Uchiha’s God of Muscle

Chapter 273: Broken family of four

Chapter 273 A Broken Family of Four

In my heart, I am very satisfied with my daughter Marisa.

From the time she was just born, Duan knew that her daughter had perfectly inherited his talent. As soon as she came out of the mother's womb, her muscles had already taken shape.

However, Marisa has grown into a muscular 1.8-meter-long girl at the age of eight, which is more or less unexpected.

What surprised him even more.

Marisa not only awakened the double, which verified the long-researched double genetic theory, but also the double she awakened turned out to be a platinum star.

In the original work of jojo.

This is the same type of double as the world, and from the ability panel, the world is "3A2B1C", while the Platinum Star is the terrifying "5A1C", which is much stronger than the world.

In fact, the world of dio was indeed blown up by Jotaro Kujo's Platinum Star.

Maybe it is affected by this fate across time and space.

Marisa has been rebellious since she was a child. Not only did she not listen to what she said, but she always wanted to challenge her father, eager to defeat him with her own hands.

Facing this "big filial daughter", Duan didn't feel angry or worried.

On the contrary, he was interested.

I am really looking forward to it, how far can my daughter who has a platinum star substitute grow up in the future?

after all.

If one day, Duan is really invincible in the world and can no longer find an opponent, he hopes that Marisa will become his last opponent.

At that time, he and his daughter will join hands in a fist-to-body battle to spy on the supreme realm—

The God of Muscle.

Speaking of doubles.

Suddenly looked at the youngest son Yuyi not far away.

He is three years younger than Marisa, and today happens to be his fifth birthday. It's a pity that Yuyi doesn't seem to have inherited the talent and physique, and there is no sign of showing the power of a substitute.

Currently, there are only two words: mediocrity. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

Perhaps in the Uchiha clan, whether it was Quanna back then, or Sasuke and Yuyi now, these younger brothers are destined to live under the aura of older brothers (sisters).

Of course, having said that.

Hagoromo's mediocrity is compared with his sister Marisa. If compared with his peers, his ninja talent is still quite outstanding.

Look away.

Taking a quick look at Marisa who was still kneeling in front of him, panting with her head down, she said lightly:

"You don't need to kneel, good girl. Get up, I have already felt your filial piety."

After finishing speaking, he walked across the yard and walked to Yuyi.

"Happy birthday, my precious son."

Duan squatted down in front of Yuyi, while talking, took out a beautifully packaged book from his pocket, and gave it to his youngest son as a birthday present.

A Complete Collection of Secrets in the Ninja World.

Children like to read books, and it is the age when they are very curious, and they are most interested in this kind of books.

Sure enough.

"Thank you, Father."

Yuyi's eyes were shining, he took the book happily, and held it carefully in his arms.


Laughed silently, stretched out his big hand and rubbed his son's head, then stood up and went into the house.

Wait for him to leave.

Yuyi hurriedly ran all the way to Marisa, helped her up, and asked with concern:

"Sister, are you okay?"

"Damn Daddy!"

Marisa cursed with a look of displeasure, raised her fist and slammed it on the ground vigorously, venting her helplessness and fury.

She was born to be strong.

Since she can remember, Marisa has discovered that she is different from other children.

She has developed rapidly and has a very strong physique. Compared with her peers, she is like a tiger mixed in with a group of kittens.


Marisa's appearance also attracted some laughing voices, saying that she is not male or female, looks terrible and so on.

To this, Marisa's response was very straightforward, that is, to beat back with her fist, to make those annoying guys shut up.

It was also during this process that she accidentally awakened the double platinum star, and gradually enjoyed fighting, oh no, it should be said to be the thrill of fighting.

Marisa doesn't like bullying. For her, this kind of thing has no sense of accomplishment.

Her greatest pleasure is to challenge the strong. Every time she defeats a strong guy, she will feel a sense of accomplishment in her heart and get great spiritual satisfaction.


From the time she entered the ninja school at the age of five, Marisa beat up all the students in the ninja school in just three years, no matter whether the opponent was a senior or a junior, whether it was a junior ninja or a middle ninja.

She even fought against Sasuke, Neji and others who are known as Konoha's "golden generation", and each had a victory or defeat.

For a long time, there was only one person who was the biggest goal in Marisa's heart, and that was her father—

Sixth Hokage Uchiha break.

is also recognized as the number one ninja.

Konoha’s golden generation has all graduated, and Marisa thinks that she is on the same level as them, and she can’t learn anything at the ninja school. Of course, she has to graduate early.

Heard Marisa complaining.

After thinking about it for a while, he looked directly at his daughter and said:

"Okay, when you are admitted to Chunin, you can graduate early. You can just form a team with your cousin Sasuke, and leave Konoha to go outside for some experience."


Marisa was overjoyed immediately, she had wanted to go out for a long time and see the vastness of the ninja world.

"The premise is that you have to get the first place in the Chunin exam."

Crossing his arms across his chest, he lightly reminded his daughter, "This Zhongnin exam is the largest in ten years, and many ninja villages in the entire ninja world have sent many people to come."

Samui also echoed:

"That's right, I heard that there are more than a thousand contestants in the Chunin Exam.

Many of them have already possessed the strength of Zhongnin or even close to Jnin, but deliberately stuck with the status of Jnin, just to get good grades and win glory for their ninja village.

Marisa, you must not take it lightly. "

It can be said that this Chunin exam is described as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, which is not an exaggeration at all.

When Marisa heard this, she was not only not afraid, but became excited. Immediately, her eyes were burning, and she patted her chest to promise:

"It's interesting this way. I decided to compete alone like Cousin Itachi and won the first place!"

She is confident.

After finishing speaking, Marisa finished the meal, put down her chopsticks, wiped her mouth and said:

"I heard that Cousin Sasuke was beaten up and is lying in the hospital. I want to visit him."


He obviously wanted to ask Sasuke, who beat him up?

Duan Duan and Samuel exchanged glances, and they both guessed what his daughter was thinking, but they didn't reveal it.

"I...I want to go with my sister too."

Hagoromo raised one hand cautiously, and said timidly.

Samui heard the words and gave Marisa two instructions:

"It just so happens that today is your brother's birthday, take him out to have fun, and remember to come back early."


The siblings were in high spirits, and Marisa immediately put on the feather robe and ran out of the house.

Looking at the backs of the siblings leaving, Duan shook his head and said something meaningful:

"Finally we can live in a two-person world."

Samui rolled his eyes at him again, and said, "Wash the dishes first."

Bang ? In the kitchen, there was a burst of washing and scrubbing.

"Sigh, I've been getting tired so easily recently, it seems that I'm getting old, and I'm getting old if I'm not careful."

Samui leaned on the island platform, raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and sighed.

Women are always very sensitive to age, and they are prone to anxiety when they get older.

Judgment heard the words, looked at his wife, and said with some surprise:

"How come, you have obviously become more beautiful and your figure has improved."

In his opinion, the 29-year-old Samui is the best age for a woman.

One word: cooked.


Samui was a little unconfident, thinking that she was deliberately flattering her, not telling the truth.

Duan walked over, hugged her by the waist, and suggested:

"Life lies in exercise, and exercise makes people young. My wife, it's time to exercise. Let me, a coach, help you keep in good shape."

"Then... you have to teach me something new." Samuel stared at Duan and blinked.

“Guaranteed to satisfy you.”

Wu Feitu left, and in the blink of an eye, a week passed.

Duan's strategy of luring the snake out of the hole seems to have failed, because nothing happened to Konoha in the past few days.

The village is as peaceful and lively as ever, and the life of the villagers is getting better and better, a scene of peaceful years.

Not in a hurry, I took another vacation for myself, staying at home with my wife and children, enjoying a peaceful and happy life.

Then, the Chunin exam came as scheduled.

With the development of Konoha Ninja School and the improvement of the education system, in the past few years, the Chunin Exam has gradually become a grand event in Konoha Village.

It is related to the future of many students and affects the hearts of countless parents.

Moreover, with the development of Konoha Village's technology, the Chunin Exam will now be televised, allowing the real-time images of the competition to enter thousands of households, and even spread throughout the ninja world.

A large number of industries have also been spawned around the Chunin exams. In some underground casinos, there are even corresponding odds for the exam results, and gamblers can bet on their favorite participating Chunin.

As long as it is an exam, the first place is always the most concerned.

For example, Sasuke Uchiha, who won the championship in the Jōnin Exam that just ended, received countless praises and applause. He justifiably became the number one genius in Konoha, and his reputation shocked the ninja world.

The most popular candidate for the Chunin exam this time is undoubtedly the daughter of the Sixth Hokage—

"Iron Fist" Marisa.

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