Uchiha’s God of Muscle

Chapter 316: Encirclement and Suppression of Orochimaru

Chapter 316 Encirclement and Suppression of Orochimaru

 Sasuke and Marisa, Tsunade's master and apprentice, Naruto and Konan.

These three waves of men and horses all rushed towards Orochimaru with great momentum.

 But Orochimaru had no idea about this, and he was completely unaware that he had set a big trap this time.

After all, in his opinion, Uzumaki Kaori was abandoned by the Akatsuki organization and Konoha at the same time, just like a wild dog without its owner, what value does it have.

At this time, Orochimaru was hiding in his snake cave, looking at the red-haired girl he had captured.


Xianglin let out a soft groan and woke up from a splitting headache. Then she was horrified to find that she was tied to an operating table.

 “To wake up so quickly is worthy of the Uzumaki clan’s physique.”Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

Orochimaru looked surprised.

He injected a lot of drugs into Xianglin's body, which was more than enough to make an elephant sleep for several days. He didn't expect that Xianglin was so resistant to drugs.

Seeing Orochimaru's pale and gloomy face, Xianglin immediately struggled desperately and shouted to him in horror:

 “Let me go, you disgusting fellow!”

“Tsk, you have a bad temper. Are all the people of the Uzumaki clan like this? No wonder the clan was exterminated back then. You must have offended many people, right?”

Orochimaru looked at his prey with great interest. The harder Xianglin struggled, the more excited he became, and he couldn't wait to get this young and energetic body.

 Just now, there is a problem before Orochimaru.

 The best case scenario for the technique of immortal reincarnation is when someone voluntarily becomes Orochimaru's container and offers his body to him.

 In this way, when Orochimaru seizes the body, the soul of the container will not resist and the risk can be minimized.

Voluntarily being kidnapped, this kind of thing sounds outrageous, but for Orochimaru, who is good at brainwashing and abducting children, it is not a difficult thing.

For example, a guy like Kabuto is willing to give everything to Orochimaru.

  Unfortunately, the girl named Uzumaki Kaoru in front of her is obviously not among them.

Orochimaru doesn’t have that much time now to slowly brainwash Xiang Rin.

 So, do you want to forcefully use the immortal reincarnation on Xianglin, directly swallow her soul and take her body?

 In that case, the risk...maybe a bit high.

 For a moment, Orochimaru's eyes flickered and he hesitated.

His body is reaching its limit, and his soul has been weakening. On the other hand, Xiang Lin has strong vitality and tenacious spirit.

  One is declining and the other is increasing.

Orochimaru is worried that if he takes action rashly, he may capsize in the gutter, and the consequences will be disastrous.

 Should we give up?

 No, never.

He had to give up Sasuke, but now he couldn't even take Xiang Rin's body. Orochimaru was really unwilling to do so.

 After some careful consideration.

 It’s decided, it’s her.

Orochimaru glanced at him and made up his mind.

After that, he ignored the noisy Xianglin, turned around and walked into the side room, concentrating on getting ready.

 He must take all measures to ensure that the ritual of reincarnation can be carried out without any problems.

 Two days later.

 “Let me go, I need to go to the toilet!”

 In the operating room, Xianglin's face turned red and she was still making a lot of noise.

Orochimaru on the side turned a deaf ear to this. He just closed his eyes and meditated, gradually adjusting his body and mind to the best state.

That girl won't be able to make trouble for long.



There was a vibration on the ceiling above Orochimaru's head, and a large amount of dust fell down.

what happened?

 He raised his head suddenly, a pair of golden snake eyes showing surprise.

This snake cave is the same as Orochimaru's other hiding places. It is not only in the desolate wilderness, but also built underground. It is impossible for anyone to come to the door.

 It can’t be an earthquake.

Just when Orochimaru was confused, there was another louder muffled sound, accompanied by a violent earthquake in the ceiling, which came down from the ground.

 Not good, it’s a chakra reaction.

Orochimaru's pupils shrank and he quickly moved to the side.

 The next second.


A large hole opened in the ceiling, as if someone had punched it through. A large amount of dust suddenly poured in and filled the entire operating room.


Orochimaru heard the sound of footsteps landing, and someone came in.

 Wind Escape·Breakthrough.

He opened his mouth and blew, and a strong wind blew away the dust in the room, revealing the other party's true appearance.

 “It’s you!” Orochimaru was shocked after seeing the appearance of the visitor.

Xianglin also looked at the back figure in front of her in shock. The blond hair with twin tails and the familiar green windbreaker made her subconsciously shout:

“Tsuna, Tsunade-sama, is that you?”

 It's Naruto and Konan.

 “Fortunately, I caught up.”

Xiaonan finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Xianglin safe and sound. In this way, we can break off all relations with Uchiha.

Naruto quickly stepped forward, helped Xianglin up, and said to her apologetically:

 “Xianglin, I’m sorry.”

"Naruto, Mr. Konan, why are you here too?"

Xiang Rin looked shocked, as if she was dreaming, because she never expected that in addition to Tsunade-sama, Naruto and Konan would also come to save her.

 She, is she so important?

 Orochimaru's face was gloomy.

"Naruto, it seems that you have really taken refuge in Uchiha Dan, and even handed over your Rinnegan and even your life to him. Why, is it the Sixth Hokage's order to rescue Xianglin?"

Orochimaru stared at Naruto with stern eyes and spoke to test him.

Only now did he realize that he might have made a huge mistake by focusing on Uzumaki Xiangru.

This red-haired girl is not an abandoned wild dog at all, but a fishing bait used to catch him.

 Aware of this, Orochimaru couldn't help but want to retreat.

 Tsunade, Naruto and Konan, even though Naruto has lost the identity of the Rinnegan and the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, Orochimaru is absolutely too much for these three to join forces.

Xianglin, I have no choice but to give up.

Naruto frowned and looked at Orochimaru, and was about to say something, but this time he was overtaken by Konan beside him.

 “Orochimaru, give up your resistance.

 You should know that even if you escape today, you will still be caught sooner or later due to the pursuit of the Uchiha clan and Konoha.

 Stop struggling. "

Xonan looked at Orochimaru with pity and said coldly.

 In her opinion, Orochimaru is at the end of his rope and is about to face destruction.

Hearing this, Orochimaru smiled disapprovingly and said meaningfully:

 “The white snake will never die.”

 After saying that, he raised his eyes and slammed his hands to the ground.

 The formation of ten thousand snakes!

The next second, countless venomous snakes emerged from the ground in all directions, sweeping towards Tsunade and the others like a tide.


Orochimaru took advantage of the snakes to delay him, turned around and ran away, reaching dozens of meters away in the blink of an eye.

 But at this moment, he bumped into a strong figure head-on.


A slightly immature but powerful shout sounded like thunder in Orochimaru's ears, and then he saw a huge fist, getting closer and bigger.


Marisa, who had been lying in wait for a long time, punched Orochimaru in the nose, causing the latter to spurt blood on the spot and fly back.

  Deng Deng Deng.

Orochimaru fell to the ground and took a dozen steps back. He finally managed to stabilize his body, and a greater sense of crisis hit him from above.


A ray of sword light fell from the sky. Orochimaru dodged awkwardly, but failed to completely dodge. His other arm immediately fell to the ground, and blood burst out from his shoulder like a fountain.

 Sasuke Uchiha, see above.

 Two more difficult imps came.

At this moment, Orochimaru could no longer laugh. His face was pale and solemn, and his head was covered in cold sweat.

 The people of Konoha slowly approached and surrounded him.

Sasuke looked grim and stood opposite Orochimaru with his ninja sword in hand.

 “Marissa, please don’t interfere anymore.”

He first warned his cousin, and then looked at Tsunade and Naruto, "Tsunade-sama, and you...Uzumaki Naruto, please don't take any more action, and leave Orochimaru to me to hunt."

As soon as he finished speaking, a magical and gorgeous kaleidoscope appeared from his eyes.

Seeing how serious Sasuke was, Tsunade frowned and gave him this face. Naruto and Konan looked at each other and chose to watch temporarily.

Let's see how Sasuke deals with Orochimaru.


 What do you think I am, your prey? The Uchiha brat who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth.

Orochimaru was also angry, and murderous intent suddenly arose in his heart.

Since Uchiha Sasuke does not know whether to live or die and wants to challenge him, he should seize this opportunity and take Sasuke as a hostage, turning him into a bargaining chip for his escape.

Think of this.

 “Then let me play with you, Sasuke.”

Orochimaru smiled evilly, the muscles on his shoulders squirmed, and two wet arms grew out of his body in a whoosh.

 It is not difficult for Orochimaru to regenerate a severed limb.

Sasuke didn't say a word and rushed forward.

 The war breaks out.

However, after just a few minutes, the battle was decided.

Sasuke, who has been beaten and lost all this time, finally...


 (End of this chapter)

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