Chapter 284 Quarterfinals

In the arena.

Bang bang bang, after a burst of punching and kicking, the two sides quickly decided the winner.

"Stop fighting, I surrender! Please... let me go!"

Genius Kirigakure, who had uttered wild words before, knelt at Marisa's feet, and she wailed and begged for mercy as she pulled her hair by her hand.

His face was covered in blood from Marisa's beating, and he even lost several teeth. He couldn't look worse.

Extreme violence, this is Marisa's fist.

Although Kirigakure was rough-skinned and thick-skinned, he was far more resistant to beating than ordinary ninjas, but under Marisa's "Ola Ola" punch, he was completely defeated.

"I found that you are really resistant to beating, and you feel good when you are beaten, just like an indestructible sandbag. I haven't met such an opponent who is so resistant to beating for a long time."

Marisa looked excited, raised her fist while talking, and couldn't help but punch this guy in the face again.

She looks like a devil in the opponent's eyes.

The Wuyin genius couldn't help being scared out of his wits, and shouted in horror:

"No, save... help! Who will save me, stop her!"


The Jonin referee finally entered the arena, grabbed Marisa's wrist, and persuaded helplessly:

"That's enough, Marisa. If you fight any further, you'll be killed."

"I was joking with this guy, haha." Marisa laughed and let go of her hand. The opponent suddenly fell to the ground like a puddle of mud, unable to get up.

"Marisa, win!"

The referee raised Marisa's arm and announced the result of the battle to the audience.

In the stadium of 100,000 people, after a moment of silence.

"Marisa! Marisa!"

The audience cheered Marisa's name in unison, converging into a deafening sound wave, which went straight to the sky and echoed over the entire Konoha.

before this.

The opponents that Marisa encountered were indeed not that powerful, so she went smoothly all the way and entered the quarterfinals with ease.

As a result, many people began to wonder whether Konoha was operating behind the scenes to **** Marisa.

Until this eight-to-four match, Marisa used her fist to dispel all doubts.

After all, the genius Kirigakure she was fighting against was the number one seed among the 200 participating ninjas of Kirigakure. Being able to defeat him and enter the top four is enough to prove Marisa's strength.

Moreover, Marisa's fighting style of punching to the flesh and blood, can be called violent aesthetics, so that audiences who don't understand ninjutsu and genjutsu can also enjoy watching it simply and clearly.

Therefore, she enjoyed the endless cheers from the audience.

"These audiences really have no taste. They punched and kicked like barbarians, and their heads were broken. This kind of battle is not only not elegant at all, but also has no artistic atmosphere. All in all, it is really a boring game. Woolen cloth." Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

On the sidelines, Didara stared at Marisa's back and whispered.

Then he yawned.

"Didara, you're about to play, aren't you awake yet? Get your spirits up!" In the stands in the front row, Heitu stood up and shouted at Didara.

"Don't get excited, junior sister. This kind of competition, I just play around and win. The key is to show the audience the artist's demeanor."

Didara said absent-mindedly, and then went to the ring.

A few minutes later.


With a loud bang, accompanied by dazzling flames and billowing smoke, Didara blasted his opponent into the air.

Didara put his hands on his hips, looked around the stunned audience in the stands, and said proudly:

"Art is an explosion!"

However, his line that he thought was extremely handsome received only sparse cheers and applause.

Because it's too dangerous.

In the battle just now, fortunately, Konoha Anbe made a timely move to create a barrier covering the ring, so that the aftermath of the explosion did not spread to the stands.

Otherwise, the auditorium would have been in chaos, with countless casualties.

The referee walked over with a dark face, raised Didala's arm, and said coldly:

"Didara, win!"

"It's boring, a bunch of boring audiences who don't know how to appreciate art at all."

Didara made a complaint and spread his hands. Then, he jumped down from the ring that was about to become ruins.

He was in the hotel room last night, staying up all night watching the entertainment program produced by Konoha TV, and now he is going back to catch up on sleep.

before leaving.

Didara suddenly turned around and glanced at Marisa who was watching the battle from the sidelines.


The gazes of the two met in the air, and they faced each other for a while, as if sparks had been sparked.

The quarter-finals are facing each other, Marisa is in the upper half, and Didala is in the lower half.

This means that if the two meet in the ring, it will only be in the final.

"I hope you can make it to the final, don't let me down."

"why are you laughing?"

Zhucun frowned, but immediately after that, he revealed an inconceivably shocked gaze.

I see.

The shocking wound on Fei Duan's arm healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon stopped bleeding.

"The game has just begun, my friend." Hidan stared at Takemura, showing a playful smile.

How can this be?

Takemura's complexion became serious again, and he had to draw out his ninja sword again.

In the stands.

Sasuke glanced at the information in his hand, then frowned, and said to his cousin beside him:

"That guy Fei Duan, I heard that he went to join some kind of evil **** religion, and was experimented with forbidden techniques by the believers. Not only did he survive, but he also succeeded in obtaining immortality.

His recovery ability is much stronger than that of ordinary people. For ordinary people, fatal injuries can be recovered within a few days to the point where no trace of injury can be seen at all.

Now it seems that those rumors may not be groundless. "

"Immortal? Interesting."

Marisa's eyes lit up. In this case, wouldn't it be a perfect human-shaped sandbag?

Although Takemura is a Konoha ninja on the field, Marisa hopes that Hidan can win at this moment.

In that case, in the next semi-final, she wouldn't have to worry about accidentally hitting her opponent to death with too much force.

Instead, you no longer need to deliberately hold back your strength, and you can let go of your fists and kicks to fight to your heart's content.

Fei Duan's next performance did not disappoint Marisa.


He laughed wildly, raised his sickle and launched a fierce attack on Zhucun.

Facing Hidan's frenzied attack, Takemura had no choice but to avoid the edge temporarily, planning to consume the opponent's physical strength first, and then wait for an opportunity to launch a more deadly attack.

He didn't believe that Fei Duan was really immortal.

Unfortunately, Zhucun has no chance.

During the battle, Zhucun escaped the sweep of Fei Duan's scythe, and just breathed a sigh of relief, but the latter suddenly threw the Bloody March sickle at Zhucun.

The bottom of this huge sickle is connected by a rope, and through the expansion and contraction of the rope, Fei Duan can throw it out unexpectedly and sneak attack the opponent.

"Don't underestimate me, bastard!"

Takemura snarled, and returned Hidan's words without any changes. At the same time, a burst of chakra erupted from the soles of his feet, pushing his body back violently again.


Fei Duan's sneak attack was almost in vain, only a small cut was made on Zhucun's arm, less than one centimeter, that is to say, the skin was broken.

But for the flying section, this is enough.

"It's time for the main course."

He retracted the sickle, smiled mysteriously, and his eyes fell on the scarlet blood on the tip of the sickle.

The design of the Bloody March sickle is not to let Hiduan kill the opponent, but to make his attack hurt the opponent more, and it doesn't matter how much it hurts.

Just make your opponent bleed.

What is this guy... going to do?

Under Takemura's suspicious gaze, Hiduan brought the sickle close to his mouth, stuck out his tongue with a perverted expression, and licked off the blood from Takemura, and then—

Using his toes, he drew a circle with a triangle on the ground.

No matter what this guy is going to do, he must not be allowed to finish it!

When Zhucun saw this scene, he had a premonition of great danger in his heart. Dang even made a seal without hesitation, then took a deep breath and opened his mouth to let it out.

Wind escape·vacuum jade.


In an instant, dozens of wind and light waves spewed out from the mouth of Zhucun, like bullets fired non-stop from a machine gun, and hit Fei Duan head and face.

This B-level wind escape ninjutsu is full of lethality, and the wind escape shock wave it emits is enough to penetrate the opponent's body and break it into a honeycomb.

Now it's up to you how to deal with it.

After Zhucun cast the Vacuum Jade, he stared at Fei Duan with burning eyes.

Although the opponent's body is very resilient, its defensive power is not high. The best proof is that the wound was cut by his ninja knife before.

Takemura's attack this time did not seek to establish a victory, as long as he forced Hidan out of that disturbing strange technique, his goal was achieved.

However, what Takemura never expected was that.

Facing the oncoming Vacuum Jade, Fei Duan had no intention of dodging at all, but instead showed a smile of success.

Puff puff.

All the vacuum jade hit him.

But the next second.


On the opposite side of Zhucun, there were many blood holes in his body, and he fell on the ring on the spot, unable to get up again.

"Fei Duan, win!"

Seeing this, the referee on the sidelines immediately announced the victory of Fei Duan, and then a medical ninja rushed into the field to provide emergency treatment to Takemura.

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