Uchiha’s God of Muscle

Chapter 277: Tsunade godmother

Chapter 277 Tsunade Godmother

Just when the first generation and the second generation were surprised by Marisa, an eight-year-old, 1.8-meter muscular girl, a scene that surprised them even more appeared.

"Ola Ola Ola!"

In the practice field, Marisa opened her bow left and right, making hundreds of fist shadows with both fists, and launched a fierce attack on Tsunade.


A pair of scarlet three-god jade suddenly appeared in Tsunade's eyes, and quickly turned up and down, left and right, seeing every attack of Marisa clearly, and helping her avoid them all.


The first generation exclaimed in a low voice, never expecting to see Uchiha's Sharingan on his granddaughter.

"Is it a transplanted sharingan? It seems that Tsunade is really close to the Uchiha clan. But doesn't she know how dangerous those eyes are?"

The second generation's face was as heavy as water, and he deeply understood the essence of Sharingan, and he was worried about Tsunade. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

The first generation was silent for a while, and finally said:

"If it is Tsunade's own choice, then there is nothing to say. I believe she can control those eyes."

The voice fell, and the discussion between Tsunade and Marisa in the practice field was almost coming to an end.


Marisa yelled again, and rushed towards Tsunade like a tiger coming out of its cage, and punched out.

Her fist exerted force from the soles of her feet, and the force was transmitted from the waist to the arms. The muscles of the whole arm bulged, and it could be said that she had exhausted all her strength.

Before the punch arrived, the violent wind of the fist had blown Tsunade's clothes and a head of blond hair into wild dancing.

"Come on, let's have a showdown."

Tsunade's eyes were burning, he stood on the spot without dodging or evading, then he raised his right fist and slammed forward.

at the same time.

A powerful airflow erupted from her body, like a tornado from a flat ground, destroying everything.

appeared, Tsunade's strange power.

Next second.


The fists of the two collided firmly, and a wave of air immediately swept across them in all directions to the west, blowing away the rainwater in the air and the small stones on the ground.



Marisa's strong body flew upside down, drew an arc in the air, and finally landed heavily on the stands on the sidelines, smashing a big hole.


Tsunade also took several steps back before stabilizing his figure, and casually shook his slightly numb arm.

"What a powerful force, it seems that she really can't be regarded as an eight-year-old kid."

She muttered something to herself, amazed at Marisa's strength.

"Damn it!"

Under the ruins of the stands, Marisa's roar came.

Then, with a bang, she rushed out of the ruins like a shell, and charged towards Tsunade again.

Even though she was punched by Tsunade, she acted like a normal person. This is the defense brought by Marisa's strong body.


Tsunade frowned, and let out a cold drink.


Marisa slammed on the brakes, stopped abruptly, then put away her fists, and asked suspiciously:

"What's the matter, godmother."

That's right, Tsunade became Marisa's godmother, and she just recognized it at Samui's suggestion.

That is to say.

Although Xiang Rin ran away, Tsunade had another daughter.

But to be honest, Tsunade and Marisa are 54 years old and 8 years old. It stands to reason that the latter wants to call the former mother-in-law.

Even if you want to recognize your relatives, you still recognize your godmother, not your godmother.

But women, who would like to be called "grandmother", especially a super old leftover girl like Tsunade, who has always been very concerned about her appearance.

Everyone knows that it is a very taboo thing to mention age in front of Tsunade-sama.

So Samui asked her daughter to recognize Tsunade as her godmother.

"Your father... didn't he teach you strange power?"

Tsunade frowned and asked Marisa.

Although Marisa's punch just now was very powerful, it relied more on brute strength, and failed to combine physical strength with chakra well.

As we all know, Uchiha's taijutsu is the strongest in the ninja world, and even Tsunade has to be convinced, but hasn't he taught his daughter these things?

It's unbelievable.

Marisa shook her head upon hearing this, and replied:

"Hmph, I wouldn't ask him to teach me, what a shame."

The main theme is a rebellion.


Marisa yelled, picked up a delicious chicken leg, and gnawed on it.

This kid.

Tsunade and Samui smiled at each other, then picked up their chopsticks and began to enjoy this delicious and hearty lunch.

On the big tree in the distance.

Seeing the scene where the four of Tsunade were talking and laughing, the first generation and the second generation were very emotional for a while.

A long while.

"Seeing that Tsunade is living so happily, I am relieved." The first generation said with a look of relief, relieved.

"Aren't you going to meet her, brother?" the second generation asked.

"No." The first generation shook his head.

He originally planned to show up and chat with Tsunade face to face, but now that he thinks about it, he should forget it, because he is a dead person after all, and he should not disturb the peaceful life of the living.

In addition, the identities of him and the second generation are more sensitive. If the two attract the attention of the Uchiha clan, it may bring some unnecessary troubles and troubles to Tsunade.

Just looking at Tsunade from a distance like this is enough.

The second generation was silent for a moment, and suddenly proposed:

"Since you've come to the land of the Uchiha tribe, why don't you go to Nanga Shrine to see what happened to the so-called stone tablet left by the Sage of the Six Paths."

Various signs show that the Uchiha clan can have today's glory, and that stone tablet seems to be indispensable.

So the second generation inevitably had a strong interest in the stele.

The first generation shook his head:

"Go, I want to stay here and see Tsunade more."

"Okay, brother, be careful yourself. We will meet on the hillside outside Muye Village in an hour." The second generation made up his mind.

"Be careful too."

The first generation watched the second generation leave, and soon disappeared in the forest of Uchiha.

Under the big tree in the practice field.

"Aww, aww..."

Marisa bowed left and right, kept picking up food with both hands, and wolfed it down to her mouth.

"Eat slowly, girls don't even have a picture of eating."

Samui looked helpless, took out a tissue, and asked Marisa to wipe off the oil stains at the corners of her mouth.

Tsunade said: "Eat more, practice intensively in the afternoon, you will suffer."


Marisa burped, patted her bulging stomach, and then said contentedly:

"I'm so happy. I have two mothers and a cute brother. If there is no annoying old man, everything will be perfect."

"Marisa, don't say that about your father." Samuel became more and more helpless.

"Hahaha, well said." Tsunade laughed out loud, feeling very relieved.

is smiling.

Hagoromo, who had been concentrating on eating, suddenly felt something, raised his head and shouted: "Father."

The voice just fell.

There was a wave of fluctuation in the void, and Duan, who was wearing a white Hokage robe, appeared out of thin air.


Tsunade's laughter stopped abruptly, and the smile on his face froze.

"Hey, I said why is there no one at home, so everyone is having a picnic party here." Duan looked around and picked up his youngest son, Yuyi.

This little guy was the first to notice his arrival just now. Is it the telepathy between father and son, or the talent for sensing space fluctuations?

His son is indeed a genius.

"Broken, I'm sorry, I thought you wouldn't be home for lunch..."

Samui was about to stand up with an apologetic face.

Duan pressed her shoulder, then sat down directly between Samui and Tsunade, and said to Tsunade, "Please let me go."

His burly and stalwart body was like a hill, and as soon as he sat down, he pushed Tsunade aside.


Tsunade suddenly looked unhappy and glared at Duan.

Duan ignored Tsunade's angry eyes, picked up a rice ball and ate it, and said while eating:

“Today, our family of five gathered together and had a picnic in the rain. It was really fun, warm and beautiful.”

Tsunade was taken aback for a moment, then said in a deep voice:

"Who is a family with you, you bastard..."

Just as he was about to say the word egg, Tsunade choked back the curse word when he remembered that there were two children present.

"Do you want to eat this bread, or I will eat it if you don't."

He took a quick look at the bread in front of Tsunade, saw that she didn't reply, picked it up and put it in his mouth.

"Give it back to me!" Tsunade's eyes flashed, and he reached out to **** the bread back from his broken mouth.

"Damn dad, don't bully my godmother."

Marisa couldn't stand it anymore, so she offered to help, and the three of them tugged into a ball for a while.

Samui and Yuyi at the side covered their mouths and laughed when they saw this scene.

It’s really as Duan said, a warm and happy family life.

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