Uchiha’s God of Muscle

Chapter 285: Birth of the Final Four

Chapter 285 Birth of the top four

Fei Duan somehow won.

Obviously it was Takemura who launched an attack with the vacuum jade and beat Hiduan into a sieve, but the guy was unscathed, and it was Takemura who fell on the ring on the spot.

The weirdest thing is the wounds on Zhucun's body, the blood holes are clearly the characteristics of being pierced by vacuum jade.

what on earth is it?

In the 100,000-person stadium, there was silence, and the audience in the stands were all dumb.

Konoha's second seed Takemura just lost and missed the semi-finals.

"This is the power of the evil god! Praise the evil god, bless me invincible!"

Fei Duan raised the **** March sickle in his hand, shouted excitedly, and his voice echoed in the stadium.

In the stands in the front row.

"Have you seen that Hidan's ability clearly?" Itachi quietly appeared at some point and asked about Sasuke and Marisa.

"Uh..." Marisa scratched her head, apparently having no idea.

Sasuke frowned, and a pair of scarlet three-god jade writing sharing eyes witnessed the entire process of the battle, which also allowed him to capture a large number of details that ordinary people would hardly notice.

After a moment of contemplation, Sasuke gave his inference:

"The key to Hidan's victory should be Takemura's blood.

After taking Takemura's blood with a sickle and licking it, he drew that strange spell on his feet, and then used the power of the spell to bounce back Takemura's vacuum jade ninjutsu.

Moreover, this kind of rebound is not to intuitively bounce back the opponent's ninjutsu, but to instantly return the ninjutsu damage one has received to the opponent, which is an impossible defense technique. "

Itachi nodded slowly when he heard the words, his opinion was similar to Sasuke.

Then, Itachi said:

"Although Takemura lost, he still has strength. At least he exposed Hidan's ability. Marisa, you must be careful when you meet Hidan in the semi-finals tomorrow, and remember not to be scratched by his sickle , let him take your blood."

"Well, I see, cousin."

Marisa nodded seriously, firmly remembering Itachi's words.

There are two cousins, Itachi and Sasuke, who serve as her military advisers, and there is one word: cool.

And at this moment.

Fei Duan on the ring stage suddenly made another surprising move. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

I saw him smile evilly, then took out a pitch-black spear from his clothes, and then used it...to stab himself in front of a hundred thousand spectators.

After committing this act of self-mutilation, Hidan lay down on the art form calmly, then remained motionless, and began some kind of prayer.

What is this doing, some kind of performance art?

The referee frowned, walked up to Fei Duan, and urged in a deep voice:

"Fei Duan, you have already won, step down quickly, the next game is about to start."

However, Hiduan shook his head, and responded seriously:

"No, what I'm doing now is a ritual that cultists must perform. If you get up before finishing it, it is disrespectful to Lord Evil God."

The referee's face twitched, and he asked patiently: "Then how long will it take you to finish?"

"Well... thirty minutes should be enough." Fei Duan said a number that made the referee intolerable.

"Come on, carry him down!"

The referee beckoned immediately, and several Konoha ninjas came onto the stage, and amidst Fei Duan's strong protests of dissatisfaction, they carried him off the ring.

After a lot of tossing, it finally came to the last game.

The opposing sides are the number one seed of Sand Hidden Village, and the unknown ninja Luo of Taki Ninja Village.

Before the start of the game, almost everyone believed that Sa Yin was sure of winning.

The result was unexpected.

A few minutes later.


Sha Yin's number one seed, vomited blood and fell on the ring. It was the opponent's sand that defeated him.

Opposite him, Taki Ninja Murashita Shinobi named "Luo" showed no expression on his face, the sand on the ring flowed like water, and all returned to the yellow gourd behind him.

Before the referee announced the result of the match, Luo turned around and walked off the ring without saying a word.

The referee came back to his senses and announced with some embarrassment:

"The winner is Luo from Taki Shinobu Village!"

There is no doubt that this is an unexpected dark horse.

"Is this guy with facial paralysis my opponent in the semi-finals? Interesting."

In the stands, Didara stared at Luo's figure with great interest, and murmured.

Perhaps, this is the purpose of Konoha's vigorous hype for this Chunin exam. On the surface, it is to compete for national strength, but in reality it is to make a lot of money.

This makes people have to admire the superb wisdom of Konoha at the helm.

Night falls, the moonlight is pleasant.

In the land of the Uchiha tribe, the Nanga Shrine surrounded by forests is shrouded in bright moonlight, quiet and serene.

In just a few days, the shrine destroyed by the Second Hokage, with the financial and human support of the Uchiha clan, has been meticulously repaired by a large number of craftsmen, and it has become intact again.

Today, the guards around the shrine have been strengthened, and Uchiha's patrol team passes by from time to time.

But Rao is so.

Tonight, there was still a mysterious figure, who sneaked into the underground secret room of the shrine without anyone noticing, bypassing the eyes and ears of all the guards.

is Uchiha Madara.

Under the soft light, Madara stood in front of the stone tablet left by the Sage of the Six Paths, staring at the inscription with a pair of samsara eyes, and gradually frowned.

"The God of Muscle... Huh, what kind of shit, how dare you tamper with the Moon Eye plan left by the Sage of the Six Paths."

He snorted coldly, disdainful.

The Moon Eye Project is Madara's spiritual pillar, his belief, and his ultimate means to achieve world peace.

So, seeing this plan being erased from the stone tablet and tampered with, Madara felt angry.

The one who did this kind of thing was undoubtedly the legendary Sixth Hokage—

Uchiha off.

"Master Madara."

Hei Ze quietly emerged from the ground and reminded, "You'd better not stay here for too long, you may be discovered by Uchiha Den."

"I noticed, it's rain."

Madara said lightly, "That guy integrated the pupil power of the eyes of reincarnation into the rain, and monitored the whole Konoha in this way, but for me who also has the eyes of reincarnation, this trick is useless."

Heijue suddenly realized, and echoed:

"The rain outside has stopped now, it seems that Uchiha has let down his vigilance. By the way, Madara-sama, what are your plans next?"

"Isn't tomorrow the final day of the Chunin Exam? I heard that the Chunin Exam was also televised, and the entire ninja world can see it."

Banna's eyes were burning, and the corners of his mouth were raised, revealing a wicked smile.

Hei Jue also smiled when he heard the words, and said expectantly:

"At that time, under the attention of everyone, Madara-sama will make a grand appearance. I really look forward to the expressions of the audience."

"Let's wait and see."

Uchiha clan land.

At Six Daime’s house, the family is enjoying a sumptuous dinner around the table.

Marisa's godmother Tsunade also came, not for food, but after watching today's quarter-finals, she specially told Marisa to take down all opponents.

"Godmother, I will not let you down! Absolutely!" Marisa was still full of energy as always, and she clenched her fists and swore.

Duan took a look at Tsunade, and asked playfully:

"It's not your style to come here at night to care about your goddaughter. To be honest, did you go to the casino to bet on Marisa to win the championship?"

Tsunade's eyes widened when he heard the words, and said sharply:

"Nonsense! I quit gambling a long time ago, so don't judge my mother with a villainous heart."

However, her guilty face betrayed her.

"Looks like you made a bet."

smiled brokenly, and then said to Marisa, "You may not know that your godmother was in the past, but she was known as the legendary big fat sheep."

"Big Fat Sheep?"

Marisa stared at Tsunade for a moment, then her eyes lit up, "I understand, it means that the godmother has a good figure, just like a fat lamb."


Judgment is also a little speechless, why is this kid so stupid, and I don't know who he looks like.

Samui on the side chuckled and explained to her daughter:

"I've also heard that sister Tsunade is very unlucky. She always loses money at the gambling table and never wins, so she is called a big fat sheep."

"So, if she buys you to win the championship, you will be finished, you know."

Duan patted his daughter on the head, gloating.

Marisa came back to her senses, panicked, and asked Tsunade quickly:

"Is it true, godmother?"


Tsunade sighed, and had no choice but to show his cards, "Don't worry, Marisa. I didn't buy you to win, but I bought Deidara to win."

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