of situation.


When the distance between the father and daughter was shortened to only one meter, Marisa looked fierce and shouted:

"Smash ~ Varudo!"

The voice just fell.


The whole world lost its color in a blink of an eye. The clouds in the sky, the leaves blown by the wind in the yard, and the old man opposite, everything in the world froze at this moment.

At the same time, Platinum Star, who was more than two meters tall, quietly appeared behind Marisa, with a cold and arrogant expression on his face.

In this world where time stops flowing.

"Punch me, Euler!"

Marisa raised her fist without hesitation, aimed at the broken face, and beat it hard, fast, accurate and hard.


When her fist was about to hit the broken face.


A severed hand suddenly lifted up and grabbed Marisa's wrist, making the latter's fist hard to penetrate, and stopped within a few centimeters of his face.

Then, under Marisa's stunned eyes, Duan said lightly:

"It's already time to stop for two seconds, it's really good, as expected of my daughter."

The voice just fell.


The stand-in "World", which was more than six meters tall and at least three times bigger than Platinum Star, suddenly appeared behind Duan.

Terrifying pressure.



Marisa's face changed, and the Platinum Star behind her also looked terrified. The two wanted to back subconsciously, but found that their bodies could not move.

That's because the two-second time stop that belongs to her has passed, and now it's time to stop.


Duan smiled slightly, raised two fingers, and poked his daughter's forehead, reminding her, "The next time you start and stop, don't shout out the name of the move. It looks majestic, but it's actually silly."

When he started, the "world" also started.

Wood is big!

It raised a fist, from top to bottom, like a meteorite falling from the sky, it hit the "slim" Platinum Star.

Time resumes its flow.


Marisa's stand-in, Platinum Star, was directly punched by the world, making a big hole several meters deep in the yard.

The substitute is the embodiment of the spiritual power of the body, and its injury will naturally affect the body.

So, there was a plop.

Marisa couldn't hold on, and knelt down in front of the section, with blood oozing from her mouth and nose.

"My daughter is really filial, and she can't wait to rush up and kneel when she sees me. It really touched my old father."

Duan showed a kind smile, and patted Marisa on the shoulder, "Get up."


A breeze blows.

Under the big tree in the yard, the kneeling daughter and smiling father looked so harmonious and beautiful.

It’s really a scene of fatherly kindness and daughterly filial piety.

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