Chapter 616 Visiting Angel Clan's Star

?The third condition was simple yet crucial: "Non-aggression towards any member of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion," Cui Lan declared, her gaze sweeping across the room once more. "This includes officials stationed within Astral Jade City."

Several more conditions followed, each one carefully discussed and agreed upon by the delegates from the North, South, and West Cosmoses. The negotiations were lengthy but ultimately successful, culminating in a tentative agreement for access to the Celestial Godking Battlefield.

As the final details were ironed out, the Dragon Emperor Star God, a man with the air of an imposing celestial dragon, cleared his throat and addressed Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan. "Now," he began, his voice booming, "regarding the Scarlet Star Slaughter Goddess…"

Cui Lan's eyes widened in surprise, while Yu Qing's entire demeanor shifted, fury hardening her features. Before the Dragon Emperor could finish, a wave of oppressive aura washed over the room, emanating from Wang Jian. The temperature plummeted, and a heavy silence descended.

"There will be no exchanges regarding Yu Qing," Wang Jian stated, his voice devoid of emotion but laced with an undercurrent of icy power. "She is my wife, and no treasure in the cosmos is worth even a single strand of her hair."

The Dragon Emperor, unfazed, countered with a snort and unleashed his own formidable aura, a powerful wave of dragon might that clashed with Wang Jian's oppressive energy. The room shimmered as their auras fought for dominance. "So be it," the Dragon Emperor growled, the air crackling around him. "But mark my words, Scarlet Star Slaughter Goddess, you will be mine, one way or another."

However, both he and the other Western Cosmos delegates understood the futility of a fight within the Heavenly Jade Pavilion's stronghold. The Dragon Emperor, while powerful, wasn't about to risk an all-out war in these circumstances. He begrudgingly lowered his aura, followed by Wang Jian, bringing a tense peace back to the room.

A delicate balance had been struck. Access to the legendary Celestial Godking Battlefield was granted, but at a cost. The delegates from the other Cosmoses would be closely monitored during their exploration, and the power dynamic between the Eastern Cosmos and the rest had been subtly established. Wang Jian, despite his relatively lower cultivation level, had displayed a level of authority and power that surprised everyone, leaving them with much to ponder.

The delegations, having reached an agreement, retired to their respective quarters within Astral Jade City. The news of the Celestial Godking Battlefield spread like wildfire through the city, sending ripples of excitement and anticipation through the streets. Meanwhile, within the secluded chambers of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, Wang Jian and Cui Lan discussed the events that had transpired.

"They will cause trouble," Cui Lan stated, her voice laced with concern. "They seek not just the legacies, but also to disrupt the balance of power in the Eastern Cosmos."

"Let them try," Wang Jian replied calmly, his gaze unwavering. "We have grown in strength, and I have a feeling this is just the beginning."

A shadow of worry flickered across Cui Lan's face. "The Dragon Emperor," she began, "his interest in Yu Qing…"

Wang Jian smiled reassuringly. "He will not dare act recklessly. Not within our domain. But," he continued, his eyes hardening, "we need to be prepared. The coming days will test our strength and our unity."

The following day, a steady stream of exotic resources and herbs began arriving at the Heavenly Jade Pavilion. Each delegation leader, eager to secure access to the Celestial Godking Battlefield, had fulfilled their promise, offering treasures unique to their respective Cosmoses.

The first to venture into the battlefield were Huang Zhi and the Devil Race leader from the North. The beautiful Angel Race leader remained behind, tasked with overseeing their faction's affairs within the Eastern Cosmos. This seemingly logical division raised eyebrows within the Heavenly Jade Pavilion. Here was a woman of evident power and authority, yet relegated to a non-combat role.

The Western Cosmos followed suit. Yun Tian, the ever-arrogant peacock, led the charge, accompanied by the Dragon Emperor Star God, the Tyrannical Emperor Star God, and the enigmatic Ghost Emperor Astral Spirit. The seductive Brahma Divine Star Goddess and the mysterious Nether Empress Astral Spirit stayed behind, entrusted with managing their respective Star God and Astral Wraith factions.

Finally, from the South, Dong Zhuo and his Corrupt Dragon Clan leader father entered the battlefield. His wife's mother, the stunning Nature Clan leader, remained in the Eastern Cosmos to represent their Southern faction.

Wang Jian, observing these developments, couldn't help but notice a pattern. The men, consumed by ambition, sought the Godking legacy. The women, seemingly relegated to administrative roles, were left behind. Did they truly hold no interest in the legacy? Or was something more at play? A smirk played on his lips as a devious plan began to take shape.

He vividly recalled the lecherous gazes these powerful men had cast upon his harem. They had ogled his beauties with a blatant disrespect that demanded retribution. Wang Jian, ever the strategist, decided to strike back in a way that would amuse the women he held dear.

His plan was audacious, bordering on the depraved. He would seduce the very women who were close to them.

The Angel Race princess and leader, the alluring Brahma Divine Star Goddess, the enigmatic Nether Empress, any wife of the Dragon Emperor or Tyrannical Emperor, and finally, the enchanting Nature Clan leader and princess – they would all be targets in his game of love and power.

His first target: Celestial Maiden Yuqing, leader of the Angel Race.

To approach her, Wang Jian needed a plausible excuse. He decided on a visit, claiming his wives, particularly Hong Meilin, with her seraphic bloodline spirit, and Han Xifeng, possessing the spirit of Holy Angel Amara, desired to meet the leader of their kind. He had noticed Celestial Maiden Yuqing's subtle interest in Hong Meilin's angelic aura during the meeting, a clear sign of recognition. Though the extent of this recognition remained unclear, it was enough for an introduction.

With his plan set, Wang Jian summoned Hong Meilin and Han Xifeng. They readily grasped his intention, their own desires aligning with his. They were more than happy to aid him in this conquest.

Wang Jian, along with his wife and concubine, departed on a grand flying ship towards the designated galaxy housing the Northern factions. It was a massive vessel, capable of traversing the vast distances of the Cosmos in comfort and style. As they journeyed, Wang Jian filled his wives in on the finer details of his plan. They would arrive under the pretense of a friendly visit, using their angelic heritage to charm Celestial Maiden Yuqing and create an opening for Wang Jian.

Meanwhile, within the Northern Cosmos contingent, Celestial Maiden Yuqing, a woman embodying celestial grace and serenity, received word of Wang Jian's impending visit. A flicker of curiosity crossed her features. While she initially dismissed it as a mere courtesy call, the mention of angelic bloodlines piqued her interest. Could these women possess genuine celestial bloodlines.

Intrigued, she decided to grant them an audience. Perhaps this meeting would provide much-needed information about the strange energy she had sensed in Hong Meilin, an energy strangely reminiscent of a forgotten angelic bloodline spirit.

Days bled into nights as their colossal Flying Ship traversed the vast tapestry of the Cosmos. The spatial tunnels, shimmering ribbons of energy, whisked them closer to their destination. Finally, after a journey fueled by shared laughter and calculated strategy, Wang Jian's vessel arrived at the designated star within the Northern Cosmos galaxy.

This star, unlike others teeming with vibrant life, was bathed in a soft, ethereal glow. It pulsated with an energy unmistakably angelic, a testament to the powerful Angel Clan residing within. As their ship approached, a figure materialized before them. It was Celestial Maiden Yuqing, her radiant beauty mirroring the star's glow.

Her initial apprehension regarding the unexpected visit had transformed into genuine intrigue.

Given Wang Jian's position within the Heavenly Jade Pavilion and his apparent favor with Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan, she deemed it prudent to extend a warm welcome.

With a graceful wave of her hand, Celestial Maiden Yuqing cleared a path, allowing the Flying Ship to enter the star. The massive vessel, dwarfed by the celestial expanse, docked within a designated landing zone.

Emerging from the ship, Wang Jian, Han Xifeng, and Hong Meilin were greeted by a contingent of celestial beings, their wings shimmering in the ethereal light.

Celestial Maiden Yuqing, her gaze lingering on Hong Meilin and Han Xifeng, felt a jolt run through her. An undeniable angelic aura emanated from them, pure and potent. It rivaled the strength of her own bloodline, hinting at remarkable potential within these women.

"Welcome, esteemed guests," she addressed them, her voice lilting like a celestial chime. "The Angel Clan is honored by your visit." Hong Meilin stepped forward. "Celestial Maiden Yuqing, your beauty is legendary. It is an honor to meet you, a true beacon of light in the Cosmos."

Han Xifeng chimed in, "We, being of angelic descent ourselves, felt an irresistible pull towards this place. May we be so bold as to request a tour and learn more about your illustrious clan?"

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