Chapter 286 Idol Ninja

The bad news is that Tsunade went to the casino to bet.

The good news is that the object of her bet is not Marisa, but Didara.

However, when Marisa heard that Tsunade bought Deidara to win the championship, she was a little unhappy and asked angrily:

"Godmother, don't you have confidence in me?"

This kid, I really don't know what to say.

Tsunade patted his forehead helplessly, and then explained to his goddaughter earnestly:

"No, I bought it like this on purpose. If Didala wins the championship, I will be happy to win the money, but if he is implicated by my bad luck and let you win the championship, the godmother will also be very happy. That is to say, no matter No matter what the final result is, I can win, understand."

This is called a win-win situation, since Tsunade cannot lose anyway.


Marisa nodded with a vague understanding.


Duan shook his head and said with emotion, "Let Marisa escape, but that guy named Didala will be miserable."

Tsunade raised his eyebrows, stared at him, and said unhappily:

"Are you so sure that I will lose money, just wait and see."

"Okay, wait and see."

Smiling without laughing, at the same time secretly said in his heart: The premise is that this Chunin exam can successfully pass the finals.

His "fishing operation" has been going on for so long, and it's time for the real big fish to show up, and it's time to catch the net.

Tomorrow's Chunin exam venue will probably be very lively.

Nothing to say all night.

The next day was a sunny and sunny day.

At nine o'clock in the morning, countless viewers in the Quannin world stood in front of the TV on time, tuned the channel to Konoha TV, and waited with great anticipation for the feast to begin.

The four contestants in the final are from Konoha, Yunyin, Iwayin and Takishi, so the real-time ratings of these ninja villages are very high. After all, who doesn’t want to see their own ninja win the championship.

As for Sagashi and Kirigakure, who were eliminated early, the ratings were not too low. After all, it was the first time in history that such a grand event was held.

Besides, many spectators placed bets. Of course, they wanted to stay in front of the TV and see the result of the game with their own eyes.

Compared to the online audience, the scene is really lively.

Konoha 100,000-person Stadium, the audience has already entered the stadium at this time, and the stands are crowded with people, and the mountains roar and tsunami.

Soon, a professional host from Konoha TV came on stage, enlivening the atmosphere and directing the audience to create a crowd.

Then came the cheerleading squad.

Amidst the whistles and cheers of the audience, a group of Konoha ninjas aged 17 or 18 wearing cool ninja costumes came to the stage and performed two hot dances, which heated up the atmosphere of the scene even more.

After this, the referee team came on stage, stood in a row facing the stands, bowed to the audience, and promised in front of the camera:

will judge fairly and justly, and will never engage in any shady scenes.

All the processes were rehearsed dozens of times in advance, and they were carried out in an orderly manner, demonstrating the professional quality of Konoha as the organizer.

It is worth mentioning that.

In today's referee team, there is also a special guest, who caused bursts of screams from the audience as soon as he appeared.

It was a fifteen-year-old black-haired boy, wearing Uchiha's high-necked blue robe, with a cool expression, warming up on the sidelines.

Sasuke Uchiha.

Not long ago, he won the crown of Konoha Jonin Exam, and he is known as the first genius of Konoha. This time, he was invited by the event organizer to serve as the referee on the final day.

This is undoubtedly a big attraction, and it has successfully created a wave of enthusiasm, further raising the enthusiasm and expectations of the audience.

Of course, the price of tickets for the final day has also been fired to a new height.

Many fans of Sasuke would pay five times or even ten times the price in order to buy tickets, just to come to the scene and witness the idol's demeanor.

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In the stands, a group of girls held Sasuke's posters and cheering sticks, screaming wildly, leaving the audience stunned.

This is the result of the development of Muye entertainment industry.

In the past two years, Konoha TV has made many attempts in order to expand its business scope and pursue new profit points.

One of them is the idol economy.

That is to use the influence of Konoha TV, pour resources into creating an idol ninja, and then use him as a business card of Konoha to vigorously promote it to the whole ninja world.

Uchiha Sasuke, as the son of the patriarch of the No. 1 wealthy family in Konoha, his uncle is still the Sixth Hokage.

At such a high starting point, Sasuke was also very upbeat and did not disappoint.

At the age of fifteen, he is not only handsome, but also possesses great strength. With a near-perfect performance, he won the championship of the Junin Exam.

Such a person naturally became the best candidate for the "Idol Ninja" project in the eyes of Konoha TV.

"If I knew, I wouldn't ask you."

Shikamaru sighed, feeling that he could not communicate with Ino, then looked at Sasuke in the arena, and said with some concern, "I have an ominous premonition that something will happen today."


First Sasuke was attacked, and then the first and second Hokage invaded Konoha. Although Shikamaru believes in the abilities of Konoha Police Department and Anbu, if he is the enemy of Uchiha and Konoha...

On such an important occasion that everyone is looking forward to, it is obviously a great opportunity to launch a terrorist attack and attack Konoha.

"Shut up, you don't have a good word out of your mouth."

Ino thought that Shikamaru's worries were completely unfounded, gave him a blank look, and continued to scream.

On the stands not far behind the three of them, a figure hid in the corner, squinting his eyes like a poisonous snake, staring greedily at Sasuke in the arena.

He is Orochimaru in disguise.

"Your body will soon be mine, Sasuke." Orochimaru murmured.

After he sneaked into Konoha, he had secretly followed and observed Sasuke for several days, and he felt more and more that this kid was simply a perfect reincarnation container.

Sasuke was a teenager with great potential, but he didn't open the kaleidoscope early like Itachi. Otherwise, Orochimaru would have no chance of winning.

This is just right now.

But having said that, didn’t that Uchiha Madara guy say he wanted to destroy Konoha? Why can’t he even see a person?

Oshemaru's eyes were serious, and he scanned the stadium several times, but couldn't find any clues of Madara, Kuroze, or Kisame.

This made him a little uneasy.

Could it be that Madara changed his mind temporarily and didn't want to destroy Konoha?

No, Madara is not that kind of person. Since he has made such a bold statement, he will definitely show up and make a big splash.

Think here.

Oshemaru glanced at the green passage not far away, and raised his vigilance in his heart. In case the situation was wrong, he was ready to evacuate at any time.

In addition to Orochimaru, there is another person who is also observing the movement in the stadium.

The sidelines, the waiting area before players enter the field.

Luo from Takinobu Village, or Gaara, is sitting on a stool with eyes closed.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and a bright light flashed in them.

Gaara's eyes slowly scanned around the stadium, and shared the vision of the sacrificial body with another person through the connection of the elephant turning technique.

Naruto Uzumaki.

Outside Konoha Village, on a hillside, in Naruto's eyes of reincarnation, the scene in Konoha Stadium appeared like a flying horse.

"It's really lively, 100,000 spectators, as well as many powerful ninjas from the Five Great Ninja Villages, all gathered together.

Hey, isn’t that kid Uchiha Sasuke? His injury healed up so quickly, and he’s also the judge of the exam?

It seems that I was still too light at the beginning, huh, huh. "

Naruto was talking to himself, and when his eyes fell on Sasuke, he couldn't help but chuckled.

Inside the stadium.

Damn woman, can you stop screaming? You don’t think it’s embarrassing, but I don’t.

Sasuke clenched his fists, and when he heard the cheers from the girl in the stands, he was so embarrassed that his toes were on the ground, and he felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

Damn it.

He really doesn't want to be an idol ninja, he's so stupid, it's like a monkey for people to visit.


When Sasuke was invited to serve as the referee on the final day, he immediately refused, with good reasons.

Because he is Marisa's cousin, with the relationship between the two, as long as Sasuke plays, many people will question whether the organizer is fair.

According to common sense, in order to avoid suspicion, Sasuke must not be a referee.

But the organizers had already thought about it, and specifically stated that Sasuke would avoid Marisa's game and only serve as the referee for the first semi-final.

Finally, Sasuke was arrested helplessly.


He couldn't bear it anymore, and gave a cold glance to the fans in the stands.

Unexpectedly, Sasuke's gaze had the opposite effect.

"Wow, Sasuke is so cool and handsome, look, he just looked at me."

"Nonsense, Sasuke is clearly looking at me!"

The fans were almost dizzy by Sasuke's cold eyes, they were jealous and screamed louder.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long.


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