Uchiha’s God of Muscle

Chapter 278: The second generation VS iron fire couple

Chapter 278 Second Generation VS Iron Fire Couple

Spring rain is falling.

Under the big tree, the sixth generation family is having a happy picnic.

On a big tree in the distance, the first generation of people merged into the trunk, completely concealing their own aura with the wood escape technique, and stared at the family under the tree without blinking.

Especially the man in the white Hokage robe.

Is he Uchiha off?

The first impression of Duan in the first generation is that it is burly. With a height of two meters and a body of muscles that are about to burst through the Hokage robe, it is like a mountain. No wonder a daughter like Marisa can be born.

Corresponding to this stalwart body type is the huge bottomless chakra in Duan's body, which is not inferior even compared to the first generation himself.

Juan did not reveal the pair of legendary reincarnation eyes at this time.

But his pair of black eyes are equally deep and mysterious, like a bottomless dark abyss that can devour a person's spirit.

In short, this is a very dangerous man.

The degree of danger is even more than that of Uchiha Madara back then.

The main purpose of the first generation coming to Konoha this time is for the Uchiha break.

Collect all the tailed beasts, become Ten-Tails Jinchuriki, and rule the world with immortality—if Duan’s ambition is true, what impact will it have on the ninja world, and should he be stopped?

The first generation can't come up with the answer yet.

So he intends to take the opportunity to observe more, collect as much information as possible, and then make a judgment.

the other side.

Nanhe Shrine, main hall.

The second generation did not spend too much effort, bypassing the Uchiha guards, sneaked into the main hall, and found the secret room under the seventh tatami.

In the secret room, under the soft light, a stone tablet full of mysterious characters stands silently.

"Is this the stele left by the Sixth Generation Sage to the Uchiha Clan?"

The second generation frowned and muttered to himself, walking to the stone tablet, a look of doubt emerged between his brows.

He knelt down and observed the writing on the stele at close range, trying to decipher the information hidden inside. Unfortunately, after studying for a long time, he still had no clue.


The second generation had no choice but to give up, sighed, and stood up.

Perhaps, these words have no meaning at all, they are purely created by the Uchiha clan to fool the world, just to act in the name of Sage of the Six Paths.

No matter what Uchiha wants to do, they can declare to the outside world that they follow the last words left by the Sage of the Six Paths on the stone tablet, thus giving rationality to all their actions.

What a clever method.

Thinking of this, the second generation sneered and shook his head, ready to turn and leave.

But right now.

"Don't bother, the content on the stele can only be understood by Uchiha's Sharingan, so you, an outsider, don't want to be wishful thinking."

As a voice sounded behind the second generation, Tie Huo and Qian Xiuzi quietly appeared at the door of the secret room.

As the two kaleidoscope powerhouses of the Uchiha clan, and also as the former "Heaven and Earth" combination, after years of tacit understanding, they have become a couple now. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update


The second generation turned around in surprise when he heard the words, and asked calmly, "How...how did you find me?"

He was obviously very careful, and he didn't show any flaws.

"Ignorant bum."

Tiehuo looked at the guy in the raincoat and hood in front of him, and mocked disdainfully, "Master Hokage knew about it as early as you entered Konoha."

He and Qian Xiuzi were ordered by Duan to arrest this person.

What? !

The second generation was shocked when he heard the words, and sure enough... he still underestimated that guy Uchiha Dan.

Too bad, big brother might be in danger.

Seeing that the other party was silent, Tie Huo took out a pair of handcuffs and spoke again:

"You trespassed on the forbidden area of ??the Uchiha clan without permission. Before we do it, I can give you a chance to capture it without a fight."

After speaking, he threw the handcuffs on the ground in front of the second generation.


The second generation sneered in his heart, his eyes suddenly sharpened, and he directly chose to respond with actions.

Next second.

With a snap, he clasped his hands together, and a huge chakra surged out of his body.


With the second generation as the center, a tornado-like swirling water flow appeared out of thin air, filling most of the secret room in a blink of an eye, and rushed towards the iron and fire like a waterfall.

Water escape·Shui Chongbo.


Tie Huo's eyes flickered, reminding Qian Xiuzi that both of them retreated together.


The Nanga Shrine in the spring rain seems to be shrouded in a mysterious veil, as calm and peaceful as ever.

Many tourists come from afar, holding umbrellas and walking under the tall red torii, feeling the quiet and sacred atmosphere of the shrine.


He analyzed it in his heart, did not neglect his hands, and formed the seal again.


A circular wall of water rises from the second generation's feet, rotating around him at high speed, forming a defense without dead ends.

It is also the water escape ninjutsu that has been improved by him - the water wall.


The second generation made a mistake this time.

He only saw the second layer, but didn't expect there to be a third layer.

Qianxiuzi's ultimate move is neither the high heat of the fire escape nor the sharpness of the shuriken, but the faint bluish-white chakra attached to those shurikens.

Shi Natohiko.

This is the kaleidoscope ability of her right eye, which can use the power of the pupil to summon the legendary "Kamikaze" from a distant space, which is attached to the weapon and is powerful enough to cut everything.

is the highest level of wind escape.

The water wall of the second generation cannot stop Shina Tohiko.

Puff puff.

Those shurikens easily passed through the high-speed rotating water wall, and all of them pierced the second generation, splitting his body like hot knives cutting butter.

Water walls dissipate.

One hand and one leg of the second generation were broken, and the chest was also pierced by a shuriken. It seemed that he was bound to die.

Did you succeed?

As soon as Qian Xiuzi had this idea in her mind, she saw a scene that surprised her.

I saw the body of the second generation shaking, but never fell down. Then, countless dusts gathered, restoring his body to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

However, Qian Xiuzi’s move was effective, that is, the hood of the second generation fell off, revealing her true colors.

"Reincarnation of the dirty soil? This kind of water escape ninjutsu, and that appearance, are you..."

Tie Huo stared at the second generation with scorching eyes, and then said sharply, "The second generation of Hokage Thousand Hands!"

It was still recognized.

"I heard that you Uchiha clan have also used my invention of reincarnation to resurrect the dead. No wonder you can recognize this technique at a glance. That's right, I am Senshou Banjian."

The second generation stared at Tiehuo and said calmly.

"Stop talking nonsense, seal him!"

Chihideko dashed out, and rushed towards the second generation holding the ninja sword, and the blade was attached to the invincible Shina Tohiko again.

Although Dirt Reincarnation is an immortal body, it takes a certain amount of time to recover every time it is destroyed.

During this period, it is the best time to seal the dead.

So she planned to use Shina Tohiko to cut the Second Hokage, and then seal it in one go.

"Little girl, don't underestimate me."

The second generation said coldly, seeing Qian Xiuzi approaching him, he raised his hand and shot at her like lightning.

Do you want to hurt me with this level of attack?

Qian Xiuzi was disdainful, relying on the powerful dynamic vision of Sharingan, she easily avoided Kunai, and then prepared to stab the second generation with a ninja knife.

But the next moment.


The second generation in front of him suddenly disappeared, at a speed comparable to teleportation.

"Qian Xiuzi, be careful behind you!" Tie Huo's loud reminder made Qian Xiuzi's back feel cold, and a sense of crisis surged in her heart.


The second generation has appeared behind her, holding the kunai that she dodged, and stabbing Qianxiuzi's heart.

Fly to the second stage of Thor.

The caster throws the kunai with the Flying Thunder God formula attached to the enemy, and then teleports to the kunai's position to launch a sneak attack on the enemy.

In Qianshou Feijian back then, it was Quan Nai, the younger brother who used this trick to kill Madara.

Because the speed is too fast, the enemy has no time to react, not even enough time to launch Susanoo, making this kunai a deadly move that Uchiha ninjas cannot defend against.

At the critical moment.


As Qian Xiuzi opened her left eye wide, a strange force burst out from her pupils, instantly forming a translucent spherical barrier outside her body.


Another kaleidoscope ability of Qianxiuzi, to some extent, can be called absolute defense.


The second-generation Flying Thunder God Kunai stabbed at the barrier and broke in two.


The surprise on his face disappeared in a flash. Seeing Tie Huo coming to support Qian Xiuzi, he immediately jumped back without any reluctance to fight, and distanced himself from the two of them.

"Is it the kaleidoscope pupil technique? It's really tricky."

The second generation looked at the eyes of Tie Huo and Qian Xiuzi, and his complexion was much more solemn than the beginning.

And at this moment.


Dozens of figures came from a distance, all of them were Uchiha ninjas wearing high-necked blue robes, and surrounded the second generation heavily.

The leaders among them are the father and son Fu Yue and Itachi.

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