Chapter 283 exam begins

these years.

Since learning of his life experience, Naruto has done a lot of research on the four generations of Hokage couples consciously or unconsciously.

Because he wanted to know what kind of people his parents were.

Among them, the most important information comes from the nine tails in Naruto.

From the mouth of Nine Tails, Naruto learned the specific situation on the night he was born that year, that is, during the Nine Tails Rebellion.

Including Kushina using King Kong to block Kyuubi, and then Namikaze Minato took the opportunity to use Ghoul Seal to seal his soul, along with half of Kyuubi's chakra, in the belly of Death.

So Naruto knew that his father's soul was swallowed by the **** of death, and he was not in the pure land, so he could not be reincarnated and resurrected in the dirty land.

This is why the fourth generation did not appear in Konoha with the first generation and the second generation.

Ghoul Sealing and Vajra Blocking are both Uzumaki Clan's sealing techniques. They are abilities engraved in Naruto's blood.


Naruto is currently using the power of the eyes of reincarnation to find a way to break the ghoul seal.

Once successful, he can not only revive his father Namikaze Minato, but also help Kyuubi retrieve the other half of Chakra by the way, so that he can become a truly perfect Kyuubi Jinchuriki.

Naruto is determined to win this.

"I see."

Xiaonan suddenly realized, and finally knew why Naruto was not in a hurry.

She has confidence in Naruto.

After all, Naruto's reincarnation eyes can even be manipulated by the king of hell, and it seems that a mere **** of death is not a problem.


Naruto suddenly changed the subject, and his face became a little dignified, "This time the first and second generation failed to invade Konoha, the Konoha government in exile headed by Sarutobi Hiruzane will definitely not be reconciled, and there must be follow-up actions. In addition, I don't know what's going on, but my samsara eye has been beating inexplicably since just now..."

"Are you alright, Naruto, are you too tired recently and haven't had a good rest?"

Xiaonan asked with concern, because she also noticed that Naruto's eyes were beating all the time, out of his control.

This situation has never happened before.

"It should be because I haven't slept well recently, haha."

Naruto laughed, but didn't pay much attention to it, or rather, he didn't want Xiaonan to worry about him.

But in fact.

Naruto already had some ominous premonition in his heart.

Because he could vaguely feel that the reincarnation eyes in his eye sockets seemed to suddenly become restless, as if he couldn't wait to leave him.

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Could it be... Uchiha Madara, is he also resurrected?

"Naruto, what's the matter with you, what are you thinking?" Xiao Nan's call brought Naruto back to reality from his contemplation.

"Oh, nothing."

Naruto pretended to smile relaxedly, and then said solemnly, "I just have a hunch that something big is about to happen in the ninja world. Maybe, hiding here is not the way, I should go to Konoha, so that I don't have to worry about it all the time." Being passive, I missed the opportunity to counter Uchiha off."

Xiaonan was silent for a moment when he heard the words, and instead of trying to dissuade Naruto blindly, he took the initiative to speak:

"Then I'll go and prepare a sacrifice for you."

"No need, Teacher Xiaonan."

Naruto interrupted Xiaonan, showing determination, "This time, I don't plan to use the clone, but go in person."

What? !

Xiao Nan was taken aback suddenly, her eyes widened.

Next, Naruto explained his thoughts:

"Don't worry about me. I know that Uchiha is very strong and won't enter Konoha rashly. Don't forget, Gaara has already sneaked into Konoha first, and he will cooperate with me when the time comes. I will observe the situation clearly. Then wait for the opportunity to move.

Take a step back and say, even if Uchiha Dan is watching, I have prepared a way to escape.

Everyone is reincarnated, I really want to leave, but he can't stay. "

Xiaonan was really worried.

But after thinking about it, compared to Nagato, who has disabled legs and limited mobility, Naruto is already better than blue, and I should have some confidence in him.

So she nodded and said to Naruto:

"Okay, I'll go with you, just like last time, and use my God Paper Art to cover you."

However, what Xiao Nan didn't expect was that.

"No, it's more convenient for me to act alone." Naruto actually rejected her proposal.

Because one-third of the contestants were eliminated in the first round of the written test, a total of 400 people were eliminated, and even the number one favorite, Marisa, almost overturned.

Obviously, Marisa and her father Uchiha are the same type of ninja, good at fisting, not good at writing test papers.


Marisa crammed her feet before the exam and made up a lot of knowledge in the culture class. She finally passed the test, otherwise she might be reduced to a big joke.

In the second round of examinations that followed, the remaining 700 contestants will work in groups to travel through the vast death forest, grab the scrolls in the hands of other groups, and finally reach the high tower in the center of the forest to pass.

Let’s get real and start actual combat.

This round of exams is destined to be more cruel, and seeing blood is almost inevitable.

Maybe it was a bad start, which made Marisa hold her breath and was determined to find her way back.

Sure enough.

She shined brilliantly in this round. She didn’t team up with anyone and chose to act alone, and with a pair of iron fists, she swept all the way and collected a lot of scrolls.

Finally, be the first to reach the tower in the center of the forest.

After a cruel screening, more than half of the candidates were eliminated in the second round of examinations, leaving less than 200 contestants.

The two hundred lucky ones were all promoted to Chunin.

It stands to reason that by this point, the Chunin Exam is almost over.

But the next third round of exams is the real highlight, because it is conducted in a one-on-one battle, and will determine the real best among the contestants.

Since the two hundred people have been promoted to Zhongnin, everyone no longer has any worries, and can let go of their hands and feet and go all out to fight.

Not only to win glory for his own village, but also to fight for the name of the genius that day.

Many capable people chose to deliberately release water in the first two rounds of exams, recharge their batteries to preserve their strength, and observe their opponents.

Just waiting for this last game, it was a blockbuster.

Soon, the preliminary round of the third round of exams began.

According to the comprehensive results of the first two rounds of exams, the two hundred Chunin were divided into different groups.

After another three days of fierce competition, eight Chunin finally stood out from all the contestants and were promoted to the top eight of this exam.

Today is Saturday, and there will be an eight-to-four match.

It is worth mentioning that starting from the quarterfinals, the competition venue has been moved to Konoha's newly built large stadium, which can accommodate 100,000 spectators.

In addition, there are hundreds of cameras set up inside and outside the field, which will broadcast the whole process of the quarter-finals and broadcast it to thousands of households in the whole ninja world.

Just the copyright fee for the TV broadcast, Konoha has made a lot of money.

In the stadium, there was a lot of voices and no seats were filled.

The audience was enthusiastic, and the noise went straight to the sky.

The tickets for the game have been sold out long ago, and some scalpers even sold hundreds of thousands of tickets for the final day, and the supply is still in short supply.

It is enough to explain the popularity of this Chunin exam.

On the tallest stand, along with the Sixth Naruto, the shadows of the five major ninja villages were present. In addition, figures of big names from various countries also appeared in the stands, ready to enjoy this upcoming visual feast.

Finally, under the eyes of everyone, the quarter-finals officially began.

The first one to play is Marisa.

"Look, that's the daughter of the No. 1 ninja, the Sixth Hokage Uchiha. As expected, like a father, like a daughter, Marisa's looks and muscles are exactly the same as her father."

"But, is she really only eight years old? Even among the adult ninjas in Yunying Village, few of them are stronger than Marisa. How did she develop such a figure at the age of eight?"

"Stop talking nonsense, the game has begun."

Among the chattering voices of 100,000 viewers, Marisa ushered in her opponent——

A sixteen-year-old Wuyin genius, who looks like a fish, looks like an alternative with extraordinary talent.

"Marisa, I didn't expect my opponent to be you. It seems that today is my lucky day."

The hidden fog genius made provocative words as soon as he came up, trying to irritate Marisa, and then affect her mentality, "You know, those opponents in front of you are too weak, you will soon understand that I am not at the same level as them, Get ready to kneel and beg for mercy."

After finishing speaking, he grinned, revealing two rows of sharp white teeth.

"It's a good idea to kneel down and beg for mercy."

Marisa's eyes lit up, showing two rows of whiter teeth, she smiled brighter than the other party, and said, "I've decided, if you don't do this later, my fist will not stop until beat you to death."

Use the most innocent tone and say the most ruthless words.


When the genius Wu Yin heard the words, his face immediately changed, and he was frightened by Marisa's aura instead.

at this time.


The referee gave an order and blew the whistle to start the game.

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