Chapter 593 Chu Yang's Secret Anger At Lin Fei

The news of the Astral Jade City's recruitment drive echoed like thunder across the Eastern Cosmos. Factions big and small buzzed with speculation.

Some admired Wang Jian's boldness, others scoffed at the quality of recruits gathered from a single month-long trial.

Regardless of opinion, one thing remained undeniable – Astral Jade City had demonstrably strengthened its position.

However, beneath the surface, a clandestine war of information raged. Spies from rival factions, like Chen Feng of the Star Cloud Sect, had infiltrated the ranks of Astral Jade City's new recruits.

Whispers estimated their numbers to be around ten percent, a seemingly insignificant figure.

Yet, in the context of the thousand or so recruited experts, this translated to a hundred individuals potentially undermining Astral Jade City's operations from within.

Wang Jian, however, remained unfazed. His cunning mind was already a step ahead. Scattering these spies across the vast territory of Astral Jade City would ultimately weaken the entire system. Instead, he devised a more intricate plan.

With a sly smile gracing his lips, he assigned every single one of these "recruits" – including Chen Feng – to the Eastern Borders.

These unwitting pawns, unaware of Wang Jian's knowledge of their true allegiances, found themselves united under the banner of the Eastern Border garrison.

The question remained – how had Wang Jian identified them?

The answer lay with the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, the undisputed powerhouse of the Eastern Cosmos.

Behind its facade of serene elegance, the Pavilion housed a formidable intelligence network – one that remained shrouded in secrecy from even the most seasoned cultivators.

This network's true strength lay not in brute force, but in an unconventional approach – a network of captivating women.

These beautiful cultivators, strategically dispersed across the Eastern Cosmos, were masters of honey trapping.

Their targets? Men of influence and authority within rival factions.

Through charm and subtle manipulation, these women weaved their way into the hearts and minds of their unsuspecting prey, expertly extracting valuable information.

Men, notoriously weak before a charming lady, would readily divulge even the most guarded secrets, oblivious to the consequences.

This covert operation, built upon the irresistible allure of beauty, was a testament to the Heavenly Jade Pavilion's resourcefulness. The sheer number of female cultivators within the Pavilion provided them with an unparalleled advantage in building such a vast intelligence network.

Meanwhile, within the Eastern Borders, Chen Feng and his fellow "recruits" stewed in their newly assigned roles. Each believed themselves a lone wolf, undetected within the system they intended to dismantle. Little did they know, Wang Jian had them all caged in a single den, ready to be sprung upon.

The news of their relocation reached the various factions they represented. The Star Cloud Sect, the Crimson Star Settlement, the Azure Gale Sect - all received the same message.

The unexpected concentration of their spies within the Eastern Borders sent a jolt of excitement through the rival factions.

These meticulously chosen operatives, strategically placed throughout Astral Jade City's vast territory, were now clustered within arm's reach of the city's inner workings.

A stroke of serendipity!

Far from being alarmed, the rival factions saw this as a golden opportunity.

Their spies, now seemingly promoted to positions of influence within the Eastern Borders garrison, could wreak havoc from within.

With a newfound sense of urgency, the elders and sect leaders huddled together, devising even more aggressive plans to capitalize on this unexpected advantage.

Blinded by their arrogance and oblivious to the bigger picture, the rival factions focused solely on the high-status Wang Jian had bestowed upon their spies.

They saw this as a golden opportunity to exploit these seemingly influential positions within the Eastern Borders garrison, devising even more aggressive plans without realizing the full scope of Wang Jian's scheme.

A crisp breeze swept through the Star Cloud Sect as Lin Fei and Chu Yang strode through the expansive grounds. Back in the Celestial Battlefield, they had forged a bond built on trust and shared experiences. Now, within the walls of the Star Cloud Sect, their paths diverged slightly.

Chen Feng had paved the way for their arrival, informing the elders of their exceptional talents and the potential benefits of fostering a strong relationship with them. The elders, astute cultivators with a keen eye for talent, warmly welcomed them both.

However, a subtle difference in their treatment became apparent. Lin Fei, with his connection to the Ancient Phoenix Clan, received an especially warm reception. The Ancient Phoenix Clan, considered the pinnacle of the Eastern Cosmos' avian creatures,enjoyed immense respect as one of the most powerful beast clans. In the wake of the White Tiger Clan's alliance with the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, strengthening ties with the Phoenix Clan was a strategic move for the Star Cloud Sect.

Chu Yang, though acknowledged for his skills, wasn't showered with the same level of attention. Initially, he brushed it off, attributing it to Lin Fei's more ostentatious personality. But as days turned into weeks, the disparity became undeniable.

Lin Fei, seemingly overnight, became the beneficiary of a treasure trove. Rare cultivation resources, potent pills, and powerful artifacts flowed his way. Elders competed for his favor, showering him with gifts and opportunities. One such opportunity left Chu Yang seething beneath his stoic facade.

Sect Leader Ba, a man normally stoic and reserved, was seen personally arranging a meeting between Lin Fei and his daughter, Ba Rong'er.

Ba Rong'er is a vision of ethereal beauty, was known throughout the sect for her intelligence and cultivation prowess.

It was clear – Sect Leader Ba was proposing a marriage alliance between Lin Fei and Ba Rong'er.

This news struck Chu Yang like a bolt of lightning. He had developed a subtle admiration for Ba Rong'er, but his lower standing within the Sect had prevented him from pursuing any such notion. Now, his hidden feelings were threatened with a brutal reality.

He clenched his fists, knuckles turning white. Publicly, he remained composed. Inside, however, a storm raged. He couldn't sabotage Lin Fei directly – the consequences would be dire. But something had to be done. The idea of another man claiming Ba Rong'er fueled a silent determination within him.

That night, under the cloak of darkness, Chu Yang sought out an elder known for his unorthodox methods – Elder Xuan. The rumors surrounding Elder Xuan spoke of his vast network of informants and his willingness to partake in less-than-

conventional tasks, provided the rewards were enticing enough.

Chu Yang arrived at Elder Xuan's secluded residence, his heart pounding a frantic rhythm against his ribs. He had never before embarked on a course of action so fraught with potential danger. But the thought of another claiming Ba Rong'er spurred him on. Stepping into Elder Xuan's dimly lit chamber, he steeled his nerves and laid out his proposition.

"Elder Xuan," Chu Yang began, his voice barely above a whisper, "I have a proposition for you, one that would benefit both of us."

Elder Xuan, a wiry man with eyes that gleamed like polished gemstones, listened intently as Chu Yang revealed his desire to disrupt the arranged marriage. He proposed a series of tasks, each more perilous than the last, the completion of which would ensure Elder Xuan's support.

A tense silence hung in the air as Elder Xuan considered the proposition. The potential rewards were indeed considerable, but so were the risks. Finally, a smile played on his lips. "An intriguing offer, young Chu Yang," he rasped, his voice like dry leaves rustling in the wind. "But be warned, the path you tread is fraught with peril."

Chu Yang met Elder Xuan's gaze with unwavering determination. "I understand the risks, Elder. But I am willing to take them," he declared, his resolve hardening.

With a curt nod and a cryptic warning, Elder Xuan sealed the deal. A hidden war had begun, waged not on battlefields but in the shadows, where ambition, desire, and deception would rewrite the narrative of the Star Cloud Sect and ultimately, the fate of Ba Rong'er's hand in marriage.

The simmering tension between Chu Yang and Lin Fei for Ba Rong'er's affections remained a hidden duel, but Chu Yang knew he needed a trump card. The favor of the elders was essential, and with Lin Fei enjoying the Sect Leader's support, Chu Yang set his sights on Elder Xuan, a notoriously reclusive cultivator known for his unorthodox methods and disregard for established hierarchy.

Gaining Elder Xuan's trust was no easy feat. Unlike the other elders, impressed by Lin Fei's lineage, Elder Xuan demanded results, not connections. His tasks were notoriously dangerous, bordering on suicidal. Yet, Chu Yang saw his opportunity.

Chu Yang's first assignment was a baptism by fire. He was sent to retrieve a rare Lunar Bloom, a flower that bloomed only under the light of a full moon atop Mount Grimtooth, a notoriously volatile volcano. The mountain was home to magma wyrms, fearsome creatures whose fiery breath could melt solid stone. Armed with a tattered map and a borrowed spirit sword, Chu Yang embarked on his perilous journey.

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