"Alert the Elders," The Chieftian barked, his voice tight with urgency. "We have a situation."

The arrival of the spectral note sent shockwaves through the Infernal Steller Smith Tribe's leadership. A tense council was convened, the weight of the message hanging heavy in the air. The threat was undeniable, the consequences dire. Yet, a nagging suspicion lingered.

"This message," Elder Groth rumbled, his voice laced with suspicion, "it speaks of the Scarlet Slaughtering Star. How could this outsider possess such knowledge?"

Fury erupted within the chamber. The contents of the spectral note were met with a cacophony of shouts and accusations. Fingers were pointed, blame thrown. "The Scarlet Slaughtering Star!" roared one Elder, his voice dripping with venom. "That accursed goddess! She brought this upon us!"

The revelation ignited a firestorm within the Infernal Steller Smith leadership. Here was the villain, the source of their tribulations, not some shadowy manipulator, but the very being they had once sought to exploit. Rage contorted their faces, a primal desire for vengeance clawing at their insides.

However, the Chieftain, a seasoned leader, slammed his fist on the table, quelling the rising tide of anger. "Shouting achieves nothing! We face a dire situation, not a casual disagreement. We need to decide – the blade or our star?"

The weight of his words settled heavily on the room. Anger simmered, but the cold logic of survival clawed its way to the forefront. Sacrificing the reforged blade, a symbol of their arrogance, seemed a small price to pay for the preservation of their world.

A tense vote followed. Some argued for a last stand, a defiant defense of their home against this unseen enemy. But the majority, their hearts heavy with despair, opted for pragmatism. The blade, a potent weapon yes, but ultimately replaceable. Their world, their legacy – irreplaceable.

As the decision echoed through the chamber, a sense of grim acceptance settled in. This was a retreat, a humiliation, but survival was the priority.

Meanwhile, within the desolate valley, shrouded in shadows, Wang Jian and Yu Qing conversed in hushed tones.

"They'll know it's me now, won't they?" Yu Qing whispered, a hint of apprehension in her voice. "That note, it points the finger directly at me. Once these devils spread word of this…"

"Relax, Qing'er," Wang Jian reassured her, a sly smile playing on his lips. "I anticipated this. They may suspect your involvement, but that won't change their course of action. Their backs are against the wall, remember?"

"True," she conceded, "but even if they surrender the sword, escaping won't be a walk in the park. Once we leave this star, other devil tribes might be alerted. Powerful cultivators, potential enemies."

A sly smile played on Wang Jian's lips. "You really worry too much," he said, his voice a steady counterpoint to her agitation. "Leave this to me. I have a plan to ensure our smooth departure."

He still hadn't revealed his trump card – the hidden Heavenly Jade Pavilion flying ship he had used to infiltrate the Infernal Steller Smith Devil Tribe's star system. It was a vessel capable of traversing the void undetected, the perfect escape vehicle for their daring operation. But revealing that secret now would only raise suspicion.

"Focus on retrieving the blade," he instructed, his voice firm. "Your celestial energy signature can be masked. Once you have it, leave the escape to me. Trust me, we'll be leaving this star system in style."

Yu Qing knew it was best not to dwell on the details. Acquiring the blade was their priority. With a resolute nod, she channeled her celestial energy, cloaking herself in a veil of invisibility.

As twilight settled, casting long shadows across the valley, a lone figure emerged from the Infernal Steller Smith camp, carrying a velvet pouch. It was one of the younger warriors, chosen for his loyalty and discretion.

He approached the designated spot, his heart pounding in his chest. Apprehension mingled with a sense of duty – this was their only hope for survival. He placed the pouch on the ground, retreated a few steps, and turned away, not daring to look back.

Moments later, Wang Jian and Yu Qing materialized from the shadows, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. Yu Qing, her gaze fixed on the pouch containing the reforged blade, felt a surge of power emanating from within. It was a familiar hum, an echo of her former celestial self.

Bending down, she retrieved the pouch, a triumphant smirk gracing her lips. With this blade in her possession, her power would be restored, her celestial core reforged. Now, with her strength replenished, they could finally leave this doomed star and forge a new path.

"Excellent," Wang Jian said, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. "Now, let's get moving. We have a long journey ahead."

He cast a final glance at the desolate valley, the site of their initial deception and soon-to-be-detonated star. A cold, calculating look flickered across his face, a flicker that Yu Qing, in her haste, failed to notice. The success of their plan hinged not just on escape, but on ensuring loose ends were neatly tied.

With the reforged blade secured and their escape route ready, they vanished into the twilight sky, leaving behind a trail of destruction and a tribe teetering on the brink of oblivion. The Infernal Steller Smith Devils, unaware of the true mastermind behind their plight, prepared to embark on a desperate exodus.

In the meantime, the desperate plea for assistance from the Infernal Steller Smith Devils rippled outwards, reaching the ears of countless devil tribes nestled within nearby stars and far-

flung clusters.

The message painted a dire picture – the monstrous Scarlet Slaughtering Star, once a formidable foe, now skulked on their doorstep. The Infernal Steller Smith Devils, reeling from the devastation of their star and facing imminent expulsion, begged for aid.

The call to arms found receptive ears. Many devil tribes, harboring grudges against the legendary Star Goddess, relished the opportunity for revenge. Swiftly, they mobilized their forces, dispatching elite warriors and powerful cultivators to the designated location – the Infernal Steller Smith Devil Tribe's star.

Meanwhile, oblivious to the gathering storm, Wang Jian and Yu Qing found themselves aboard a magnificent vessel. It was no ordinary ship – its sleek, ethereal design hinted at its celestial origins. Hidden within its hull resided a complex network of energy channels, humming with restrained power.

As they stepped aboard, a wave of deference washed over them. Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan, her face etched with a mixture of relief and reverence, bowed deeply. Flanking her stood a contingent of women, their eyes gleaming with a familiar loyalty – the Elders of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion.

"Welcome back, Master," Cui Lan intoned, her voice laced with a hint of awe. "It has been a long month in your absence."

Wang Jian offered a curt nod, his gaze flitting towards Yu Qing. Curiosity flickered in the Star Goddess's eyes as she took in the scene – the opulent surroundings, the women radiating an aura of power, and their unwavering devotion to Wang Jian.

"Who are these women?" Yu Qing finally asked, unable to contain her curiosity any longer. The powerful star force emanating from them was impossible to ignore.

Wang Jian, ever the enigma, flashed a sly smile. "This, Qing'er," he began, his voice low, "is the Heavenly Jade Pavilion."

Yu Qing's eyes widened. Even in the far-flung Western Region, whispers of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion's prestige had reached her ears. They were a formidable force in the Eastern Region, renowned for their mastery of celestial arts and their unparalleled network of information.

A wave of disbelief washed over her. These women, with power rivaling her own, addressed Wang Jian as "Master"? What secrets did he harbor? Where did this hidden connection stem from?

Sensing her rising confusion, Wang Jian simply winked. "Let's just say, Qing'er, there's more to me than meets the eye. Consider this a little bonus for our little partnership."

Yu Qing pressed her lips together, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within her.

Cui Lan and the Elders, meanwhile, averted their eyes, a flicker of embarrassment coloring their cheeks. The truth of their subservience to Wang Jian was far too… unconventional to share with an outsider, especially one with ties to a celestial body like Yu Qing.

As an awkward silence descended upon the group, Wang Jian steered the conversation towards more immediate concerns. He outlined the dangers that awaited them as they emerge from the Infernal Steller Smith Devil Tribe's star system. The news of Yu Qing's presence wouldn't stay confined for long, drawing the ire of countless devil tribes.

However, Wang Jian assured them all by telling them that Its celestial-grade cloaking array formations and advanced defense systems would provide them with a crucial advantage, allowing them to slip past the cordon formed by the devil tribes.

A glimmer of hope flickered in Yu Qing's eyes. With the reforged blade in her possession and a reliable mode of escape at their disposal, they had a fighting chance.

"Alright, then," Yu Qing declared, her voice ringing with newfound determination. "Let's get out of here."

Wang Jian grinned, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "That's the spirit, Qing'er. Now, buckle up. We have a long journey ahead."

With a surge of celestial energy, the hidden flying ship pulsed to life. The sleek vessel, cloaked in an ethereal shimmer, melted into the vast canvas of space, leaving behind the doomed star and the oblivious devil tribes eagerly awaiting their nemesis.

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