Uchiha’s God of Muscle

Chapter 279: Tsunade and the first generation

Chapter 279 Tsunade and the first generation

Nanhe Shrine.

This sacred place of the Uchiha clan has become a mess at this time:

The main hall and walls collapsed in pieces, large holes with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared on the ground, and a large number of torii gates and trees fell to the ground in disorder.

This shrine was first flooded and then burned, and it became dilapidated in a blink of an eye, and it no longer had the magnificent and magnificent spirit of the past.

The culprit who caused all this is being surrounded by the elite of the Uchiha clan at this time.

"The Patriarch!"

Tiehuo and Fuyue joined hands, and quickly informed the latter and the Uchiha tribe of the enemy, the second generation of Naruto Senju Togama.

The second generation of Hokage who was reincarnated from the dirt?

Upon learning of this, everyone in the Uchiha was shocked, and then they all showed Sharingan, pulled out Ninja Sword and Kunai, and stared at the second generation with fierce eyes.

The second generation looked dignified.

Dealing with Tiehuo and Qianxiuzi has already made him feel strenuous. If it wasn't for the immortal body who was reincarnated from the dirty soil just now, he might have missed and been killed.

And now, with the arrival of Fuyue and Itachi, the kaleidoscope Uchiha that the second generation has to face has suddenly become four.

Not to mention, there are many Uchiha's Sangodama Jōnin, watching covetously from behind.

Underestimate Uchiha.

He originally thought that there was only one Uchiha who was really worthy of attention, and that was the sixth-generation Uchiha Dan. Now it seems that this family is like a cloud of masters.

In such a confrontation, Fu Yue took a step forward, took the lead in breaking the silence, and asked:

"Who brought you back to life? Or to put it another way, am I talking to the second generation of Hokage Senjubama, or am I talking to the caster who was reincarnated from the dirt?"

The dead who are reincarnated and resurrected by the filth will be reduced to puppets, and they will be manipulated by the caster from their will to their bodies.

This point, Fu Yue is very clear.

The second generation heard the words, while being wary of the sneak attack of the Uchiha people, they didn't hide it, and gave a quick response:

"It's a monkey... Oh no, it should be said that Hiruza Sarutobi of the Third Hokage brought me back to life. But don't be nervous, because I haven't decided yet whether I want to be an enemy of the Uchiha clan."

Hearing his words, Tie Huo laughed back angrily, and immediately sneered coldly:

"You mean, you destroyed Uchiha's Nanga Shrine and killed so many innocent civilians, isn't this an act of hostility?"

The second generation shook his head, looking helpless:

"I've already said that, I just want to take a look at the legendary stele left by the Sage of the Six Paths to the Uchiha clan. As for the injured civilians, it was a complete accident..."


Fuyue interrupted the words of the second generation, and said sharply, "No matter who you are, what is the purpose of coming to Konoha, come with us to the interrogation room first."

He doesn't intend to seal the second generation directly, but plans to control the other party in order to obtain more information.

Facing Fuyue's request.

Of course, the second generation could not agree, shrugged and refused on the spot:

"Sorry, I'm not free today."

He didn't intend to fight.

Facing four Uchiha kaleidoscope powerhouses and dozens of Uchiha Jonin at the same time, even Senju Tobema, who is known as the "Uchiha nemesis", will definitely die, with no chance of winning.


Almost at the same time when the second generation disappeared.

Chi Chi Chi Chi.

A black flame appeared in the place where the second generation was before, burning blazingly, making the air crackle and crackle.


Oops, one step late, did he escape?

Fuyue frowned and dismissed Amaterasu.

"It's the technique of Flying Thunder God." Itachi said in a deep voice.

Although the Uchiha people generally hate the second generation, they have to admit that Senju Tomona's attainments in ninjutsu are definitely a master of the generation. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

The Dirt Reincarnation he developed once allowed Uchiha to resurrect Shisui and many dead clansmen.

And Flying Thunder God is a unique space-time ninjutsu, which is almost the same as teleportation.

With this technique, the second generation's escape ability is second to none in the entire ninja world. As long as he wants to leave, no one can keep him.

More grimly—

"Since the Second Hokage was resurrected by Sarutobi Hiruzen, the first Hokage and the Fourth Hokage must have also been resurrected. At this time, there is a high probability that they are lurking in the village, and may attack again at any time."

Fuyue's face was serious, and he immediately ordered everyone to send some people to treat the wounded, and others to notify the police department and Anbu, and asked the whole village of Konoha to immediately enter a state of first-level combat readiness.

Also, most importantly.

"Itachi, go to the castle tower right away and tell the sixth generation about this." Fuyue told his son.


Tiehuo stopped Itachi, and explained, "I and Chihideko were ordered by the sixth generation to come to Nanga Shrine to carry out the arrest mission. He already knew every move of the enemy."

I see.

Fuyue breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and felt a lot more relaxed.

"Where is the sixth generation now? Did you personally go out to deal with the first generation and the fourth generation?"

"Godmother, let me help you!"

Marisa saw that Tsunade was in a fierce battle with the enemy, she yelled, and rushed into the battlefield like a cannonball.

However, a tall and stalwart figure suddenly appeared on the path of the shell.

is broken.


Marisa didn't have time to brake, and hit the broken back, which was as immobile as a mountain, but she stared at the stars, knocked herself to pieces, and then fell to the ground.

"Don't make trouble, protect your mother and younger brother, and leave the enemy to Tsunade." Duan taught his daughter calmly.

"Then... what about you? Aren't you going to help the godmother?" Marisa stood up from the ground in pain and asked her father.

"Me? Of course I was watching the show."

Judging took it for granted, he found a big tree, leaned on the trunk with his hands folded, and watched Tsunade's battle with the enemy with great interest.

Damn it.

Marisa clenched her fists and gritted her teeth with hatred for her father, but in the end, she honestly returned to Samui and Yuyi to protect their safety.

In the exercise field.

Bang bang bang.

Tsunade and the first generation come and go, every time they punch each other, the air will explode heavily, and the strength of one blow is enough to kill a Jonin.

"Okay, is Tsunade really okay?" Samuel walked to Duan, and asked with a worried expression on his face.

"Don't worry, I will take action when necessary." Duan put his arms around Samui's shoulders, signaling her to relax, it was just a small scene.

Under his gaze, the pressure of the first generation on the court is getting bigger and bigger.

It can't be dragged on like this.

The first generation knew that the situation was not good for them.

Although he is a filthy body and his strength is far inferior to his life, it is relatively easy to defeat Tsunade in front of him.

However, how could the first generation lay a heavy hand on his granddaughter?

While dealing with Tsunade's fists and kicks, he focused more on Uchiha Duan. After all, if he made a real move, that man was his real opponent.

But not today.

Let’s withdraw first, and make a long-term plan.

Thinking of this, the first generation made a decision in his heart, and took advantage of the reaction force of **** with Tsunade again, stepped back, and opened the distance with her again.

Then, he suddenly pressed his palm to the ground, turning his huge chakra into the ground into the source of life.

Awakened the plant seeds sleeping deep in the ground.

Next second.


With the loud noise of the ground shaking, countless thick trees rose from the ground, grew wildly, and quickly enveloped the entire exercise field.

These trees seemed to be alive, attacking Tsunade, Duan and the others with claws and teeth.

Ninja Law · Birth of the Tree World.

"Ola Ola Ola Ola!"

Marisa fired with full firepower, and the stand-in Platinum Star appeared behind her, and she punched violently with her, blowing up all the trees approaching the mother and younger brother.

However, Tsunade, who was the main target of the opponent, faced more than ten times as many trees as Marisa.

She was soon trapped by the sea of ??trees.

This technique...

Tsunade's expression was horrified, and he yelled at the first generation again: "Who the **** are you, why do you use the strange power of the Senshou clan, and my grandfather's wood escape ninjutsu?"

Shujie Shengsheng is a high-level wooden ninjutsu, even the Uchiha family who transplanted Hashirama cells, few people can use it.

Tsunade just finished speaking.


The second generation came to the practice field using the Flying Raijin spell that was left on the first generation.

"Brother, what's the situation here, why are you fighting with Tsunade? Wait, that man is..."

His eyes quickly glanced around, and he was asking the first generation, when suddenly his pupils shrank.

Same as the first generation, the second generation confirmed the identity of the other party from the extremely dangerous aura on the latter at the first sight.

Konoha's Sixth Hokage.


Tsunade blew up the trees in front of him. After seeing the second generation's appearance and the blue armor, he couldn't help being stunned, and then asked in disbelief:

"You are... Second Hokage? Second Grandfather?!"

"Takama, you still exposed me."

Seeing this, the first generation sighed helplessly. Now, there is no need to hide any more.


As he stopped casting spells, the wildly dancing woods suddenly stopped, and no longer attacked Tsunade and others.

Then, under Tsunade's shocked gaze.

The first generation slowly opened the hood, revealing a strong and resolute face, with a gentle smile on his face and said:

"Tsunade, long time no see. Higama and I are back."

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