Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 534 Infernal Steller Smith Devil Star Explodes!

The Infernal Steller Smith Devil Tribe's star dwindled into a distant speck as the hidden flying ship plunged deeper into the void. A strange silence settled over the ship, a stark contrast to the frantic activity they had left behind.

Wang Jian, his eyes fixed on the receding star, finally turned to Yu Qing. "It won't be long now," he said, his voice devoid of emotion.

Yu Qing raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

A sly smile played on Wang Jian's lips. "The Infernal Steller Smith Devil Tribe's star… it's going to explode."

Yu Qing raised an eyebrow, a flicker of curiosity dancing in her eyes. "Explode? How?"

A cold smile played on Wang Jian's lips. "The Power Convergence Array," he explained, "had a safeguard. A failsafe, if you will."

He paused, letting the silence build before continuing. "A link existed between me and the array. As long as I remained within its range, it remained stable. But the moment I strayed too far…"

A slow realization dawned on Yu Qing's face. This wasn't just a plan to escape; it was a calculated act of revenge. The Infernal Steller Smith Devils would meet the same fate they had inflicted upon her beloved Scarlet Slaughtering Star.

A tense silence descended upon the group as the hidden flying ship hurtled through the void. Time seemed to stretch and contract, each passing moment carrying them further away from the doomed star. An hour crawled by, punctuated only by the soft hum of the ship's engines.

Then, a sudden jolt tore through the vessel. A blinding flash erupted in the distance, visible even through the ship's advanced shielding. The void itself seemed to ripple and distort, a silent testament to the cataclysmic event unfolding beyond their visual range.

The Infernal Steller Smith Devil Star was no more.

Yu Qing gasped, a wave of exhilaration washing over her. The sight of the distant explosion, a supernova blooming in the cosmic darkness, filled her with a sense of cathartic release. Years of simmering anger finally found an outlet. The tribe that had wrought such destruction upon her world, that had snatched everything she held dear, was gone, reduced to a cloud of interstellar dust.

Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision. Unable to contain herself, Yu Qing crossed the distance separating her from Wang Jian and wrapped him in a fierce hug. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "You avenged them. You avenged my people."

Wang Jian, caught off guard by her sudden embrace, hesitated for a moment. Then, he gently returned her hug, a hint of understanding in his eyes. He knew the weight of her past, the burden of loss she carried. This, perhaps, was a small act of solace, a way for her to move on.

"It wasn't just for you, Qing'er," he said softly. "But yes, it was a part of it." He didn't reveal the full extent of his motives. There was time for that later.

As the shockwaves from the distant explosion subsided, a solemn mood settled over the group. The pavilion members, while not privy to the personal history between Yu Qing and the Infernal Steller Smith Devils, couldn't help but feel the weight of the event. The vastness of space held a new resonance, a stark reminder of the consequences of conflict and the fragility of celestial bodies.

Cui Lan broke the silence. "With that threat neutralized, Master," she began, addressing Wang Jian, "where to next? Do you have a specific destination in mind?"

Wang Jian, his gaze fixed on the shimmering void, a map of possibilities unfurling in his mind. The hidden flying ship, a marvel of celestial technology, propelled them through the cosmos, a vessel unbound. He could steer them towards familiar territory, a safe haven within the Heavenly Jade Pavilion's vast network.

Or, he could chart a new course.

A wry smile played on his lips. The journey, it seemed, was far from over.

"Set course for X-98," he declared, a glint in his eyes. "The Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Race."

A flicker of surprise flitted across Cui Lan's face, quickly replaced by a stoic nod. "As you command, Master."

Yu Qing, momentarily confused, frowned. "The Blue Moon Eclipse?" she echoed, suspicion creeping into her voice. "Why there?"

Wang Jian's smile turned enigmatic. "Let's just say," he drawled, "I have some unfinished business. Business that requires a particular… expertise."

Yu Qing, her fiery satisfaction fading, cast a curious glance at Wang Jian.

What did he have planned for the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Race? Were they another target on his list? Or was there another motive hidden behind his decision?

As the Hidden Flying Ship sliced through the swirling void within a spatial tunnel, a monotonous hum filled the air. Wang Jian, his gaze fixed on the swirling vortex ahead, finally broke the silence.

"It'll be a long haul, Qing'er," Wang Jian finally said, turning to Yu Qing. "Why don't you get some rest? You must be exhausted after…" he trailed off, leaving the unspoken destruction of the Infernal Steller Smith Devil Tribe hanging in the air.

Yu Qing, her eyes heavy-lidded, nodded in agreement. The weight of recent events still pressed down on her. Witnessing the destruction of her former enemy had been cathartic, but it also left a void in its wake.

"You're right," she replied, her voice a low murmur. "I could use some time to…rest and think about what has happened."

A flicker of an idea sparked in Wang Jian's eyes. "Speaking of regrouping," he said, a sly smile playing on his lips, "there's a matter you might want to attend to with your newfound blade."

Yu Qing's brow furrowed slightly. "The reforged blade? What about it?"

"Remember," Wang Jian continued, "it's not just a powerful weapon. It holds a fragment of your celestial essence. Refining it into your Natal Treasure would significantly enhance your power."

Understanding dawned on Yu Qing's face. Integrating the reforged blade with her divine soul – becoming one with it – would allow her to unlock its full potential and amplify her own celestial abilities.

"You're absolutely right," she declared, a spark of determination flickering in her eyes.

Wang Jian then beckoned towards one of the Elders of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, a woman whose beauty was a bit inferior to Yu Qing's but held a more alluring, mature charm.

"Elder Mei," he addressed her, his voice holding a hint of authority, "Escort Lady Yu Qing to the Azure Phoenix Chamber. It's a well-shielded chamber, perfect for her undertaking."

Elder Mei bowed gracefully. "As you command, Master Wang Jian."

The Azure Phoenix Chamber, as its name suggested, was a marvel of celestial engineering. Wang Jian had personally inscribed it with complex array formations.

These formations, while invisible to the naked eye, possessed the ability to absorb excess spiritual and divine energy. This excess energy, instead of dissipating uselessly, would be channeled and distributed throughout the entire Hidden Flying Ship, subtly enhancing the cultivation environment for everyone on board.

Elder Mei, her movements imbued with practiced grace, led Yu Qing through the ship's opulent corridors, finally arriving at a massive obsidian door. With a flick of her wrist, the door slid open, revealing a chamber bathed in an ethereal blue light.

"This chamber is yours, Star Goddess," Elder Mei announced, her voice respectful. "May you find solace within its walls."

"Thank you, Elder Mei," Yu Qing said, a genuine smile gracing her lips. This unexpected kindness did much to alleviate her lingering doubts.

Elder Mei bowed slightly. "It is my pleasure, Star Goddess. Should you require anything, do not hesitate to call." With that, she turned and left Yu Qing to her solitude.

Once alone, Yu Qing closed her eyes, drawing in a deep breath. As exhaustion finally claimed her, she sank onto the plush cushions adorning the central platform.

Now that a semblance of peace had settled, her gaze drifted towards the velvet pouch resting on a nearby table. Inside, nestled within its soft lining, lay the reforged blade – a conduit to her former power.

A determined glint flickered in her eyes. Once she was well-

rested, it was time to forge a deeper connection with the blade.

She planned to embark on a delicate process – refining it into her Natal Treasure. This intricate ritual would bind the blade to her divine soul, allowing her to wield its power with unparalleled control.

Meanwhile, within the ship's command center, a different scene unfolded. Wang Jian turned his gaze towards Cui Lan and the other Elders of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion. The playful glint in his eyes morphed into something more predatory.

"Ladies," he drawled, his voice taking on a suggestive tone, "I believe a celebration is in order. What do you say we head to my quarters? I have a few… celebratory refreshments I'd love to share."

The Elders exchanged a knowing glance.

They were no strangers to Wang Jian's carnal desires, their subservience a result of a twisted pact far beyond their control. A slight blush crept across Cui Lan's cheeks, but none of them dared to voice an objection.

With a resigned sigh, she rose, her silk robes whispering against the polished floor.

"As you wish, Master Wang Jian," she said, her voice laced with a hint of forced sensuality. The other Elders followed suit, a parade of beauty tinged with a subtle air of despair.

The journey to his chambers was a silent one, the unspoken tension hanging heavy in the air.

The heavy chamber door closed with a soft thud, muffling the sounds that erupted from within. The air crackled with a raw, primal energy that seeped out from beneath the door, a testament to the depraved indulgence unfolding within.

Hours melted into an eternity, punctuated only by the muffled sounds of pleasure and exertion.

The Elders, despite the involuntary nature of their participation, found themselves caught in a whirlwind of forbidden ecstasy, their bodies responding to Wang Jian's masterful control.

Finally, as dawn painted the celestial canvas with streaks of gold and crimson, the sounds subsided.

Exhausted but strangely exhilarated, the Elders emerged from Wang Jian's chamber, their faces flushed, and their eyes glazed with a strange mixture of shame and satisfaction.

Wang Jian, on the other hand, seemed invigorated. A cruel humor flickered across his face.

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