Chapter 615 Negotiations With Other Cosmos Leaders

A tense silence hung heavy in the air after Wang Jian's question. Finally, Yun Tian, unable to contain his arrogance any longer, leaned forward, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Unauthorized entry?" he scoffed, his voice dripping with disdain. "Who are you to claim ownership of an entire Cosmos? Only a Godking has the right to such a title!"

As he spoke, Yun Tian unleashed his aura, a potent wave of energy that rippled outwards from his Divine Ascension Realm cultivation base.

It was a blatant attempt at intimidation, a show of force from a cultivator at the peak of the Divine Ascension Realm – a level above Wang Jian's own Divine Harmony Realm.

He wanted to show off his power, which was designed to cow Wang Jian and perhaps even impress the assembled beauties.

However, a subtle smile played on Wang Jian's lips. The pressure, though substantial, did nothing to faze him. Inwardly, he chuckled. Yun Tian, blinded by his own power, had underestimated him.

He unleashed his own aura in response, a complex blend of energy that defied categorization. There was the raw power of the elements, the unyielding essence of the dragon, the scorching heat of the devil, and the ethereal purity of a celestial angel. This strange concoction of powers, a testament to his unique cultivation path, slammed into Yun Tian's aura, pushing back with surprising force.

The room gasped. Yun Tian's eyes widened in disbelief. His attempt at suppression had failed spectacularly. Not only did his aura fail to overpower Wang Jian, but it was met with resistance beyond his expectations. This unassuming man, radiating an aura composed of seemingly contradictory elements, held his ground with surprising ease.

The other delegates, too, couldn't help but be affected by this display of power. The Dragon Emperor Star God, the Ghost Emperor Astral Spirit, the Nether Empress Astral Spirit, and even Brahma Divine Star Goddess – all felt a jolt of surprise.

This Wang Jian, the man they had previously considered a minor player in the grand cosmic scheme, possessed an aura that defied understanding. Its raw power and unexpected composition left them intrigued and wary.

Undeterred by the change in atmosphere, Yun Tian decided to change tactics. He cast a lascivious glance at Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan, his eyes lingering on her exquisite form a little too long. "Such a gathering of beauty," he drawled, his voice dripping with a false charm. "Perhaps this delegation can prove mutually beneficial in more ways than one."

Wang Jian's smile remained unchanged, but his eyes acquired a steely glint.

From his seat, Dong Zhuo, seemingly unfazed by the drama unfolding, cleared his throat and spoke. "We were drawn to this Cosmos," he began, his voice surprisingly calm, "by a divine revelation. It spoke of a legacy – the legacy of the Godkings – hidden within the Eastern Cosmos."

Wang Jian nodded, his gaze unwavering. "Divine revelation, eh? An interesting coincidence. Perhaps the same revelation found its way to the Western Cosmos as well?"

His question hung in the air, and before anyone else could respond, Yun Tian interjected, inflating himself further. "Of course it did!" he declared, his voice booming. "It was I who received that very same revelation! It was under my leadership that the Western Cosmos factions united to seek this fabled Godking legacy."

A knowing smile played on Wang Jian's lips. He turned his gaze towards Huang Zhi, the angelic-demonic figure from the North. "And you, Lord Huang Zhi? Were you similarly blessed?"

Huang Zhi, unlike the boisterous Yun Tian, remained calm and collected. A hint of a smile played on his lips as he met Wang Jian's gaze. "Indeed," he replied, his voice surprisingly deep and resonant. "The whispers of the Godking legacy reached even the Northern Cosmos. I, too, felt compelled to investigate this matter."

A satisfied look settled on Wang Jian's face. This was exactly the confirmation he had been seeking. The 'divine revelations' these individuals claimed were indeed a coordinated effort, orchestrated by the Heavenly Dao to disrupt his rise to power.

Yun Tian, unable to resist another leer, turned his gaze back to Cui Lan. "Speaking of legacies," he drawled, his voice dripping with a predatory glint, "rumor has it that one of the Godking battlefields, the Celestial Godking Battlefield, falls under the control of your esteemed Heavenly Jade Pavilion."

A collective gasp rippled through the delegations from the West, South, and North. All eyes converged on Cui Lan, waiting for her response. Would she confirm or deny the rumor? The weight of the situation seemed to press down on her.

However, before Cui Lan could utter a word, Wang Jian cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention back to him. "The rumors are true," he declared calmly. "The Celestial Godking Battlefield does indeed lie within the territory overseen by the Heavenly Jade Pavilion."

A wave of surprise washed over the room. No one had anticipated this open admission from Wang Jian. The Western delegates exchanged excited glances. The Southern and Northern leaders leaned forward, their expressions hardening with a mix of anticipation and curiosity.

Wang Jian continued, his voice unwavering. "However," he added, "despite years of exploration, the Heavenly Jade Pavilion has not yet discovered the fabled Godking legacy within the battlefield."

Disappointment flickered across the faces of the delegates, but it was quickly replaced by a flicker of hope. If the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, with all its resources, had failed to find the legacy, perhaps it was still there for the taking.

Sensing the shift in their demeanor, Wang Jian presented an offer. "If your delegations are interested," he said, his tone measured, "the Heavenly Jade Pavilion is willing to consider granting limited access to the Celestial Godking Battlefield. Of course, such access would come with certain conditions."

A murmur of discussion erupted amongst the delegations. The prospect of entering a legendary Godking battlefield was too tempting to ignore. Opportunities for resources, hidden techniques, and perhaps even a chance at the legacy itself – the potential rewards were immense.

However, Yun Tian, ever the arrogant peacock, couldn't resist an opportunity to stir trouble. He glared at Wang Jian, a sneer twisting his lips. "And who are you, Lord Wang, to speak on matters concerning the Heavenly Jade Pavilion?" he scoffed. "Do you consider yourself the owner of this esteemed organization?"

His words dripped with malice, aiming to sow discord between Wang Jian and Cui Lan. Yun Tian had no idea of the true power dynamic between them.

In his mind, Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan, the leader of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, would naturally be the one who is master of a lowly city lord like Wang Jian. He had hoped to exploit any potential friction between leader and master to further his own agenda. He would never have imagined that Cui Lan would be the slave of Wang Jian.

Cui Lan also saw through his ploy. A dangerous glint flickered in her eyes as she addressed Yun Tian directly.

"Lord Yun Tian," she said, her voice laced with frosty politeness, "I suggest you refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion. Wang Jian speaks for me and for my Heavenly Jade Pavilion. As for your concern about the Godking legacy," she continued, her gaze sweeping across the delegations, "let me be clear. There is only one such legacy within the Celestial Godking Battlefield. The others, if they exist, are likely scattered throughout the vast reaches of the Eastern Cosmos."

Her words dampened the enthusiasm slightly, but the prospect of a single legacy within the battlefield still held significant allure. Negotiations, it seemed, were about to begin.

A hush fell over the room as Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan began to expound on the details. "The Celestial Godking Battlefield," she explained, her voice cool and professional, "rests deep within the Starry Cluster, which forms the core territory of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion. To facilitate your access, we are prepared to establish a temporary spatial tunnel connecting the vicinity of Astral Jade City with the battlefield itself."

Relief washed over some delegates. A direct path meant less risk and uncertainty. Yet, Cui Lan's voice turned steely as she continued."However," she declared, her gaze sweeping across the room, "access comes with conditions."

The first condition was clear. The delegations would be granted entry solely to the Celestial Godking Battlefield. The vast expanse of the Starry Cluster remained off-limits. "We will not tolerate disruptions to the purity of our territory," she stated, her eyes flashing with a chilling glint. "Any transgression will be met with swift and decisive action. Consider this a fair warning, especially for those who struggle to control their...impulses."

A pointed glance landed on Yun Tian, who flushed a deep crimson. The other delegates cast disdainful looks in his direction, a stark reminder of his earlier brashness.

Undeterred, Cui Lan continued, outlining the second condition. "To gain access, each delegation will be required to offer resources and herbs unique to your respective Cosmos, proportional to the time you spend within the battlefield."

This condition, while stringent, wasn't insurmountable for these powerful leaders. Each possessed vast resources at their disposal.

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