Uchiha’s God of Muscle

Chapter 315: You are in a hurry, I am not in a hurry

Chapter 315 You are in a hurry, I am not in a hurry

 “Can you make me a cup of tea? I suddenly feel a little thirsty.”

Suan asked Shizune while looking at the environment of Tsunade's office.

“…Oh, okay! Hokage-sama, please wait a moment.”

Zhiyin was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly rushed to bring tea to Duan.

 “Well, that’s really good.”

Hand picked up the tea cup, tasted it slowly, then patted the sofa with his hand, "You should sit down too, don't stand all the time."


  Shizune nodded and sat on the sofa opposite Duan cautiously.

  After that, Duanyou started chatting with Shizune word by word, and they all talked about light and everyday topics.

However, Shizune was sitting on pins and needles, and the clothes on her back were unknowingly wet with sweat.

 She knew very well that the Sixth Generation was a man with bottomless depths, and one could never infer his true inner thoughts from his appearance.

 For example, at this moment.

He was drinking tea with a smile on his face and chatting with her. He seemed to be in a good mood.

 But in Shizune's eyes, the Duan in front of her was a smiling tiger. Once he got impatient with waiting, he might turn against her at any time and devour her with great rage.

In order to stabilize this tiger, Shizune could only put on a smile and rack her brains to think of some interesting topics to make the other person happy.

 Tick tock, tick tock.

 The hands of the clock on the wall kept circling. As time went by, the two of them chatted as much as they could, and gradually fell into silence.

 Lady Tsunade, why aren’t you here yet?

 Shizune begged in her heart, hoping that Tsunade would show up quickly and stop leaving the Sixth Generation. If Suzhen got angry, the consequences would be disastrous.

 “Hey, why are you sweating? Are you very hot?”

Juan saw beads of sweat on Shizune's forehead, and couldn't help showing a surprised expression. It was obviously very cool in the office.

Hearing this, Shizune trembled all over and forced a smile.

Just when she didn't know how to explain it.Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update


The office door was pushed open, and Tsunade finally walked into the office with another of her disciples, Mitarashi Anko.

 Reinforcements are coming.

The moment Shizune saw Tsunade, she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and almost collapsed on the sofa.

“Yo, you’re still here. I thought you had gone back. I’m sorry, but I really can’t leave my club there.”

 Tsunade walked up to Dane, folded her arms and looked down at him in surprise. She didn't expect this guy to be so patient and waited for her for a full hour.

“It’s my problem. You came without saying hello. Next time I will make an appointment with Jingyin in advance.”

Suan smiled slightly, but as the Hokage, he kept his posture very low, and joked, "However, Shizune told me a lot of embarrassing things about you, which is quite interesting."


Tsunade was stunned for a moment, then glared at Shizune and asked her disciple if it was true.

Zhiyin looked aggrieved and couldn't express her pain.

 Tsunade-sama, do you know how I survived this half hour? I had no choice in order to avoid the Sixth Generation getting angry.

 After all, he laughed so happily when he heard about those embarrassing things you did in the past.

I'll settle the score with you later.

 After conveying this message to her disciple with her eyes, Tsunade frowned and took another look.

She felt that it was definitely not a good thing to keep coming to her door. Most likely, they were going to cut the budget of the medical department or something.

 So she used the excuse of a meeting to ask Shizune to send Duan away, but it failed.


Seeing Duan's face that looked like a smile but not a smile, Tsunade was so angry that she immediately said coldly:

"I'm a little tired. I need to take a shower and change clothes. Can you wait?"

 “Of course, don’t be in a hurry.”

He was still calm and calm, and he seemed to have no temper at all.

Tsunade looked suspicious and walked into the back room of the office.

 When she worked overtime until late, she often stayed in the office instead of going home, so the facilities such as beds and shower rooms were all available here.


 The sound of water soon came from the bathroom.

 Shizune looked nervously in the direction of the bathroom, praying in her heart that Tsunade-sama's bath... wouldn't take another hour to take.

 In the meantime, how can she cope with the terrifying Sixth Generation?

 Happily for Shizune, she stopped chatting with her and turned her attention to Anko.

“By the way, how is the curse mark on your body doing? Has it had a big impact on your body and mind?”

Duan asked suddenly.


Hearing this, Hongdou subconsciously raised his right hand and touched the place where his left shoulder connected with his neck. The skin there had a different rough feel.

Hongdou said tremblingly, pulling open his windbreaker, revealing the curse mark on the left side of his neck.

  To be precise, it is the Curse Seal of Heaven.

Orochimaru once gave his snake kiss to many people, but without exception, they all died under the power of the curse seal. Only his beloved disciple Anko could withstand the power.

Those are three eye-catching black magatama, surrounding each other, and there is a circle of fine black marks on the periphery, which looks like Uchiha's three magatama sharingan.


   Tsunade let go of Dan and looked at Anko in surprise.

“Orochimaru used this curse seal to leave part of his chakra in my body, so I can always sense Orochimaru’s presence, even his vague location.”

Hongdou said cautiously, while not forgetting to observe the judgmental expression.

At this time, she finally came to her senses and understood why she asked about the curse seal. It turned out that the Sixth Hokage had already noticed this.

"Great! Shizune, Anko, get ready immediately and come with me out of the village to hunt down Orochimaru!"

 Tsunade looked excited and didn't bother to pay attention anymore. As soon as she finished speaking, she rushed into the back room, and soon there was a rustling sound of changing clothes.

 Less than a minute.

Tsunade put on her familiar dark green trench coat, strode out of the room, and urged the two disciples to take action quickly.

 “Hmm? Where is Uchiha Dan?”

  She found that he was nowhere to be seen.

"Hokage-sama just left, and he wished us... a smooth journey." Shizune and Anko said in unison.

 Uchiha clan land, training ground.

 "Cousin Sasuke, be careful. Ola, Ola, Ola!"

  Marissa was at full fire, and together with her substitute "Platinum Star", she violently punched Sasuke hundreds of times, blasting the air into bursts of ki blasts.

"bring it on!"

Sasuke said solemnly, the purple Susanoo appeared outside his body, the substantial chakra was indestructible, and he withstood every punch of Marissa.

Although it was a sparring match, both of them gave their best, without any reservation.


 Each of them has a powerful enemy that must be defeated.

 Sasuke’s prey is Orochimaru who wants to take his body, while Marisa’s goal is Otsutsuki Toneri who takes away Hanabi’s Byakugan.

In order to defeat their respective powerful enemies, the brother and sister worked hard and practiced hard for days.

 Boom, boom, boom!

 With the loud noise of chakra colliding with flesh, after a fierce battle, the training ground had been destroyed beyond recognition.

 “Ho ho…”

Sasuke and Marissa were also sweating profusely and out of breath from exhaustion, so they stopped temporarily and sat on the sidelines to rest.

At this moment, a majestic figure teleported over and appeared in front of the two of them.

 “Yo, you are very motivated, these two little guys.”

He kept looking at his nephew and daughter and made a joke.

“Uncle, why are you here?” Sasuke was stunned, then stood up respectfully and bowed to Duan.

 Sasuke, you have to remember that he is not only our uncle, but also the Sixth Hokage of Konoha. So no matter when you are in front of the Sixth Generation, you must not lose your etiquette.

 Otherwise, you might eat your uncle’s fist...

This is Itachi's advice to Sasuke, and Sasuke has always kept it in mind.

 In contrast, Marissa has no respect for Duan.


She snorted and rolled her eyes, not wanting to even look at him, let alone stand up to greet him.


  Duan smiled. He was already used to his precious daughter's appearance, so naturally he wouldn't be angry.

 Furthermore, he told Marissa apologetically:

"Xiaosha, I'm afraid your cousin Sasuke can't accompany you for the time being. He has to go to the village to do something."

  Then, Dan handed Konan's Paper Crane to Sasuke: "I just got the news that Kaoru was kidnapped by Orochimaru."


When Sasuke heard this, his shock and anger were not at all inferior to Tsunade's.

Whether it is Xiang Rin or Orochimaru, they are both very important people to him.

 It's just that the former is someone Sasuke cares about and even likes a little, the latter is his enemy, and now the latter has kidnapped the former.

Sasuke came back to his senses, with a murderous look on his face, and without saying a word, he was about to rush out of Konoha and take Orochimaru's head.

Seeing this, Duan smiled at Marissa who was standing aside and said:

“Good daughter, daddy, come and practice physical skills with you. It just so happens that my ‘world’ also wants to have a good exchange with your ‘Platinum Star’.”


Marissa was shaken all over, as if she heard the devil's whispers, and she shuddered together with the platinum star behind her.

 “I want to go with my cousin!”

 She dropped these words and ran away without looking back, chasing Sasuke.

 (End of this chapter)

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