Chapter 594 Chu Yang's Request To Elder Xuan

?The climb was arduous, the air thick with sulfurous fumes. The ground trembled beneath his feet as molten rock churned within the volcano. Just as exhaustion threatened to overwhelm him, he heard the guttural roar of a magma wyrm. A hulking beast, its scales glowing red-hot, emerged from a fissure in the mountainside.

Chu Yang's heart pounded like a drum. He knew brute force wouldn't suffice. He needed strategy. Remembering a forgotten technique from an ancient text, he channeled his spiritual energy, creating a blinding illusion of a shimmering lake in the wyrm's path.

The beast, lured by the promise of cool water, lunged forward, only to be met with a scorching wall of rock. Distracted, Chu Yang leaped forward, his borrowed sword flashing in the moonlight. With a perfectly aimed thrust, he severed a vital artery in the monster's neck.

The wyrm collapsed with an earthshaking thud, the Lunar Bloom glowing faintly amidst the cooling lava. Chu Yang, battered but triumphant, managed to retrieve the flower before the next eruption. He returned to the Star Cloud Sect a hero, Elder Xuan's respect a flicker in his steely gaze.

News of his feat spread like wildfire. Disciples whispered tales of his courage and resourcefulness. Chu Yang, however, didn't let fame cloud his judgment. He knew Elder Xuan wouldn't be easily impressed.

Next came a series of missions – negotiating trade deals with a reclusive clan of spirit alchemists, renowned for their volatile concoctions, and retrieving a rare meteorite rumored to be nestled deep within a labyrinth guarded by spectral guardians. Each task pushed him to his limits, testing his physical prowess, his cultivation skills, and his ability to navigate treacherous social landscapes.

He learned to barter with shrewd merchants, offering them obscure artifacts and forgotten techniques in exchange for the spirit alchemists' prized elixirs. He navigated the labyrinth with a stolen map and a borrowed jade pendant that emitted a faint pulse, guiding him away from the ghostly guardians. Each successful mission brought him closer to Elder Xuan's inner circle, and with it, access to the knowledge and resources he craved.

Chu Yang, unlike Lin Fei who relied solely on gifts and displays of strength, amassed a fortune of his own. By selling a portion of the rare herbs and artifacts he retrieved, he acquired high-grade cultivation pills, powerful talismans, and even a rare spirit beast egg. His name became synonymous with daring exploits and successful acquisitions.

Elder Xuan, initially a skeptic, couldn't help but be impressed. The young man's resourcefulness, his ability to improvise and think under pressure, had proven invaluable. He began entrusting Chu Yang with more sensitive assignments, missions that required not just strength, but also a sharp mind and a strategic approach.

Chu Yang, with each perilous task he completed, was weaving his own web of power and influence.

And finally, the day came for the final task by Elder Xuan.

With a rasping cough, the Elder cleared his throat, his voice like dry parchment scraping against itself.

"Chu Yang," he rasped, his eyes glinting with an unsettling avarice, "I have an assignment for you. Within the desolate Barren Peaks lies the abandoned Tomb of the Howling Wolf King, a notorious cultivator who met his demise centuries ago."

Chu Yang felt a shiver crawl down his spine. The Howling Wolf King was a legend whispered across campfires, a tale of immense power and a terrible curse that befell those who dared disturb his final resting place.

"But Elder," Chu Yang stammered, "isn't the Howling Wolf King's tomb said to be guarded by terrifying spectral wolves?"

A sly smile played on Elder Xuan's lips. "Precisely," he chuckled, "but there's more. Legend whispers that the tomb holds a jade medallion, rumored to possess the power to amplify one's sound-based attacks tenfold."

Chu Yang's hesitation dissolved, replaced by a spark of ambition. Increased power? That was exactly what he needed to surpass Lin Fei and win Ba Rong'er's heart. "I accept the assignment, Elder!" he declared with newfound confidence.

For the next few days, Chu Yang meticulously researched the Barren Peaks and the Howling Wolf King. He scoured ancient scrolls, consulted grimoires on spectral beings, and even bribed a retired treasure hunter for firsthand accounts of the cursed tomb.

Armed with knowledge and a carefully crafted set of talismans meant to ward off spectral attacks, Chu Yang embarked on his perilous journey. The journey itself was fraught with danger. Razor-sharp wind howled across the desolate landscape, and ominous shadows danced at the edges of his vision. He battled sandstorms that threatened to swallow him whole and skirted the territory of territorial Rock Lizards known for their crushing jaws and impenetrable hide.

Finally, after days of relentless travel, Chu Yang arrived at the foot of the desolate Barren Peaks. The air crackled with a sense of foreboding, and the silence felt heavy, broken only by the mournful howl of a lone wolf echoing in the distance.

The entrance to the tomb was a gaping maw in the mountainside, shrouded in an unnatural mist. Taking a deep breath, Chu Yang activated his talismans and plunged into the inky darkness.

The tomb was a labyrinth of twisting passages and crumbling chambers. The very air reeked of decay, and spectral wolves, formed from wisps of spectral energy, materialized around him, their unearthly howls chilling him to the bone.

Chu Yang fought with a ferocity born of desperation. His knowledge gleaned from the scrolls served him well. He used his talismans to disrupt the cohesion of the spectral wolves, then unleashed a barrage of lightning-infused attacks, dispatching them one by one.

Finally, after hours of navigating the treacherous tomb, Chu Yang stumbled upon a hidden chamber. In the center, bathed in a faint ethereal glow, lay the Jade Howling Medallion. Just as he reached for it, a massive spectral wolf, its eyes blazing with malevolent power, materialized before him. This was the Howling Wolf King himself, a creature of unimaginable power and malice.

A desperate battle ensued. Chu Yang dodged the ghostly wolf's razor-sharp claws, weaving between phantom attacks. He unleashed a torrent of his most potent lightning strikes, shattering the spectral form of the Howling Wolf King again and again. However, the spectral wolf would simply reform, its howls growing more deafening with each attack.

Just when exhaustion threatened to claim him, Chu Yang remembered the forgotten lore about the Howling Wolf King. The creature was said to be vulnerable to silence. With a surge of inspiration, he channeled his spiritual energy, creating a sphere of pure silence around him. The Howling Wolf King howled, its sound muffled and distorted within the sphere. The silence amplified the spectral wolf's weakness, causing it to dissipate into nothingness with a final, mournful wail.

Panting heavily, Chu Yang snatched the Jade Howling Medallion. It pulsed with a faint green energy, a testament to its hidden power. He secured the medallion within his robes and made his escape from the tomb, just as the spectral wolves surrounding the entrance solidified, their howls echoing across the Barren Peaks.

The journey back was arduous but triumphant.

Chu Yang emerged from the mist-shrouded entrance of the Barren Peaks, his clothes tattered and sweat-drenched. He clutched a small pouch containing the Jade Howling Medallion, a testament to his perilous journey and hard-won victory.

With a triumphant swagger, he ventured back to the Star Cloud Sect, his mind already calculating his next move. Elder Xuan's chambers awaited, filled with the promise of a hefty reward and perhaps even a slight elevation in his standing within the sect.

Pushing open the heavy oak doors, he found Elder Xuan ensconced in his usual spot, surrounded by dusty scrolls and shimmering vials. A faint smile cracked across the Elder's weathered face as he caught sight of Chu Yang.

"Ah, young Chu Yang," the Elder rasped, his voice like dry leaves rustling in the wind. "You've returned. And judging by the glint in your eye, I'd say your expedition was a success?"

Chu Yang laid a small velvet pouch on the table, its weight hinting at the treasures within. "Indeed, Elder Xuan. The Howling Wolf King's tomb held more than just its fair share of dangers. It also held this," he declared, revealing the Jade Howling Medallion.

Elder Xuan's eyes widened. He snatched the medallion, his gnarled fingers tracing the intricate jade carvings. "Impressive, Chu Yang," he admitted, a hint of grudging respect in his voice. "This possesses considerable power. You've done well."

Chu Yang beamed, basking in the rare praise. "I appreciate the recognition, Elder. However, I know there's more you can provide."

Elder Xuan's smile faded, replaced by a shrewd glint. "Speak plainly, young Chu Yang. What exactly do you desire?"

"You know of my current predicament," Chu Yang began, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "The arranged marriage between Lin Fei and Ba Rong'er..."

Elder Xuan chuckled, a dry, humorless sound. "Ah yes, a matter of the heart, it seems. How can I, a humble Elder, interfere in such matters? The decision rests solely with Sect Leader Ba."

Chu Yang leaned closer, his gaze unwavering. "Elder Xuan, your influence within the sect isn't exactly...negligible. What I need is a way to tarnish Lin Fei's image, to shatter the illusion of perfection surrounding him."

"Tarnish his reputation?" Elder Xuan echoed, stroking his beard thoughtfully. "How do you propose we achieve that?"

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